Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »


The Elf Wind rocked back and forth, cutting quickly through the dark, blue ocean waters. Tawmis heard a familiar groan and turned to see Blaz'tik finally regaining consciousness, the last of them to do so. "Glad you could join us among the living," Tawmis said, leaning against his bars.

"If this -tic!- is living," Blaz'tik muttered, "I much prefer being dead. My -tic!- head is pounding viciously!"

"The explosion back there at Grimrock would be responsible for that," Tawmis nodded. "We all got the wind knocked out of us."

"What -tic!- happened?" Blaz'tik asked.

"Well, you merged with the Undying One, as far as any one of us can guess," Tawmis began explaining. "He was using you, absorbing your magic, to make himself more powerful. We sort of stabbed him with something called the Dismantler - made, specifically from what Coy says," Tawmis gestured to the Ratling in the neighboring cage who looked less than pleased to be aboard the ship, "to destroy the Undying One. The result was a malfunction - and next thing we know, you were absorbing his magic. You made some portals, teleported us out. We landed near the Great Lake, and then there was an explosion. That's pretty much the last thing any of us really remember, until waking up on this ship."

"Slaver ship," Coy muttered, "by the looks of the materials down here with us." He heaved a deep sigh. "No doubt headed for the Gladiator rings. We will be sold as 'The Slayers of the Undying One' or 'The Destroyers of Grimrock.' We're bound to fetch a high price on the Gladiator market."

"But," Tawmis interrupted Coy's pessimistic tone, "now that you're awake, that's not going to be a problem, right?"

If Blaz'tik could raise a questioning eye brow, such as he had seen Tawmis do in the past, he would have. "How -tic!- do you figure?"

"Blaz," Tawmis began. "All that magic you absorbed. The spells you were casting. We have the most powerful mage in the world at our side! Let's melt these cages, take over this ship, and sail back home!"

"I'm," Blaz'tik stammered, "I am afraid -tic!- that will not be possible."

"Not be possible?" Tawmis stammered. "What do you mean 'that will not be possible'?"

"I am trying to recall my -tic!- spells... and... I can barely remember -tic!- how to cast a light spell!" Blaz'tik confessed.

"A light spell? A light spell?" Tawmis sunk down. "Yeah, that's just what I want right now. A light spell - to show how depressing our situation really is. How could you not know your spells?"

"I am -tic!- afraid that perhaps," Blaz'tik began to explain, "that the explosion -tic!- may have jarred my memory... or perhaps what I -tic!- learned from the Undying One was a fleeting thing... it's magic has -tic!- burned out and run its course."

Coy looked over at Tawmis and shrugged, "I told you it wouldn't be this easy."

Tawmis heaved a deep sigh. "Do you insist on reminding me when you're right?"

"No," Coy replied. "Because I'd be repeating myself all the time to you."

Tawmis lunged at Coy. "If these bars weren't here, my hands would be around your throat right now."

"If these bars weren't here," Coy retorted, "you'd have no reason to be upset."

There was a pause, and Coy finally asked, "Am I right?"

"Just shut up," was Tawmis' only muttered reply.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

That was funny! I just love it when they are bantering with each other.
So... Blaz lost most of his spells... Not good, but im guessing he will relearn them or remember them with time?
Im looking forward to the next çapter. :)
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

AnnElfwind wrote:That was funny! I just love it when they are bantering with each other.
So... Blaz lost most of his spells... Not good, but im guessing he will relearn them or remember them with time?
Im looking forward to the next çapter. :)
I love dialogue! Banter is something I think is a - fun kind of way of fleshing out characters that have that sarcasm (which Tawmis and Coy both do!) Which is perhaps why they get along so well, yet want to strangle one another. As for Blaz'tik forgetting his spells; it was a way of explaining why (just like in the beginning of LOG2), the caster has no spells that they have memorized but one or two. So using the concussion was a way of "resetting" Blaz'tik to make it more like the beginning of LOG2.

I will say this, LOG2 has WAY too many difficult riddles that are clearly not going to make it into the story. I see a lot of liberties being taken with the story again! :lol:
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »


Tawmis stood, hands on the bars of the cage and rattled them as much as he could, as if hoping he could bend them. "I refuse to fight in a gladiator ring again. I refuse to be a slave." Tawmis' eyes drifted to Taren who had been unusually silent. For both of them, they met in a gladiator ring. Together, they fought side by side and earned their freedom. But the time as a Gladiator was harsh. They had witness so much death, so much brutality. "We will find a way out of this," Tawmis assured the massive minotaur.

Taren turned and looked at Tawmis and gave him a weak smile. "I am sure we will. Our path is just unclear at the moment."

