Basahn of Xafi puzzle in cemetery

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Basahn of Xafi puzzle in cemetery

Post by Rookhawk »

How do i complete the puzzle. I made it to the other side and pulled the lever but I can't get back over and keep falling in the pits! I'd love to figure out exactly how the puzzle works.
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Re: Basahn of Xafi puzzle in cemetery

Post by Dr.Disaster »

How five buttons move two pits on a 2x3 grid is not that hard to find out.
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Re: Basahn of Xafi puzzle in cemetery

Post by Shady_arc »

As far as I know, each button just moves
... just moves its associated "closed" pit clockwise.
Imagine there is a smiley :D hanging over the tiles: if there is a smiley :D over the pit, the pit is closed. Now, each button has its own :D, and moves it one tile clockwise

Maybe I got tghe wrong idea, but right now I do not even remeber how many buttons there were, only the principle.
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Re: Basahn of Xafi puzzle in cemetery

Post by Myrjala »

Sorry it's not so easy. I tried to understand what was the prob and I found you can get stuck AFTER going to pull the lever to open the gate to the gem.
I'll try to explain :

He made it one way. Then no way to get back at the start.
He's sitting on pit 3 and when he press the " b " Button, Pit open and he falls down.
He manages to close pit 3 AND pit 4 using button " c " and " d " but when he press button "b" it is not the pit 4 which open but pit 3.
Using Buttons " c and d " you have TWO possibilities to close BOTH pits 3 and 4.
So Rookhawk use Button " d " to close pit 3 and after use button " c " to close pit 4.
after that press button " b " till pit 2 closes.
Hope that helps ;)
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