How to fly?

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How to fly?

Post by dj--alex »

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Re: How to fly?

Post by Drakkan »

you do not need fly, just to look for a secret buttons :)
Breath from the unpromising waters.
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Re: How to fly?

Post by dj--alex »

i waste 3 hours on this plase , early on with thinking about "rock-sword-scroll"
there s no secret keys.
and i don't know this green rock is needed or this is next useless item.

i even tries use rope to climb up but rope is absolutely useless item
always wrote useless text and do nothing
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Re: How to fly?

Post by Banaora »

Do you know the game rock, paper, scissors? When it says rock, what do you put to win?

The rope is only to move downwards. You won't take damage if you use the rope on a pit.

There is a secret button in this level that let's you climb up and get the green shard.
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Re: How to fly?

Post by dj--alex »

impossible shard

question with rock-sword already solved
this shard is requires in future for something?

and im found another one impossible

Re: How to fly?

Post by Ixnatifual »

If I recognize that place correctly, you need to look for a button hidden in the previous room. The button is down in the trench filles with spear traps.
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Re: How to fly?

Post by Cronicler »

Alex, mate, please take a moment now and then and actually look at your map.
At many places, you will see sealed unreachable rooms on the other side of various obstacles. Look at the size and layout of the room you are seeing, open your map and mentally draw that room in its (fog of war covered) location.
you will notice that one of it's walls will always be touching another part of the level, and it becomes obvious that there is a secret door there. Then just move to that area and look for the switch.
Forex, in your second picture, you are facing a " xxx " shaped room. Go to the place where the top left corner
.......................................................... " xx "
touches an area that you explored and ask your self, "if I was an evil bastard, where would I put the switch to cause most harm to the adventurers?".

Similarly, in many other places, you are likely to hear a bunch of noisy enemies moving round behind walls which conspicuously correspond to blank areas surrounded by the existing level. If you are in an area with a lot of upwards-downwards mobility included in the puzzles, then you might want to look at possible pits that correspond to these blank spots on upper floors, or else you might want to explore the dead end corridors or other weird bits like a single alcove dotting a corridor.

There isn't any "completely hidden" guide-dang-it secrets in the game (Sans the one and only one! :D ). Keeping your eyes open for those see through barriers, illogical construction bits (dead ends, an empty space behind a teleporter etc) and simply studying the architectural layout once you clear a level with the logic behind these secret room's placement in your mind, will allow you to 100% clear areas without thew need for a guide.
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Re: How to fly?

Post by dj--alex »

i known rules, but if button don't work?

button in spear room really exists but not work- it's doing nothing

i have no idea to go . only 2-3 stucks

i hear monsters on another location , i known that trick/possiblity (not here , in another 2nd theme)

but in this game no spell "Pass thru rock" allow once per week go to through 1 wall.
(Spellbook Heroquest 1 (1991))
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Re: How to fly?

Post by Cronicler »

First Picture
In the corridor directly right of the elevated platform is the secret door and it's hidden button is on one of the walls nearby (less than 5 steps away)
Second Picture
In the "follow the leader" pit there is a hidden button on the wall
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Re: How to fly?

Post by dj--alex »

thanks to all!

i found crystals... i thinking it's a lost power gem )
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