Possible Bug - Tomb of Offering

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Possible Bug - Tomb of Offering

Post by Moogoo88 »

I'm in the tomb of offering. I've been manipulating the trap doors by putting random items on the tombs and removing then to try and see a pattern. Suddenly they stopped working. Now nothing happens when I put something on the tombs or remove it. I tried reloading and same thing. I also tried restarting the game. Is this a bug or do I need to do something that perhaps resets it?
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Re: Possible Bug - Tomb of Offering

Post by isi23 »

I have exactly same problem. I was trying to solve this puzzle, but after I put couple items on altars and back, they stopped working. I had save in middle of this, so I reloaded, but again after few tries puzzle stopped working. So I reloaded older save, make my way to it again, but this time nothing happens at all after I placed items on any of altars. Even restarting game / computer does not help. So now I'm pretty much stuck and unable to finish the game. Did anybody have solution for this? Is there any console command to work around this?
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Re: Possible Bug - Tomb of Offering

Post by Vardis »

Are you sure it's broken, and not that you haven't figured out how they work yet? If you go from no items on any of them to one item on each of them and nothing happens, then something is broken. Otherwise, you've yet to decipher the puzzle mechanics.
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Re: Possible Bug - Tomb of Offering

Post by isi23 »

Yeah, I just figured it out, you are right Vardis. It was not broken, just little confusing. For some reason I thought that originally trapdoors started move after I placed first item, so after I place item on one of them and nothing happened, I thought it was bug, I even tried place single item on all of them, but one at time, not on all of them at same time :oops:
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