UPDATE: Warning Long Post
Sorry for no update in a while, but I was busy cooking things up and wanted to group stuff together before posting.
Phase 1 of the project is nearing completion. All interior geometry has been done, and now needs shading, smoothing, UVmapping, rigging/animations, and scripting work done to get to usable release.
below are images of new stuff since then
Additionally, I'm releasing a preview .dat file so you can take a look. it is here.
Below is sort of an explanation os what I am trying to achieve.
The purpose of the current project is to build a starting point upon which future improvements can be made. The essence of Sci-Fi dungeon crawlers that makes them different from fantasy is that they take place in space, on planets, etc.; that is to say they have the element of mobility. This project aims to build a small shuttle craft that can serve as a starting point, and a persistent "home base" for the player, as well as allowing the player to plausibly shift to any number of sceneries within the same mod. This is perfectly achievable in LOG1 engine, and the features of LOG2 will just make that easier and less hackish. As it stand, the shuttle is 1x3 with a door and door corridor for exiting. You should be able to disembark either on the same level, such as through an ubilical (think the way you board airplanes), or by means of a ladder when landed in rougher locations. The ladder will be achieved in LOG1 via clever trickery(basically a staircase with clever modeling), in LOG2 AH has confirmed a easier means to do this. In either case, when exiting by umbilical there will be a sort of exterior visible through a window if you wish, but optional. When disembarking by ladder, however, you will be abble to walk around the ship's exterior.
Do all mesh geometry with everything else placeholder
Interior finished, exterior and ancilliary things in progress
uvmap and texture, even if shitty texture all meshes
none yet until phase 1 complete to my satisfaction
animation rigging, animations, and scripting
none yet until phase 1 complete to my satisfaction
Phase 4
enlist help of the community to help me do the things I don't do very well or am too stupid to learn how to do
And thats it, thanks for reading and taking a look. I'm fairly active so post anything you want I'll probably reply pretty fast.