Hi prozil. Ok there is a issue with you conversion and mine with (frozen Temple) ill have the frozen temple finished in a few days due to long work hours.
The problem is if the sets are single levels all good, but when you raise the wall(s) in say level 1 eg: floor = 0 ceiling = 4, then you put a ladder on the wall to get to the top. You will notice the floor and walls have seams you can see through and also the top of the pillars. The pillar have no top or bottom 3d polygons or textures. I ttrie the elf temple thinking it was just me but you have the same problem. So build a room with the above and add ladder and you will see what I mean
Ok then ill continue with the Frozen Set and then star working on the Sx Town Set. Oh and thxs for the tileset file now my pillars are corrected ahy
EDIT: Prozil ill need your help with one of the sx townset objects though, it's the door that opens like a real door. The original used a level door object and a script.