weight alcove

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weight alcove

Post by bongobeat »

Hello there,

I post this here, because TheLastOrder asked if it can be used in log2:
(original thread in log1 forum: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6667)
I made a small modification, based on a script that minmay gives me.
There is still an issue, sorry but this comes at a point where I am lost :D

if you put a stack of (stackable) items it won't work.
e.g: if you put a stack of 12 shuriken (0,1kg each, for the alcw3 or alcw4)
It works only if you put the shurikens one by one.

I suppose it is because it has to count the items if there is stackable items.
I just think of that because Minmay gives me a script for a forge system, which check and count the stackable items.

Code: Select all

    weight = 0
    weight2 = 0
    weight3 = 0
    weight4 = 0
    finish = 0

    function weightcheck(surface, item)

    if finish == 0 then

    weight = 0
    weight2 = 0
    weight3 = 0
    weight4 = 0

       for _,i in alcw1.surface:contents() do
       weight = weight + i:getWeight()
       for _,j in alcw2.surface:contents() do
       weight2 = weight2 + j:getWeight()
       for _,k in alcw3.surface:contents() do
       weight3 = weight3 + k:getWeight()
       for _,l in alcw4.surface:contents() do
       weight4 = weight4 + l:getWeight()


    function check()

    if finish == 0 then

    if weight == 0.1 and
       weight2 == 0.2 and
       weight3 == 1.2 and
       weight4 == 1.2 then
       finish = 1

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Re: weight alcove

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Here is a relatively extensive solution - but you can take as much or as little as you like!

- The function getSurfaceWeight simply takes a surface component as a parameter and returns the weight of all items (including stacked items) on that surface.
- The function getManySurfaceWeights takes a list of strings and returns a 'dictionary' table where you can get the weight of each surface by key.
- The onSurfaceActivate function is an example of how to use each of these methods.

Code: Select all

-- Given a surface component, get the weight of all items on that surface.
-- Example: 
--     local weight = getSurfaceWeight(entity.surface);
--     hudPrint("Surface Weight: " .. weight);

function getSurfaceWeight(surface)
	if ( surface == nil ) then
		Console.warn("Attempted to measure weight on nil surface.");
		return 0;
	local totalWeight = 0;
	for _,item in surface:contents() do
		totalWeight = totalWeight + item:getWeight() * item:getStackSize();
	return totalWeight;

-- Given a list of names of entities with surfaces, return a table with all of surface weights.
-- Note. This does checks and warns you if you type in the wrong name of a surface.
-- Example: 
--     local weights = getManySurfaceWeights({"alcove1", "alcove2"});
--     hudPrint("alcove1 Weighs: " .. weights["alcove1"]);

function getManySurfaceWeights(surfaceNames)
	local result = { };

	if ( surfaceNames == nil ) then
		Console.warn("Attempted to get weights on zero surfaces.");
		return result;
	for _,surfaceName in ipairs(surfaceNames) do
		local entity = findEntity(surfaceName);
		if ( entity == nil or entity.surface == nil ) then
			Console.warn("Surface with name '" .. surfaceName .. "' doesn't exist.");
			result[surfaceName] = getSurfaceWeight(entity.surface);
	return result;

-- Function to hook into a surface's onInsertItem and onRemoveItem connectors.

function onAlcoveActivated(sender)
	-- For Testing, you could do this...
	local weight = getSurfaceWeight(sender);
	hudPrint("Stuff Weighs: " .. weight);
	-- For your sort of puzzle specifically, you do this...
	local weights = getManySurfaceWeights({"dng1_alcove1", "dng1_alcove2"});
	if ( weights["dng1_alcove1"] == 0.7 and weights["dng1_alcove2"] == 3.2 ) then
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Re: weight alcove

Post by Thorham »

JohnWordsworth beat me to it, but here's some code anyway. Handles stack sizes properly. Be sure to make two connectors per alcove. One for onInsertItem and one for onRemoveItem.

Code: Select all

isFinished = false

function weightcheck()
    if isFinished == true then

    if getWeight(alcw1) == 0.1 and
       getWeight(alcw2) == 0.2 and
       getWeight(alcw3) == 1.2 and
       getWeight(alcw4) == 1.2 then

        isFinished = true

function getWeight(alcove)
    local a
    local b = 0

    for _, a in alcove.surface:contents() do
        b = b + (a:getWeight() * a:getStackSize())

    return b
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Re: weight alcove

Post by TheLastOrder »


Yeah, I had to use caps. :lol:

I´m about 95% ready to launch a campaign... after 2 months of full dedication!!!

Of course the puzzle has different numbers and a close (but different) mechanic, but here´s the code I needed to understand how it works. :D

Thank you and thank you again!
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Re: weight alcove

Post by bongobeat »

thanks all :D
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Re: weight alcove

Post by bongobeat »

I have tested both script, it works not everywhere.

to Thorham :
it works
if I place a shuriken on alcw1 (0.1kg)
2 shuriken on alcw2 (0.2kg)
a branch in alcw3 and alcw4 (1,2 + 1,2 kg)

now if I put 12 shuriken in alcw3 instead of a branch, that don't work anymore, except if I put them one by one.

to JohnWordsworth:
it's the same thing. It depend on which alcove, if you put shurikens instead branchs it don't works.

here is the script, maybe am I configuring it wrong? the alcoves (mine_alcove_1, ..._2, etc..) are relied to the script, with insertItems and removeItems, on the OnAlcoveAct function

