Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Neil79 »

dbgager wrote:I suggest people who are having this problem..Take many breaks from the game. It will give your brain, and eyes time to recover.
Many Breaks?, this was an instant feeling and i'm not suffering the worst which others are

I noticed something was off the instant I loaded the game and moved forward, it is either the headbob or the slight motion blur!
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by oOldXman »

dbgager wrote:I suggest people who are having this problem..Take many breaks from the game. It will give your brain, and eyes time to recover.
Well, I actually wrote a long, long post answering you. Then I deleted the whole thing :), because I decided it was pointless.

As it is right now, breaks will not help, because this uncomfortable feeling lasts hours (I can still feel it). I am sure there is even more people out there who have same issue. Message was passed, now we can patiently wait for developers to realise what is going on.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by dbgager »

oOldXman wrote:
dbgager wrote:I suggest people who are having this problem..Take many breaks from the game. It will give your brain, and eyes time to recover.
Well, I actually wrote a long, long post answering you. Then I deleted the whole thing :), because I decided it was pointless.

As it is right now, breaks will not help, because this uncomfortable feeling lasts hours (I can still feel it). I am sure there is even more people out there who have same issue. Message was passed, now we can patiently wait for developers to realise what is going on.
Ok. I did not realize it lasted that long. I am hoping that the developers include options in the next patch to disable the video effects that are causing this problem so that you, and others like you will be able to enjoy the game.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Arctor »

If you haven't already, get an eye exam. It sounds like eye strain related to you constantly correcting focus. Headaches are very common symptom with this form of eye strain. I got the same symptom once, and it turned out Age had come for me... at last. Essentially, I needed "reading glasses" - and my headaches are now gone. It was a vast improvement for computer games, too.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by oOldXman »

dbgager wrote:Ok. I did not realize it lasted that long. I am hoping that the developers include options in the next patch to disable the video effects that are causing this problem so that you, and others like you will be able to enjoy the game.
I believe it is not the real pain, only what my brain memorized. Well I am no specialist, but I do not think that it would last long, a short nap will cure almost any desease there is.

...We can always summon the Ginyu Force to deal with this mess :D! They will surely 'fix' everything with their fighting pose.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by sd1612 »

I had this problem with several games (Kingdoms of Amalur comes to mind, most recent).
Here is what helps for me:
Make sure I am in a well lit room. this is very important.
I put yellow sticky notes (2 on each side and 2 on top) around my monitor to help my brain register the border of my screen.
I need to wear my glasses (I dont have horrible eye sight, but I should wear them when playing games) or I will get nauseous with certain games.
Close my eyes for a few minutes and massage my eyeballs every so often.

Hope some of this will help for you sufferers as well.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Sir Richfield »

I'm pondering windowed mode at the moment... Not that I'm able to test it right now... Have to go to work.
But when I played I immediately had the thought that with that kind of vision it might not be a good idea to play fullscreen with your nose glued to the screen.
Maybe it helps a bit?

Ah, I forgot the "blur", thanks for pointing that out. If LoG blurs the screen while moving from tile to tile, this might be a trigger, too.

Also guys, there is nothing wrong with our eyes. Our eyes can see fine. It's really a brain thing and it can happen to anyone, anytime. You just have to be lucky finding out what's causing it and if you can switch it off. (Like motin blur in my case. I never found out who thought it was a good idea to blur the screen when the character is moving - and WHY!?)

In Sacred 2's case it was the camera trying to stick in a defined angle to the character AND a set height above the ground. That lead to the camera constantly moving up and down a bit. And it's important that it was only a bit. Because my eyes saw that, but my brain didn't register it at fist, because it was ever so slight.
Only after I recovered from my headaches and sickness, I watched the screen with the char standing still and then I saw the bobbing.
After that the effect didn't sicken me that much anymore, because now I knew what's going on. But it still wasn't good.
Lucky for me, and people with my "problems", it was Beta and the guys did really listen to their testers.
I still had to talk and type my behind off, because they just couldn't get the problem.
After all it lead to the custom camera that does not try to auto level itself and after that I could play the game without having to vomit.* (Well, at least not because of that effect any more...)

That's why I'm typing all this text right here. Because I think it's important that developers know where problems for their customers might be. Especially because the trigger ist just a minor detail, like head bobbing or bluriness or camera movement.
(Or whatever causes it in Wolfenstein - this game has nothing of the just mentioned. But then, a friend of mine has the problem with DooM, not with Wolf or any other FPS. Must be something in the way the Walls are rendered..)

*I'm not exaggerating here!
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by robobot »

I also experience this. It's like a slight headache/eye pain. I've never had this problem before, either, and I spend quite a bit of time at my computer, so I'm pretty sure it has something to do with this game; the field of vision or the camera movement, perhaps.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by LiToKi »

Happy and sad to see I'm not the only one. I've never had eye pain or slight headaches from any games I played in...well.. the last 25 years or so. This is the first time that ever happened. Although I don't experience it as badly as the OP; I'm fine a couple of minutes after closing the game.

Will try the windowed mode suggestion, might help I think! Gives you more of a 'reference'.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Neil79 »

Arctor wrote:If you haven't already, get an eye exam.
You completely skipped peoples posts didn't you :geek:
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