Enough with the Spiders

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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Stalkingwolf »

i finished level 3 without knowing how to create a antivenom :lol:
i'm playing on hard and yes the spiders are hard. especially two of them the same time.
Keep moving and use your healing potion ( and dont forget moving, by searching them ;-) )
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Hans Von Mannschaft »

Hey, poison in LoG is damage-over-time. Let's rejoice the devs didn't make this component work just like it did in Eye of the Beholder, where getting poisoned meant insta-death :shock:
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by maethlin »

I can understand OP's frustration. I'm getting through this okay and I still think the pacing of this particular level is off. Up until now, there have been occasional challenging fights, but the spiders (to me anyway) are just exponentially harder. Yes I beat them without even using the door trick and only using a couple antivenoms and about 10 reloads... but towards the end it really wasn't much fun. Just repetitive.

I love a challenge and love this game for giving me a challenge, but challenge very easily crosses over into repetitive when there are lots of the same foe used to just grind you down. Reload, do a better job dodging, hope for better damage rolls, rinse, repeat. Most people don't' find this particularly fun. I'm neutral towards it but I don't think it adds to the game.

Granted, I think OP comes out a bit too harsh/sarcastic but responses of "lol don't suck" don't really add much to the conversation to be honest.
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Darklord »

You know what, yeah those spiders are tough. I died and had to reload maybe 5-10 times, but forced me to improve my tactics, eventually I got through and became a better player because of it.

Here's a tactic I used to beat those spiders!
When the spiders are in the rooms you can invariably stand at the entrance and when things get tough just shut the door! You can then sleep till your poison has gone and your health and energy are full then reopen the door and start bashing again!
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by spfiota »

OP is the reason modern games are so mindless and easy.

This isn't an FPS where you run in guns ablazing and everything dies pathetically to stoke your ego.

You've got to move cautiously, think, strategize, etc. I'm playing hard mode. I think I only used an antidote once on level 3, and that was before I realized I could sleep poison off. I got to that door with the spiders and I used strategy. I backed off. I hit them with spells. I had that first ice spell that hits everything in a line, so that helped, but I'm sure I could have handled it with something else. I never bothered exploiting the AI. Hit, move, avoid backing into a corner, quaff a healing potion as needed. It really isn't that hard.

I hope the game remains a challenge.
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Sirushimo »

Man, if u have a character poisoned and u dont have antidotes. Just go back to the crystal stone of lvl 3... step by step u will do it. (And im playing at hard mode) Just, kill 1 spider or 2, if someone gets poisoned go back to the crystal then go back and repeat. =)

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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Boppa »

The spiders are annoying but you need to take them on one at a time. The best strategy I found is that if you see a room with lots of them stand in front of the door, open it, unload all your damage then close it again. If you time it right, you can hit them before they get a chance to hit you. I am not sure if this counts as an exploit but I found it pretty impossible to fight them otherwise. Unless you open the door and run the hell away, then rest and pray they come at you one at a time.
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Kalamino »

Does spider venom become far more potent at deeper levels or something? I've yet to have a character die from poison while resting on hard mode.
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Mr.Monopoly »

No..There not Overpowered, you just have to kill them...simple don't take the damage, i'm playing on hard and i don't even get hit by a spider, if i do it hits my 150hp tank...so not a big deal
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by creocoder »

Guys stop crying like girls! Devs, please make spiders more stronger!
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