Suddenly the ship lurched to the right unexpectedly, sending all of them crashing painfully into the metal bars, unable to adjust to the sudden shift in the ship's direction. Blaz'tik tried to pull himself up, but the ship was still pulling hard to the right. "What -tic!- is going on?"

"I've been on enough ships," Taren replied. "This is not natural. I don't even hear any wind. Something is pulling the ship to the right. And pulling very hard."

Coy peered through one of portholes of the ship. "You may not hear winds, but those skies have turned black! Look!"

Outside it was as if a grey bottle of paint was spilled across the sky. Slowly, it spread, devouring the once blue skies, and making them dark and grey. Accompanying the change, the sea also began to surge; large waves slammed up against the ship, which rocked the entire boat. Down below, Tawmis and others found themselves being batted around their prison cages. Above deck, the crew members were shouting; the voices of most were clearly drenched in just as much fear as they were wet. Tawmis turned to Blaz'tik, "This you're doing?"

"I'm afraid not," Blaz'tik replied, his mandibles clicking nervously.

"This is not a natural storm," Taren stared out the porthole. The ship took a massive dive, her front piercing deep into the ocean as she came over the wave. As she came back over the next wave, an island came into view.

"That's Nex," Coy replied.

"Isn't that where you're from?" Tawmis asked.

"Yes," Coy replied, though he didn't sound excited.

Just then, someone in the crow's nest shouted something about land.

Then came the crash; and the coral reef ripped through the bottom of the boat, cutting her open, filling her with water.

The last thing Tawmis heard before the water washed over him was Coy mentioning something about "The Master."

Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

The Master? Is that a boss from LoG2?
Amazing chapter. :) Can't wait for the next one.
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

AnnElfwind wrote:The Master? Is that a boss from LoG2?
Amazing chapter. :) Can't wait for the next one.
Thank you! My brain was in a "blah" place last night; so I figured I'd do a quick write up to help set my brain.

And yup! The Master is indeed from LOG2 (same person in the banner) - he appears several times throughout the game, always one step ahead of you, doing something mysterious - and as you get close, he teleports away. (It's interesting, because at least you see the boss doing something throughout the game, as if somehow manipulating you!) It's a nice touch! And the storm and everything, is from the LOG2 trailer (and opening scene), which can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... x8kDMKnLaE
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

I have already seen that video somwhere before and its as awesome as it was then. IVe been promised the game for christmas and i cannot wait. Though i have to ask seeing as you are already playing it. in the trailer,there is a dragon... does that mean there is an actual dragon in the game? Because i just love those. And if yes, im sure that would make for an interesting encounter for your story. :D
but seriously, your story and that trailer are going to make me buy it before christmas and ťen have my mother gift me with the amount it cost...
im looking forward to the group encountering some new monsters and puzzles. :)
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

AnnElfwind wrote:I have already seen that video somwhere before and its as awesome as it was then. IVe been promised the game for christmas and i cannot wait. Though i have to ask seeing as you are already playing it. in the trailer,there is a dragon... does that mean there is an actual dragon in the game? Because i just love those. And if yes, im sure that would make for an interesting encounter for your story. :D
but seriously, your story and that trailer are going to make me buy it before christmas and ťen have my mother gift me with the amount it cost...
im looking forward to the group encountering some new monsters and puzzles. :)
LOG2 is chalk full of new monsters (and some familiar ones). There is indeed a "dragon" (it can be seen pretty early on when you enter a specific area). I have yet to encounter it, myself, however. At the moment I am actually stuck (and very annoyed where I am at the moment) :roll:
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

Okay, spoil it for me and tell me where you're stuck at. :) I'd like to hear of some of the puzzles and traps that are there. :)
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

AnnElfwind wrote:Okay, spoil it for me and tell me where you're stuck at. :) I'd like to hear of some of the puzzles and traps that are there. :)
Well there's a Cemetery - and there's some switches you need to hit around them in order to close pits that enable you to cross to the other side. I managed to cross (in doing so hitting other levers along the way) and hit a switch that opens a gate elsewhere. However, to get back across the pits, I can't seem to figure out the correct order for the buttons to allow me to get back. So I repeatedly fall back down into the pits, teleport back up, rinse and repeat. I have spent probably 2 hours here (no joke) and there's nowhere else to move from this tiny blocked off area. So it's not like I can say, "I will come back to this later." I literally can't move from this small area without getting past this. (Trying to be vague so it doesn't actually really spoil anything). Needless to say, I hit a wall (mentally) and just walked away. I tried against last night a few times, and finally gave up again out of frustration. :?
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
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