Like the mod so far but am stuck on the inner sanctuary level 2 with the three parallel tunnels. There is one button and you get warped around but have not been able to figure out the pattern. Any help is appreciated.
Yes that hint helped. I never would of guessed to do that. Maybe a couple of rocks on the ground would of been a good hint. Thanks.
Last edited by Duke45 on Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Go to center tunnel just before the invisible teleporter and throw a rock. At the end of center corridor you have a floor pressure plate and if you throw something this pressure plate deactivate all teleporters and open a secret door at the end of this corridor.
I hope you can continue with this explanation. Tell me if you need more information.
Tell me at the end your opinion
use an item and put on plates marked with O:
--------------> Here is the door entrance
<------------------ Here is the door you need to open
when you put an object on this 5 plates the door opens
Ok, it's working, but tell me how i was supposed to figure it out? I miss a note or smth? And now this combination lock, i feel pretty dumb, or rly missed smth important.
you found a scroll with a text "now the wrong way". On previous room if you step on this positions you are teleported to the beginning. You need to do the inverse.
The final combination lock:
You found 3 notes with that information, one on ossarium area (with the last 2 symbols) but you can't reach this now. Because you choose left way you can find another after the daemon head on pressure plates room. Search for a button on the wall and you found a note with 3 first symbols. The combination needs 6 symbols.
I probably wasted this note(with ending letters) on some earlier plate(or in another way, no idea how ) so now im stuck here with first 3 letters, so i have 125 possible wariations. Im not "that" stubborn I also don't possess earlier saves. You are my only hope now ;d.
Anyway I find this mod quite interesting, a few nice uncommon solutions and tricks was a huge + (but my gamestyle 2 x 25-30 min per day not allowed me to properly "sink into it" ^^)