Scripting: Monster only gets demaged by one special weappon

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Scripting: Monster only gets demaged by one special weappon

Post by THOM »

What I try to do is to have a costum monster that can only get demaged by one special weappon.

I found this scripting-idea:

But thats a different idea: a monster is killed immediatly with that special weappon but is also hurtable otherwise.

My monster must not be killed immediatly, but has to get demage by only one weappon.

What I did already is to set my monster to

Code: Select all

health = 20000,
immunities = { "poison", "assassination", "backstab", "fire", "cold", "shock"  },
evasion = 1000,
Just a first try but that must set it to nearly immortality (for fights with other weappons). But I don't know how to implement a weappon, that is able now to do damage to this monster... ?? :?: :?
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Re: Scripting: Monster only gets demaged by one special weap

Post by DesperateGames »

I had a similar problem in my dungeon, and i added the following to the monster definition:

Code: Select all

		if type=="poison" then 
			return true 
			return false
A monster that has this OnDamage hook will only be wounded by poison damage. (Which my magic weapon of course does deal, what a coincidence ;-) ) The downside is that the monster will absolutely ignore all other damage, it is like you are not even hitting at all. I remember that I tried several things to reduce the amount of all other incoming damage, but I don't know what the problem / issue was, all I can remember is that it did not work unless I would block all other damage. :?
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Re: Scripting: Monster only gets demaged by one special weap

Post by THOM »

Ah, DesperateGames, once again it's you, who helps me. :-)

But your solution suggests "poison", which would mean, that my monster would get demage from all poision-attacks (eg. poison-cloud).

But I would like to have a monster that takes absolutly no demage from any kind of attack - only from that special weappon.

I don't mind, how I could make my monster immune to attacks - my problem is: how to get one weappon, that does demage...
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Re: Scripting: Monster only gets demaged by one special weap

Post by AdrTru »

I think that you must create party hook for onAttack and weapon set to some global variable ( maybe with timestamp ).
Next in monster hook onDamage you may compare this used weapon for make/dont make damage. ( timestamp will be same for same attack )
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Re: Scripting: Monster only gets demaged by one special weap

Post by maneus »

Maybe this could work:

In your monsters.lua make a onDamage script like this to your monster:

Code: Select all

   	onDamage = function (self, dmg, dmgType)
     	 return damage.checkDamage(self, dmg, dmgType)
Then make a script in your dungeon named "damage".

Put the following into the script:

Code: Select all

usedWeapon = ""

function checkDamage(self, dmg, dmgType)

   if usedWeapon == "name your weapon here" then
      usedWeapon = ""
      return true


      usedWeapon = ""
      return false

function whatWeapon(self, weapon)

   if weapon then
      usedWeapon =
   return true

This works with destroyable objects. Maybe with monsters too?
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Re: Scripting: Monster only gets demaged by one special weap

Post by AdrTru »

Yes, its applicating of my idea, But in your examle IMHO missing call to whatWeapon(self, weapon) from patry like this

Code: Select all

onAttack = function(self, weapon)
  damage.whatWeapon(self, weapon)
becouse without calling this function this usedWeapon will dont be setted.
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Re: Scripting: Monster only gets demaged by one special weap

Post by JohnWordsworth »

To give you a more complete solution, although - only briefly tested. There are 3 cases to consider...

1. With a ranged weapon (silver throwing dagger or magic arrow) it's easy. You just have to override the monster's 'onProjectileHit' method so that you destroy the monster when hit by the specific weapon. Note that this solution doesn't give the shooter XP for the kill. You could either just give each character 1,000 XP for killing this boss or you could possibly do something funny, like unset a flag so that 'onDamage' no longer returns false. Then give the monster 0 protection, 0 evade and 1 hit point (so that hit also definitely kills the creature).

The following example creates a snail clone (called 'magic_snail') that can only be killed by a special arrow. Everything else does no damage.

Code: Select all

  name = "magic_snail",
  baseObject = "snail",
  protection = 1000,
  evasion = -100,
  onProjectileHit = function(monster, projectile, damage, damageType) 
    if ( == "my_magic_arrow" ) then
	  spawn("fx", monster.level, monster.x, monster.y, monster.facing):setParticleSystem("shockburst"):translate(0,1,0);
	  spawn("fx", monster.level, monster.x, monster.y, monster.facing):setParticleSystem("hit_blood"):translate(0,1,0);
  onDamage = function(monster, damage, damageType)
    return false;

  name = "my_magic_arrow",
  baseObject = "arrow",
  uiName = "Magic Arrow"
2. You have a wand or weapon that casts a spell on the square in front of the party which can kill the creature. This is also pretty straightforward - you just have to create a custom spell, and have that spell detect the specific creature and destroy it. Same issue with XP, but apart from that - pretty easy.

This example extends the above example by making it so that a specific spell can also kill the snail. In this case, the spell must be cast by the 'Magic Snail Killer' rod, which is a clone of the lightning rod.

