Coding advice needed

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Coding advice needed

Post by WaspUK1966 »

I`m working on a game, and have a creature that, when it attacks, there is a random chance of it taking one of your items that are being worn or held. The section of code I have written for this works as intended (see below):

Code: Select all

onDealDamage = function(self, champion, damage)
		x = math.random(1,6)
		y = math.random(1,10)
		if x == 3 and champion:getItem(y) ~= 0 then
		hudPrint("An item has been absorbed!")
I would like to alter the code so that it actually prints out the name of the item that has been taken, rather than the general "An item has been absorbed!" message. Ive tried diff variables in all sorts of combinations, but cant quite get it to work. Probably something simple I need to do, but cant see the wood because of the trees, so to speak. Any advice?
Last edited by WaspUK1966 on Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coding advice needed

Post by sapientCrow »

I am no coding guru but have you tried printing y?
as that is the variable holding the item name.
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Re: Coding advice needed

Post by Banaora »

Hey Wasp,

this should do it:

Code: Select all

onDealDamage = function(self, champion, damage)
  x = math.random(1,6)
  y = math.random(1,10)
  it = champion:getItem(y)
  if x == 3 and it ~= 0 then
    hudPrint(it.getUIName() .. " has been absorbed!")
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Re: Coding advice needed

Post by WaspUK1966 »

Hi. Tried your code. Keeps crashing to desktop when damage done. I`ve tried using UIName myself but couldn't get it to work properly. Still cant figure it out..

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Re: Coding advice needed

Post by Isaac »

Code: Select all

	onDealDamage = function(self, champion, damage)
				local x = math.random(1,6)
				local y = math.random(1,10)
				local it = champion:getItem(y)
				  if x == 3 and it ~= nil then
					hudPrint(it:getUiName().." has been absorbed!")
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Re: Coding advice needed

Post by WaspUK1966 »

Hi. Tried that. Still crashes to desktop. If its any help, I`ve cloned a green slime but just altered the ondealDamage part and attack power and accuracy. Would this cause the problem? Without using the "getUIName" part in the code, the items are removed and the message "An item has been absorbed" is printed, no problem. Its when I try to print out the name of the actual item removed (as you have written) that problems arise and it crashes. Is there a bug with the getUIName function I wonder?
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Re: Coding advice needed

Post by Isaac »

WaspUK1966 wrote:Hi. Tried that. Still crashes to desktop. If its any help, I`ve cloned a green slime but just altered the ondealDamage part and attack power and accuracy. Would this cause the problem? Without using the "getUIName" part in the code, the items are removed and the message "An item has been absorbed" is printed, no problem. Its when I try to print out the name of the actual item removed (as you have written) that problems arise and it crashes. Is there a bug with the getUIName function I wonder?
But it works for me... [ ... r.avi?dl=0 ]

*One thing though is that it's~ getUiName() [lowercase i].
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Re: Coding advice needed

Post by WaspUK1966 »

Yeh, just checked out your vid. That's what I want it to do..I`ve copied/pasted your code exactly, but it just crashes to desktop when it is supposed to remove an item and print the message. By the way, what's the diff between removeItem() and removeItemFromSlot(), as they both seem to work?

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Re: Coding advice needed

Post by Isaac »

WaspUK1966 wrote: Yeh, just checked out your vid. That's what I want it to do..I`ve copied/pasted your code exactly, but it just crashes to desktop when it is supposed to remove an item and print the message.
Try adding this monster to your map, and see if it crashes.

Code: Select all

	name = "klepto_beast",
	baseObject = "zarchton",
	components = {
				class = "MonsterAttack",
				name = "basicAttack",
				attackPower = 10,
				accuracy = 15,
				cooldown = 4,
				sound = "zarchton_attack",

				onDealDamage = function(self, champion, damage)
				local x = 3 --math.random(1,6)
				local y = 1 --math.random(1,10)
				local it = champion:getItem(y)
				  if x == 3 and it ~= nil then
					hudPrint(it:getUiName().." has been absorbed!")


By the way, what's the diff between removeItem() and removeItemFromSlot(), as they both seem to work?

RemoveItemFromSlot() accepts the slot# as target, deleting any item in that slot; while removeItem() accepts the item itself ~specifically and deletes it.
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Re: Coding advice needed

Post by WaspUK1966 »

That code. Are you talking about LOG 2 here, as I don't recognise the creature or class? I`m coding a LOG 1 game...
Ive tried everything. Cant get the UiName or UIName to work, so ive changed my code now so that it prints out the name of the champion who has lost something instead:

Code: Select all

	name = "stealer",
	baseObject = "scavenger",
	health = 60,
	exp = 160,
	attackPower = 12,
	accuracy = 10,
	   onDealDamage = function(self, champion, damage)
            local x = math.random(1,3)
            local y = math.random(1,10)
	    local name1 = champion:getName() 
              if x == 1 and champion:getItem(y) ~= nil then
               hudPrint(""..name1.." has lost an item!...")

But if anyone can figure a way that works for printing out the item name, please let me know!

Last edited by WaspUK1966 on Thu Dec 04, 2014 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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