So awesome.

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Re: So awesome.

Post by sapientCrow »

Got to add my excitement and my gratitude to AH and everyone who contributed to this gem.

It is leaps and bounds more diverse than LOG1. the AI of enemies is awesome (sometimes a little wonky) never the less enemies who will leap back and leap forward... sweetness!!
Diving, Digging, Very non linear progression, a ton of choices and strats that need to be applied. And wow the difficulty... hoorah hoorah!!

Music and Ambiance AWESOME!!

really well done guys!! thank you! thank you!
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Re: So awesome.

Post by Strydent »

Yes, I was impressed when my chars were suddenly taking crippling damage to body parts and receiving penalties to regen and such, been awhile since I played LoG 1 but don't remember that in that game.

Great job on all the little touches and attention to detail that is making LoG 2 one of my favorite games this year so far!
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Re: So awesome.

Post by FlashSoul »

Hard difficulty + Ironman mode + single cristal use
It's very unforgiving. One of my fighters died (like two hours after my save on the second crystal) and I didn't know what was waiting for me down the pits I had to go into. So I backtracked out and went to a new area, hoping to find a way to revive him. And I did! So I was going back to the previous area but curiosity got the best of me on something that was screaming "I'M A TRAP". Then a pack of mommies killed me \o/.

I used that second crystal pretty early cause I had to go to work. I think I'll keep the game running while I'm gone instead next time :p.
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Re: So awesome.

Post by Belligero »

Getting my ass handed to me and I'm not too far in.

Absolutely love it. Every new room in an area is suspenseful because I never know whether to suspect an empty room with some items or a trap getting surrounded by monsters. It's stressing me out, in the best way.
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Re: So awesome.

Post by Ravenwoods »

Just started the game and I must say, it is amazing! You guys took the first game to the next level! So far, worth every penny! Seriously, so much love! :D It will be very simple for some people, especially at the beginning and kiting still seems to be the primary combat tactics, but luckily you have some hardcore options that should compensate for it all.
Anyway, I just came here to say congratulations on an awesome sequel and hope you guys also get financially successful out of this!
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Re: So awesome.

Post by Disasterrific »

Great job guys! I'm through to the second woodland map, really enjoyed it so far although the puzzles have yet to get really brain-racking yet. Combat difficulty is well set, having to actually use stuff like potions and wand charges to keep the upper hand in tougher fights. Letting the monsters be speedy and use your tactics against you is a great move! How's everyone doing for secrets? Only on 10 so far. Going by the ones I very nearly overlooked I know there's a few more in the first few levels...
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Re: So awesome.

Post by Hipster »

I bought the game, installed, and launched it and here are my first impressions:

- Game loaded fast (maybe thanks to SSD)

- I didn't like the generic fantasy musical score at all. Perhaps is better technically but the first one is miles better as a track. Sorry but that was a big let down.
- Splash screen reminded me of Pirates of Caribbean. Too light and not "grim" enough. Nighttime shot would have been better.
- Intro was also generic and lacked the charm of the first one. Hand drawn imagery created better old-school and overall atmosphere that suited the genre. I've seen enough of average CGI intro videos and this was just one of the many. Sometimes less is more.
- When game started I looked around and thought I launched Wizardy 8 (which is kind of positive vibe in a sense)

Perhaps when I actually start playing I get more positive vibes. I really loved the first installation so this better be a good one after it kicks in. At least everybody is touting it here :lol:
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Re: So awesome.

Post by Chimera005ao »

I can say that the less linear style had me stuck for a bit. I get to some puzzles and wonder if they are solve-able with what I have, or if I am supposed to go somewhere else and come back later. Reminds me of La-mulana.

I'm just doing normal mode with Ironman and I'm having trouble. XP

If you have ironman and crystals only use-able once, does that mean you can only save once per crystal too?
I didn't like the generic fantasy musical score at all. Perhaps is better technically but the first one is miles better as a track. Sorry but that was a big let down
It didn't catch me as generic fantasy. Sounds more adventureish, like something involving sailing and pirates kind of. :lol:
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Re: So awesome.

Post by Ashtray »

Hipster wrote: - Splash screen reminded me of Pirates of Caribbean. Too light and not "grim" enough. Nighttime shot would have been better.
But then it would remind Monkey Island :D
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Re: So awesome.

Post by eispfogel »

I am playing since yesterday and having a blast. So many ideas, so many nice gameplay tweaks(things that jump or steal your weapons). It also seems that some ideas (like the "treasure chamber") are influenced by the one room round robin which is a really good thing :)

I also play now with my custom portraits. I have photos from my whole family(son as minotaur barbarian and as pi-rat alchemist and the wife as witch..errr...wizard and me as your standard human fighter) which is a whole new immersion because i really do care about them and it hurts when they are hurt. They also like watching when i play and are very involved in my dungeon exploring adventures(hey dad why do you give those shoes to mom and not to me? Or hmm i'd rather not eat that lizard on a stick give me the cheese!) =)

The overworld map feels like metroid prime and not just like a "hub" which connects various dungeons(which i feared it would be).
There are so many things to do and to see(even the fish and monsters are viewable from above rivers and lakes), and there are even multiple levels on the overworld.

Thank you Almost Human! LoG2 is all i hoped for and more :)

Sidenote: I had to deactivate vsync and use triple buffering now because before i had serious framerate issues whenever i used a spell or was near a teleporter - as if the fillrate from my 560ti was not enough. i also deactivated ssao as it gives secret switches a black outline which...doesn't made them so secret anymore.
I also forced fxaa from my driver menu because the aliasing was very noticable - it would be nice to have an ingame option with various types of...fake AA.
Thanks for the laugh Almost Human :)
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