Old but not dead

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Re: Old but not dead

Post by Brogar »

Well I guess I'll throw my 54 yrs. in the pile. How many we got now? My first "real" computer game was Day of The Viper from Accolade on my Amiga 2000. Every time I died I would start a new game because I didn't know you could make a save disk. Had only played arcade video games like Asteroids up till then. Pocket full of quarters anybody? Don't remember how I figured out the whole save game disk thing. Just glad I did because I was about ready to throw the game disk in the trash. My next game was Dungeon Master and with that I was permanently hooked.
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Re: Old but not dead

Post by Vermis »

Alaric wrote:Wow, I'm usually the oldest (or one of the oldest) people on the forums I frequent, but here I'm just a kid! Woot! I can totally troll and misbehave and nobody will think anything of it because I'm only 30!
A second chance! Who would have thought.
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Re: Old but not dead

Post by petri »

Welcome to the forums, Mike! I hope you'll like our game at least as much as we like working on it! :)
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Re: Old but not dead

Post by glyn_ie »

27 here. I still remember the 486 though, you know the ones with the 'TURBO' button on the case. Good old MS-DOS 6.0. SVGA graphics card and a 2GB hard drive. Awesome. I remember playing Dungeon Master 2 and Stonekeep on that thing and getting scared :D Those were the days...

I am proud to say by the way that I am the only one (as far as I know) who found the only infinite money cheat (bug exploit) for Dungeon Master 2. It involves the money box and one of the characters in the chamber of heroes. I love finding little details or hidden stuff like this in games.
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Re: Old but not dead

Post by Spathi »

40 here, started with a ZX81 as well (I had something called a DOT before than, not sure what it was, but it played chess and something else). Then zx spectrum, then downgraded to IBM's, then they got better.
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Re: Old but not dead

Post by Botiquita »

40 tender years. All started with a Pong machine, then an Atari 2600, Intellivision, Sinclair Spectrum 48K, my beloved Commodore 64, Amiga 500 and "n" quantity of custom built PC's. Some of my favorite RPGs are:

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin.
Bard's Tale.
Wizardry I.
The Ultimas Underworlds.
Dungeon Master.
Baldur's Gate.
Arx Fatalis
Dragon Age Origins.
The Witcher.
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Re: Old but not dead

Post by Shifty Mick »

Hehe add me to the youngsters at 34. I'm mainly interested in this game from my Ultima Underworld days too. Plus Demise Ascension won't let me reuse my existing characters and I am NOT STARTING AGAIN with that particular game...probably...:mrgreen:

P.S. 1st gaming machine was a Texas Instrument TI80 (TA80? its been a while lol) However I did hand compile code on a Z80 for my electronics trade course, not sure which one is older lol.
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Re: Old but not dead

Post by Kvanttierkale »

I'm an old man too.. almost 18 years old.

My first games were played on Windows 95. Duke Nukem 3D, Hexen, Heretic.. I believe that Jetpack (2D platform game where you play as Santa) was the first game I played. I was 3 y.o. back then.
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Re: Old but not dead

Post by roccster »

Omg, and I thought I was an oldtimer :D

41y and been playing videogames pretty much all my life... Started out with pong on the TV. My best friend and I probably put every coin we had in Arcades, playing Space Invaders and Astroids. From that on we were hooked. Pinnball machines, arcade vidoe games you name it... Getting older we finally bought some computers like Commodore 64. File sharing in those days was when we met up and copied games on a dual tape recorder :D

Lter on we finally made the step to Atari 520 ST, and thats when Dungeon master finally came along...

Next remake Im looking forward to is an UFO-enemy unknown title, and I dont want to see a flashy super dupy mega rendered graphical game. Just freshen it up a bit and make new and better missions.

Can´t wait for this title though!
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Re: Old but not dead

Post by Karkarov »

Yeah I am another youngster holding at 25 going on 32. My first system/gaming tool was also the pong system. Had an uncle with an amiga though, loved to play with it when I could convince him to let me.
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