Mod request - ignore food

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Mod request - ignore food

Post by dgbonomo »

Hi all, I just wanted to request a mod that disables the food system in SOME way. I've already been in touch with the development team and they've made it clear that the option won't be in the core game in any way, so I'm hoping a modder with experience modding Grimrock will be able to offer a quick solution. I like the game's explorations and puzzles but I have a very strong dislike for the hunger system which I personally feel just gets in the way of the things I like. (I'm not looking for a discussion on the food system, it's a fine system for its purpose but I simply don't personally want to be bound by it if it can be helped.)

There'd probably be any number of ways to accomplish this, and here are a few off the top of my head (without knowing the details of modding the game):
- Do not allow the food values to decrease
- Reset the food values to max on each event (ie movement/etc)
- Add a food item that is infinitely reusable (or replenishes itself upon being used)

It already looks like I won't pre-order since I won't personally be able to enjoy the game at launch, so hopefully a smart modder can whip something up that addresses what is, for me, a glaring issue. I do really want to play the game because everything else about it is looking absolutely delicious. So, pretty please with sugar and spice and everything nice?
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Re: Mod request - ignore food

Post by petri »

You can always spawn a food item from the console. E.g. spawn("snail_slice") works both in LOG1 and LOG2.
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Re: Mod request - ignore food

Post by dgbonomo »

That is very good to know! I'll need to try that in Grimrock 1. I'd still like a better solution though. I'm guessing this works, but it's a bit clunky.
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Re: Mod request - ignore food

Post by Chimera005ao »

Actually, this makes me wonder if the food system has changed.
The Grimrock 1 system generally didn't affect my play at all, it was kind of just a chore to allow me to heal when resting.

Re: Mod request - ignore food

Post by Ixnatifual »

To me it seems that hunger systems in dungeon crawlers are mainly there to ensure the player progresses through the levels rather than stay in one place and grind mobs or to prevent abuse of the rest function.

But IIRC Grimrock 1 had an area where ice lizards would spawn infinitely. Since these also provide food, that defeats those purposes.

So perhaps in Grimrock food is used more as a "simulation" type feature to make the game world a little more real.

Or maybe it's there just because other dungeon crawlers have hunger systems.
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Re: Mod request - ignore food

Post by JohnWordsworth »

I think the primary purpose of a food system in most dungeon crawlers is to make it so that you cannot continually rest. A lot of games like this would be significantly easier if you could continually run away / close a door, rest back to full health an get back into the fight again. By getting the food balance right, you can allow the players to rest back to full health reasonably often, but not all of the time. As such, I wholly approve of food systems in these sorts of games myself!

However, for the OP... After release, I expect it'll be easy for someone in the modding forum to post a single line of script that would reset all of your prisoner's 'food levels' back to full whenever you would like. It would be trivial in the first game and so I assume it'll be equally trivial for the sequel!
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Re: Mod request - ignore food

Post by Sir Tawmis »

Ixnatifual wrote: But IIRC Grimrock 1 had an area where ice lizards would spawn infinitely. Since these also provide food, that defeats those purposes.
I don't recall the constant lizards... there is an area in Level 3 or 4 or so that spawns constant spiders.
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Re: Mod request - ignore food

Post by Chimera005ao »

Sir Tawmis wrote:
Ixnatifual wrote: But IIRC Grimrock 1 had an area where ice lizards would spawn infinitely. Since these also provide food, that defeats those purposes.
I don't recall the constant lizards... there is an area in Level 3 or 4 or so that spawns constant spiders.
The only constantly respawning enemy I recall was ice lizards.
I traveled back from around floor 8 to floor 1 and never saw a single spider or other monster.
There were a lot of spiders, but I don't think they respawned.

My minotaur's inventory was almost always full of food. He also was the one that needed it the most.
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Re: Mod request - ignore food

Post by minmay »

There are lots of respawning enemies. Off the top of my head: the skeleton warriors in the menagerie on level 4, the skeleton warriors in the northeast of level 6, the snails in level 6 (these leave food), the ice lizards on level 9, the goromorgs on level 12.
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Re: Mod request - ignore food

Post by Chimera005ao »

the skeleton warriors in the menagerie on level 4
I definitely forgot about the puzzle based ones... It was solved, so pretty sure there was no respawning when I went back there. ; P
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