Enough with the Spiders

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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Arctor »

I was actually about to post about there not being enough spiders...
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Raukgorth »

I was actually about to post about there not being enough spiders...
Odd, me too.
I'm on level 7 and combat is super easy (on normal) never died in combat so far. (so far got 2 dead people, but the crystal is very close and it was easy to recover).
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Disasterrific »

Do spiders spawn from the eggs? I haven't really noticed any appearing but if they do then the OP is going to have an infinite supply there.

On Normal I've yet to get wiped out. There's one ambush which killed all but one character who just crawled out of there. Play well and you should be able to scrape through whatever the game throws at you. The game is very fair IMHO.

Re: Exploiting the AI. Yes, the combat feels a bit like that against some of the earlier monsters but they gradually scale up and get faster and more dangerous (no, not just more damage). 2-on-1 is always fun and on a certain level the ducking and diving feels realistic as opposed to standing in front of each other pounding with your biggest weapon. 2 mages makes combat a bit more fun and hectic also, not regretting that choice!
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Elich »

Disasterrific wrote:Do spiders spawn from the eggs? I haven't really noticed any appearing but if they do then the OP is going to have an infinite supply there.

On Normal I've yet to get wiped out. There's one ambush which killed all but one character who just crawled out of there. Play well and you should be able to scrape through whatever the game throws at you. The game is very fair IMHO.

Re: Exploiting the AI. Yes, the combat feels a bit like that against some of the earlier monsters but they gradually scale up and get faster and more dangerous (no, not just more damage). 2-on-1 is always fun and on a certain level the ducking and diving feels realistic as opposed to standing in front of each other pounding with your biggest weapon. 2 mages makes combat a bit more fun and hectic also, not regretting that choice!
I am sure there is a big momma spider hiding somewhere sending these little ones to grab her dinner,or one can hope. :lol:
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Bargeral »

Dear devs, please don't change a thing. I'm loving the fact that the game doesn't cut me any slack.

Dozens and dozens? I've seen maybe one dozen. And yep, they cleaned the floor with me, but I figured out the "close the door on them" stratagem and burned through my tiny supply of anti venom ingredients and moved on. Had to run back to the healing crystal at least once too. I'm curious if you've been smashing the egg sacks as you find them. Maybe they are respawing?

Oh, and well except maybe an arachnophobia switch vis-a-vis that other thread. But that's another issue entirely.
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by regomar »

Bargeral wrote:Dear devs, please don't change a thing. I'm loving the fact that the game doesn't cut me any slack.
This. I bought and love this game SPECIFICALLY because it DOESN'T cater to the kind of carebear hand holding the OP seems to want.

This game can be brutal and I LOVE it that way!
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Rednecksith »

The OP is being a bit harsh, but I kind of agree. I think it's the fact that not only do they hit hard and poison, but they also move really fast as well. For someone with reflexes that aren't so hot, it can get pretty frustrating. Not to mention that they're much more difficult than anything encountered previously.

Yes, I abuse the hell out of the door trick, but honestly that just feels kinda cheesy. I shouldn't have to exploit weaknesses in the AI in order to advance. The last part of level 3 really did feel like a slog through endless waves of the little buggers.

Loving the game overall, but the aforementioned is a bit of a problem.

On a similar topic, I'm watching someone play on TwitchTV now (a member of this forum, in fact) and the door trick is being abused like a $5 hooker, lol.
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by Pajamas »

You missed the rather obvious potion making ingredients and plants needed for said potions. You are essentially rushing so fast that your not looking around. I know that I explore every possible room unless its impossible to do so at the time.

My advice is to look and search everywhere because you may get things that you will need. I know for a fact that level 3 or level 2 have the items to make potions rather easily. I found so many plants that I can make a very large stock of them.
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by richypc »

I agree they are pretty tough. I say after clearing a few spiders save the game so you do not lose to much progress if you get ambushed or mess up.

There should be about 5 fire flasks that you should have picked up over the course of the last 3 lvls., use them it does A TON of damage to them. I had a mage toss one at each single spider we encountered, to soften them up a lot, one hit was a critical for about 79 damage, nearly one shotting it. Do not keep using the anti poison potions if you fighting the same battle, only use one on your front 2 toons. If you happen to live through a fight and you are out of anti venom run to a corner away from danger and try to sleep it will wear off eventually.

Have a mage level Earth Magic to lvl 13, its a bit tough to do so, hopefully you put some points into it already before even reaching lvl 3 because there is a scroll you discover (or just look it up on these boards), that your mage can cast to boost poison resist on you whole party for a good while this will help reduce the damage ticks by a good bit, and if your health was high enough and the fight finishes after being poison you may be able to let it wear off.
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Re: Enough with the Spiders

Post by HeavyMetalMonk »

I just got to level 4 tonight, with every bomb I found unused and a decent amount of ingredients still left. I probably used about eight antidote potions and eight healing potions. It's not that hard. I died once due to underestimating the warning about watching my back :D that quickly got me cornered and killed.

But you're definitely doing something wrong if you're having that much trouble with this level.
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