of course, Grimrock might spawn threads here and there without even know it (etc. via a 3rd engine inside Grimrock engine).Grimrock might spawn some threads but this might not all mean that relevant enigne parts run concurrently.
I don't know if Grimrock 1/2 are designed with MT in mind, one can't really identify it by checking the threads it uses, but nevertheless the game seems to be multi-threaded since it uses more threads. Although this doesn't mean it increases the performance, the threads themselves may have nothing to do with the bottleneck after all.
Actually the purpose of threads themselves are to encapsulate heavy, performant stuff, while doing the rest in other thread.
I'm actually curious about this since i had in mind to add some MT code into my own library as wellThanks for also looking into this topic & your enthusiasm writting code for it

I'm really wondering why the Open world Grimrock scenes are so heavy, obviously multi-threading is not the problem.
Next step would be the GPU case, and i can't find the console command for showing tris per scene

Actually some posts ago i did that test, the result was 0% increase in performance (setting the affinity for: all processors, or 1/2,3/4, no matter) so conclusion is while Grimrock 2 is a multi-threaded application, this doesn't reflect in performance (at least for me). This adds to conclusion that Grimrock is GPU-bound application.Do the performance increase/decrease?