I'm currently in the throes of trying my hand at my first dungeon. A remake of the 'old as dirt' board game Hero Quest.
But I've run into a problem fairly early on. The size of the map becomes too big since I have no way to block off sections, since HQ's board is all squished together with almost no "space", so to speak.
First I attempted to put a dead space buffer between the rooms, but this quickly over inflates the size and throws everything off.
I do know there are a few placeables you can put on the lines of the grid, but none of them really look like walls to me.
I've perused the modding asset/help thread but can't seem to find anything that could help.
I'm not able to script, but I do know how to import custom assets, if someone happened to be able to point me in the direction of one that was appropriate.
If you are unsure as to what I mean here, please ask me to clarify and I will do my best. (I'm not the greatest at communicating my ideas)