Secret in the Test Chamber

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Secret in the Test Chamber

Post by Haarukkamies »

There is some kind of gate blocking the path to a secret at the test chamber level of the castle of Nex right before the stairs to the next level.

Now i'm almost certain I've checked both the upper and lower levels besides the obvious level itself for access but I've found nothing. Then again I've missed secrets due to arrogance before so I'd appreciate it if someone could at least give me a hint.
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Re: Secret in the Test Chamber

Post by Shady_arc »

Pretty easy, actually. You can open a wall not that far from the button where the timed light bridge puzzle with portals is. Just look for a lever a floor below. Then...
the light bridge only comes into existence when you press the button, but if you did the puzzle, it gives you more than enough time anyway.
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Re: Secret in the Test Chamber

Post by tantalan »

Hi i dont understand to th hint given here.
My problem int test chamber is:
I went to lower level by throwing rock behind gate. It opened me lower level, here i put something on pressure plate teleport appeared. I could go to upper level by ladders. Here i found teleoprt puzzle. I keep only one teleport in corner on and press the button. When i run on the light bridge than, the "activator" always hits me i cant be quciker than it is. So the door doesnt open. When it opens i am too slow.
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Re: Secret in the Test Chamber

Post by tantalan »

every teleport through which the activator flies turns it to the left. So when you stand backwards to button put something on plate right farest away, left farest away, left closest to you and middle closest to you. Press the buttton after the activator goes thorough first teleport put something on middle farest from you and take away the thing on plate farest left from you and go before the gate. After a while the acitvator activates the gate :-) Tricky :-)
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Re: Secret in the Test Chamber

Post by ansgar »

i've got an even better one without moving around the pressure plates:
let's consider the 9 plates as the number of a pc num pad, so we can number them from farthest to nearest(using the button as reference) : 789/456/123(or if you prefer counting the central plate as reference: NW-N-NE/W-()-E/SW-S-SE)

if you put something on the plates number 8,4,6,1,2 (or once again N,W,E,SW,S), once you activate the button(and make the glowing path appear) you have enought time to follow the glowing path without the danger of crossing the activation globe
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Re: Secret in the Test Chamber

Post by msyblade »

I simply activated the one teleporter (Numpad 9 if the blob shoots from behind Numpad 3), then walked (Ran!) sideways and around the bridge backwards (without turning), and beat the activator by a step and got on the ledge as the bridge disappeared (not a nanosecond to spare).
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