Negative reason to sleep?

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Negative reason to sleep?

Post by D4rkLigh7 »

I was wondering if there is a negative reason to sleep other then the possibility and being attacked from a mob left in the dungeon floor. One time after I found a secret when I had to face a party of undead soldiers I took a nap in a corner and was awoken by a earthquake the first second of sleep. So I'm wondering if something bad will happen if I sleep too much.
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Re: Negative reason to sleep?

Post by Ice »

If I'm not mistaken your food also drains as you sleep, but that's about it.
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Re: Negative reason to sleep?

Post by Dafoof »

Is there a reason why you don't wake up automatically when fully restored, as in Lands of Lore for instance?
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Re: Negative reason to sleep?

Post by richypc »

If you sleep when there are enemies in the next room despite there being a locked door in between, there is a chance a small group will ambush you. Happened to me on lvl 3 with about 3 spiders surrounding and killing me pretty much.
Last edited by richypc on Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Negative reason to sleep?

Post by xlaZuRelx »

The worst i had was a rude wakening by an ogre :evil:
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