Code: Select all

    -- Given a surface component, get the weight of all items on that surface.
    -- Example:
    --     local weight = getSurfaceWeight(entity.surface);
    --     hudPrint("Surface Weight: " .. weight);

    function getSurfaceWeight(surface)
       if ( surface == nil ) then
          Console.warn("Attempted to measure weight on nil surface.");
          return 0;
       local totalWeight = 0;
       for _,item in surface:contents() do
          totalWeight = totalWeight + item:getWeight() * item:getStackSize();
       return totalWeight;

    -- Given a list of names of entities with surfaces, return a table with all of surface weights.
    -- Note. This does checks and warns you if you type in the wrong name of a surface.
    -- Example:
    --     local weights = getManySurfaceWeights({"alcove1", "alcove2"});
    --     hudPrint("alcove1 Weighs: " .. weights["alcove1"]);

    function getManySurfaceWeights(surfaceNames)
       local result = { };

       if ( surfaceNames == nil ) then
          Console.warn("Attempted to get weights on zero surfaces.");
          return result;
       for _,surfaceName in ipairs(surfaceNames) do
          local entity = findEntity(surfaceName);
          if ( entity == nil or entity.surface == nil ) then
             Console.warn("Surface with name '" .. surfaceName .. "' doesn't exist.");
             result[surfaceName] = getSurfaceWeight(entity.surface);
       return result;

    -- Function to hook into a surface's onInsertItem and onRemoveItem connectors.

    function onAlcoveActivated(sender)
       -- For Testing, you could do this...
       local weight = getSurfaceWeight(sender);
       hudPrint("Stuff Weighs: " .. weight);
       -- For your sort of puzzle specifically, you do this...
       local weights = getManySurfaceWeights({"mine_alcove_1" , "mine_alcove_2", "mine_alcove_3", "mine_alcove_4"});
       if ( weights["mine_alcove_1"] == 0.1 and weights["mine_alcove_2"] == 0.2 and weights["mine_alcove_3"] == 1.2 and weights["mine_alcove_4"] == 1.2) then
in this configuration, if you put, shurikens on the 1st and 2nd alcove, then branchs on the other alcove, it works very well.
if you replace branchs by shuriken, it don't work anymore

this is the 4th dimension :D
I have configured the weight in each alcove with different values for alcove 3 and 4, then I filled them only with shurikens.
I don't know why, but I figured that maybe, when the weight get a value > to 1, it goes into another dimension for the stackable items and maybe this goes behind the planck measures :D
or maybe is it 1.1 there?

mine_alcove_1 = 0.1
mine_alcove_2 = 0.2
mine_alcove_3 = 0.8 1.0
mine_alcove_4 = 0.8 2.0 1.1
works, no doubt on that!
then I ve change the value of the alcove4 to 1.2, it won't work anymore. I got boo, boo, and boo! :D
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Re: weight alcove

Post by Prozail »

It's a floating point error.. I have no good way of solving it but the following works.

Code: Select all

    -- Given a surface component, get the weight of all items on that surface.
    -- Example:
    --     local weight = getSurfaceWeight(entity.surface);
    --     hudPrint("Surface Weight: " .. weight);

    function getSurfaceWeight(surface)
       if ( surface == nil ) then
          Console.warn("Attempted to measure weight on nil surface.");
          return 0;
       local totalWeight = 0;
       for _,item in surface:contents() do
          totalWeight = totalWeight + item:getWeight() * item:getStackSize();
       return totalWeight;

    -- Given a list of names of entities with surfaces, return a table with all of surface weights.
    -- Note. This does checks and warns you if you type in the wrong name of a surface.
    -- Example:
    --     local weights = getManySurfaceWeights({"alcove1", "alcove2"});
    --     hudPrint("alcove1 Weighs: " .. weights["alcove1"]);

    function getManySurfaceWeights(surfaceNames)
       local result = { };

       if ( surfaceNames == nil ) then
          Console.warn("Attempted to get weights on zero surfaces.");
          return result;
       for _,surfaceName in ipairs(surfaceNames) do
          local entity = findEntity(surfaceName);
          if ( entity == nil or entity.surface == nil ) then
             Console.warn("Surface with name '" .. surfaceName .. "' doesn't exist.");
             result[surfaceName] = math.floor(getSurfaceWeight(entity.surface)*10);
       return result;

    -- Function to hook into a surface's onInsertItem and onRemoveItem connectors.

    function onAlcoveActivated(sender)
       -- For Testing, you could do this...
       local weight = getSurfaceWeight(sender);
       hudPrint("Stuff Weighs: " .. weight);
       -- For your sort of puzzle specifically, you do this...
       local weights = getManySurfaceWeights({"mine_alcove_1" , "mine_alcove_2", "mine_alcove_3", "mine_alcove_4"});
       if ( weights["mine_alcove_1"] == 1 and weights["mine_alcove_2"] == 2 and weights["mine_alcove_3"] == 12 and weights["mine_alcove_4"] == 12) then
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Re: weight alcove

Post by Thorham »

Yeah, it's a floating point comparison problem.

A better way to solve it is to check a range, for example, for 1.2 you check if the weight is between 1.195 and 1.205. The problem is the size of the range. How small can it be?

Edit: Code removed because crappy solution.
Last edited by Thorham on Fri Jan 09, 2015 10:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: weight alcove

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Well, I guess floating point errors are only going to affect very minor digits - so you can compare against a value so small that it would never be enough to sneak another object in there (in terms of Grimrock object weights).

Code: Select all

if math.abs(alcoveWeight - targetWeight) < 0.000001 then
  -- All good!
I will fix my code above later on this evening / over the weekend :).
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Re: weight alcove

Post by Thorham »

The weight unit really should have been grams instead of kilos, and only allow integer values for weights. The problem simply wouldn't exist then.
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