Starting Party Composition

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Starting Party Composition

Post by Jaelus »

So what are you all running as your party comp this time around?

In LoG1 my favorite comp was Human Fighter, Human Rogue (Evasion), Insectoid Wizard, Minotaur Rogue (Missile). As they fixed Missile weapons to use DEX this time around the Minotaur no longer makes sense for the back row ranged character so I've had to switch it up. I never used a LIzardman in LoG1 as I didn't see much reason to use one, but here WOW the racials are nice.

Here's what my resulting party looks like along with some thoughts.

Front Line:
Lizardman Knight (Endure Elements, Muscular) going Heavy Weapons and Armor initially. Not sure what Heavy Weapons consist of yet, but I'm hoping the rank 5 pays off in the long run. I seriously considered Fast Metabolism and Poison Immunity over Muscular, but without a Minotaur or Barbarian in the party I figured it would be good to have someone with a higher carrying capacity. I figured Fast Metabolism may not be as useful as it seems end game if he is not taking a lot of damage and my Alchemist is cranking out heavy heal pots anyway, at which point only the drawback is really in effect. Poison Immunity, while really nice, isn't going to be useful a lot of the time.
I like the Lizardman a lot so far in LOG2, but I only found one heavy weapon in the first area and no shield.
Ratling Rogue (Mutation, Evasive) Going Light Weapons for Dual Wield and Crit with Dodge later on. Mutation seems like a great racial trait. I'm on the fence between going +2 DEX or +5 Evade on the second racial but went with Evasive since he is front line. I'm not sure about the viability of a front line evade tank in LoG2 or if there is equivalent evade gear like there was in the first game to make it possible. I wasn't planning on putting points in Armor with this guy so I sure hope there is!
Dual Wield sounds great and there are plenty of nice light weapons in the first area, most of which use DEX so this guy has been pumping out a lot of damage.
Back Line:
Human Alchemist (Fast Learner, Skilled) Alchemy, Firearms, Armor (up to 2 pts, then switching to Missile) Figure I'll use Missile when I can and save Firearm ammo for tougher opponents depending on supply. I'm really looking forward to seeing what the Alchemist can do.
Found a pistol and 30 rounds of ammo in the first area as well as a sling and 5 rocks. Seems pretty solid so far. The pistol jams fairly frequently at one rank of Firearms. I've also noticed the herbs I find have been multiplying in my pack, which is a really nice perk. Haven't found a mortar and pestle yet though.
Insectoid Wizard (Strong Mind, Aura) Pumping Concentration and Water first.
Maybe a mistake to go Water first? Got to the end of the first area and I haven't found a single spell I can use yet. At least he can hold a torch. Looks like you need 1 pt Earth and 1 pt Water for the first Ice spell?
Last edited by Jaelus on Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Starting Party Composition

Post by Belligero »

I spent a lot of time contemplating my party for my first run through this game and thinking of each character's back story in my head.
As much as I'd love to try out Ratlings, I wanted to stick to my classic Grimrock I line-up of two humans, an insectoid and a minotaur, so that's what I ended up with for now.


Human Battle Mage
+5 Vitality / +5 Willpower
Skilled / Healthy
+1 Concentration / +1 Armor / +1 Water Magic

My plan for this guy will to have an interesting front-line bulky spellcaster with a focus on ice spells. May not be the most optimal set up, but I wanted to try something new. Will probably be wearing Light Armor, but I may have him go Heavy Armor if it's feasible.

Insectoid Knight
+2 Strength / +3 Dexterity / +5 Vitality
Chitin Armor / Healthy
+1 Light Weapon / +1 Armor

Sword + Shield wielder with Heavy Armor. Pretty simple, went with a character that I think would get the most protection as opposed to raw health.


Lunoire Varos
Human Rogue
+5 Dexterity / +5 Vitality
Skilled / Agile
+1 Alchemy /+1 Missile Weapons / +Dodge

My designated alchemist and hopefully main DPS by end game. Hoping to get high critical damage and evasion on this character in case of flanks.

Stalgrom Ironhide
Minotaur Barbarian
+5 Strength / +2 Dexterity /+3 Vitality
Head Hunter / Muscular
+1 Heavy Weapons / +1 Accuracy
Pure brute of a monster in terms of raw stat. I wanted to try to focus him mainly on offense and let his massive natural HP keep him alive for flank attacks. Plan to use heavy weapons with him with the Lv2 Accuracy bonus to attack from the backline.
I also went with a water Battle Mage and was disappointed at the lack of early ice spells. The first ice spell we get actually requires 1 point in Earth and Water, so there's that for you.
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Re: Starting Party Composition

Post by Chimera005ao »

I don't remember the starting stats, and am too lazy to look at the traits right now, but I've got:

Insectoid Battlemage, with the goal of giving him fire and support spells, light armor, and light weaponry.
Human Fighter, heavy weapons and heavy armor.

Lizardman Alchemist, focusing on alchemy first. Put a little into throwing weapons, but also going for firearms.
Ratling Rogue, accuracy, crit, and light weapons.
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Re: Starting Party Composition

Post by naturgewald »

So I spend some time in the game I decided to make a new party.
This is what it looks like and until now it works just fine.
If it works out entirely I do a complete guide.

Updated: 2014-10-16
If anyone has tipps for me plz give them to me.


The Armor Tank

@lvl 5 you can wield two-handed weapons in one hand and then you have space for a shield. You can't dual wield two two-handed weapons since you can only use one to attack

The Dodge Tank

I max Doge first


The Headhunter

The Mage

-Mistakes where made
-Added pictures
Last edited by naturgewald on Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Starting Party Composition

Post by Chimera005ao »

Aggressive brings 4 dmg and Muscular only 2 even if you are a Str Char I would bring Aggressive
Except strength can increase your carrying capacity, which can be a very big deal sometimes, especially if you injure your foot.
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Re: Starting Party Composition

Post by naturgewald »

Added something to the notes.
I usually store all my stuff near blue crystals so I never had space issues.
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Re: Starting Party Composition

Post by Chimera005ao »

naturgewald wrote:Added something to the notes.
I usually store all my stuff near blue crystals so I never had space issues.
But how do you store the gear you're using and the food you need? :lol:
Then again, I just love to have something for any and all situations I could run into.
So glad for that second weapons tab.

Re: Starting Party Composition

Post by Ixnatifual »

Running minotaur knight, minotaur barbarian, ratling alchemist and human wizard.
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Re: Starting Party Composition

Post by Sarumorpheus »

I've got, in a summarised version:

- Quro: Insectoid knight specced to be a raw/normal damage sponge. Shield + Heavy Armors + Lots of protection
- Gormak Shieldbreaker: Minotaur Barbarian with heavy weapons skill. Got the aggressive and headhunter traits on him.

- Boris: Human rogue, specced into light weapons and able to strike from the backrow with melee weapons.
- Plaguelord: Ratling Earth Wizard. I figured poison attacks would make sense for this character, but they seem to be useless against undead. Still good against other monsters.

Having a lot of fun with this game. Love the character creation options.
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Re: Starting Party Composition

Post by vidarfreyr »

I like to play with the default party first time around. Cause I figure that most of the items found will be balanced somewhat towards that type of party. Then I'll probably make a more wizard oriented party for the second time around. Because I love the magic.
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