Stuck in Cemetery

This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck in Grimrock 2 or if you want to discuss about the mysteries of the Isle of Nex. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Joined: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:48 pm

Stuck in Cemetery

Post by carlo222 »

played over one Hour cannot in this Teleport!!
three pits and and two teleports (any vases) and one plate
i must throwing in this activitet teleport two times...things placed on plate?
and now..??? must on closed this three pits?
i throwing in activatet teleport two times .and now i deaktivatet teleport...??

And second i have nodd food i finding not??
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Joined: Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:09 pm

Re: Stuck in Cemetery

Post by Haarukkamies »

You have to break the vases. It's fairly simple with a mage that can cast fireball or lightning bolt.

For the last set of vases right infront of the target, you need to place something on the plate to move the teleporter to the right, shoot something into it and just as it teleports to the left side you take the object off the plate and the teleporter moves back and the thing you shot through will hit the last set of vases.
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