Code: Select all


  name = "my_magic_spell_rod",
  baseObject = "lightning_rod",
  uiName = "Magic Snail Killer",
  attackMethod = "castWandSpell",
  spell = "kill_magic_snail_spell",
  charges = 100

  name = "kill_magic_snail_spell",
  uiName = "Murder Magic Snail",
  skill = "air_magic",
  level = 10,
  runes = nil,
  manaCost = 0,
  onCast = function(caster, x, y, facing, skill)
  	local dx, dy = getForward(facing);
  	local spell_x, spell_y = x+dx, y+dy;
  	local level = party.level;
  	if ( isWall(level, spell_x, spell_y) ) then
    spawn("fx", level, spell_x, spell_y, facing):setParticleSystem("shockburst"):translate(0,1,0);
    for e in entitiesAt(level, spell_x, spell_y) do
      if ( == "magic_snail" ) then
  	    spawn("fx", level, spell_x, spell_y, facing):setParticleSystem("hit_blood"):translate(0,1,0);      
3. For melee weapons, I don't think there is an easy way to track the weapon used in onDamage. For this, you will have to create a script_entitiy and store some data. I've written a fairly fool-proof mechanism I think. Whenever you attack, store the weapon used and the play_time (frame time). If an onDamage call is made in the same frame, I assume it's the same attack. You have to do this to prevent the player from firing an arrow, swinging a sword and then having the arrow hit and kill the creature - just tracking the weapon would then lead it to think the sword hit it. By tracking the time, we ensure this only works for melee weapons and ignores ranged weapons.

This is a two step solution...

STEP 1. You will need to add the following script_entity to your dungeon with the name 'attack_tracker'. This is a script that will be called from both the party hook and the monster to ensure that attacks are tracked.

Code: Select all

last_attack_weapon = nil;
last_attack_time = nil;

function onAttack(champion, weapon)
	local weapon_name = "";
	if ( weapon == nil ) then 
		weapon_name = "Unarmed"
		weapon_name =;
	last_attack_weapon = weapon_name;
	last_attack_time = getStatistic("play_time");	

function getAttackingWeapon()
	if ( last_attack_time == getStatistic("play_time") ) then
	  return last_attack_weapon;
    return nil;
STEP 2. Update the snail to the following and add the 'cloneObject' party hook for the onAttack hook. Note that if you already have an onAttack hook, you will need to merge the code otherwise one will override the other.

Code: Select all

  name = "magic_snail",
  baseObject = "snail",
  protection = 1000,
  evasion = -100,
  onProjectileHit = function(monster, projectile, damage, damageType) 
    if ( == "my_magic_arrow" ) then
	  spawn("fx", monster.level, monster.x, monster.y, monster.facing):setParticleSystem("shockburst"):translate(0,1,0);
	  spawn("fx", monster.level, monster.x, monster.y, monster.facing):setParticleSystem("hit_blood"):translate(0,1,0);
  onDamage = function(monster, damage, damageType, other)
  	local tracker = findEntity("attack_tracker");
    if ( tracker ~= nil and tracker.getAttackingWeapon() == "knife" ) then
	  spawn("fx", monster.level, monster.x, monster.y, monster.facing):setParticleSystem("shockburst"):translate(0,1,0);
	  spawn("fx", monster.level, monster.x, monster.y, monster.facing):setParticleSystem("hit_blood"):translate(0,1,0);
    return false;

  name = "party",
  baseObject = "party",
  onAttack = function(champion, weapon) 
  	local tracker = findEntity("attack_tracker");
    if ( tracker ~= nil ) then
		tracker.onAttack(champion, weapon);
At the end of this you should have an invulnerable snail - only 3 things can kill it... A knife in melee, a magic arrow and a spell rod which casts a specific spell.

If you want to see it in action before trawling through the above code - I've created an example dungeon with a room of magic snails. They can only be killed with the knife, the magic arrows and the lightning rod. Everything else should do zero damage. Feel free to pick apart the code from there instead if you would prefer. Enjoy! ...
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Re: Scripting: Monster only gets demaged by one special weap

Post by AdrTru »

Thank you for very compex and usefull solution.
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Re: Scripting: Monster only gets demaged by one special weap

Post by maneus »

AdrTru wrote:Yes, its applicating of my idea, But in your examle IMHO missing call to whatWeapon(self, weapon) from patry like this

Code: Select all

onAttack = function(self, weapon)
  damage.whatWeapon(self, weapon)
becouse without calling this function this usedWeapon will dont be setted.
Oh right, I forget this:

I´ve put in objects.lua the following:

Code: Select all

   name = "party",
   baseObject = "party",
   onAttack = function (self, weapon)
      return damage.whatWeapon(self, weapon)
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Re: Scripting: Monster only gets demaged by one special weap

Post by THOM »

Oh, well - seems to be good. The only thing I want to change in JohnWordsworth solution is, that I don't want to have the monster be killed immediatly, I want to get it damaged.

So instead of monster:destroy(); I would write something like

Code: Select all


Is this possible?
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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