I can't say what the conditions are to trigger the island master into cloning himself or raise/refresh his shield. I've seen him do both rather early and also rather late in the battle. The clones will never have shields, they are just decoys to distract the player. The shield spell he uses absorbs a limited amount of damage (200-300 i think) and once you managed to beat thru it he can recast it at any time so when his shield falls hit him fast and hard!tschordi wrote:as I said, I can do that, but after some hits he multiplies. From this point on, I cannot hit him anymore. Either it is a clone who vanishes after 1 or 2 hits, or it is the shield guy with an endless shield. I did'nt recognize, that the shield disappears after enough hitting, be it only for a small amount of time.
A pretty good way to keep track of the island master even inside his pack of clones is poison bolt. Once poisoned his shield will absorb any damage of the spell but it will constantly blink as long as the poison stays and give away that he is the one to concentrate on.