LoG2 has the Zarchton Harpoon that still works underwater, so I think there might be some trait on it that lets it be used underwater. However, it is also important to be able to tell if the party is not above water as then the party would be restoring energy when they shouldn't be which I am not sure if there is something that does that right now.
Any help will be appreciated.
Edit: With the help of a few people, I've put together the following spell and potion.
The spell will provide the entire party with the ability to breath underwater for the duration. You may want to adjust this duration depending on your needs. The potion will provide water breathing to whoever drinks it.
The following code will go into you spells.lua and provides the Water Breathing spell.
The requirements are currently commented out for testing purposes, but once you want the requirements just remove the "--" before requirement = {...}, and you can adjust the requirements by changing the numbers.
Cast it with:

Code: Select all
name = "water_breathing",
uiName = "Water Breathing",
skill = "water_magic",
--requirements = {"water_magic", 4, "air_magic", 3,},
gesture = 96325, -- Bottom Right > Top Right > Top Middle > Middle
manaCost = 30,
icon = 28, --7 14 28
spellIcon = 13, --13 19
description = "Gives the body the ability to breathe water.",
onCast = function(champion, x, y, direction, elevation, skillLevel)
for i = 1, 4, 1 do
if party.party:getChampion(i):isAlive() then
party.party:getChampion(i):setCondition("water_breathing", skillLevel*10)
The potion has a placeholder image of the Water Flask currently.
Code: Select all
defineRecipe {
name = "potion_water_breathing_recipe",
level = 3,
ingredients = 224, -- Leechweed, Leechweed, Falconskrye
potion = "potion_water_breathing",
name = "potion_water_breathing",
baseObject = "base_item",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "assets/models/items/flask.fbx",
class = "Item",
uiName = "Potion of Water Breathing",
gfxIndex = 144,
description = "A potion that gives you the ability to breathe underwater.",
weight = 0.3,
stackable = true,
class = "UsableItem",
sound = "consume_potion",
onUseItem = function(self,champion)
champion:setCondition("water_breathing", 30)