Identifying items?

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Identifying items?

Post by Curunir »

II got a bone/skeletal necklace on some level, but it doesn't do anything. Is there item id in the game?

Looks like it's not a quest item since I can wear it but it has no stat effects :L
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Re: Identifying items?

Post by Wramo »

Yeah, I have it too. I don't think it does anything, although I could be wrong. I just stuck it on my mage for the heck of it.
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Re: Identifying items?

Post by earthyearth »

i'm not sure what it does either
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Re: Identifying items?

Post by Minax »

I found that bone amulet too. Figured I might as well carry it with me in case it becomes important later, stuck it on my minotaur for now since he didn't find any skulls yet. :D

Haven't run across any other unidentified items yet, so I guess that necklace is just to add some flavor.
"Oh what secrets we could tell if you'd listen and be still
Rid the stink and the noise from our skirts
But you haven't got the clue and perhaps you never will
Mute we stand on the cold plains of Wiltshire "
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Re: Identifying items?

Post by GeneralGonzo »

Minax wrote:I found that bone amulet too. Figured I might as well carry it with me in case it becomes important later, stuck it on my minotaur for now since he didn't find any skulls yet. :D

Haven't run across any other unidentified items yet, so I guess that necklace is just to add some flavor.
Skulls ...... can be found when falling in pits :D
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