Issue with Forest Wall

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Issue with Forest Wall

Post by jxjxjf »

Is anyone else having an issue with setting forest wall tiles at heights other than 0? It seems like it just draws it slightly off-center, but no matter what height I set the tile to draw at, it's always at height 0.

I would just make my own walls out of the "forest_wall" and "beach_wall" assets, but I can't figure out what asset they use to column between the pieces. It's driving me insane. Haha.

If anyone knows how to solve either of these issues I'll owe you big time. lol
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Re: Issue with Forest Wall

Post by jxjxjf »

Sorry to bump my own thread, but I found a semi-solution for anyone else who may run into the same issue I have and search this.

I cannot for the life of me get a forest wall to draw on any height other than 0, but I did find the asset that columns between "forest_wall" and "beach_wall" assets. "beach_rock_pillar_01" will connect wall pieces. It's a little silly, as it places down as a column on the upper left edge of a tile (even though it draws in the center of the tile) and doesn't block movement/projectiles, but there doesn't seem to be a non-pillar version of the same model, so it's the best I can do for now. haha

Again, sorry for the bump. :)
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Re: Issue with Forest Wall

Post by Skuggasveinn »

Forest walls are drawn in the same height as your heigtmap, the reason for way the are all at 0, is because your heightmap is at 0
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Re: Issue with Forest Wall

Post by jxjxjf »

So is there no solution to the issue of drawing the actual tiles at varying heights? I mean, as long as I have a heightmap entity, I can only draw walls at height 0 (modified by the heightmap). Floor tiles seem to work fine, it's just the wall tiles that I'm having issues with. I'm using my [shoddy] workaround, but if I'm doing something stupid I'd be interested to know. haha

Maybe "height" is the wrong word. I think it's labeled as "floors" in the editor.

Thanks for replying. :)
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Re: Issue with Forest Wall

Post by Skuggasveinn »

You can place forest walls from the asset browser (not use the draw brush) Then you can change the height of them.
(for some reason in my editor there rotation is wrong, but they work)

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