Unkillable Cat wrote:I restarted the mod in 1.39 and now I'm stuck. I'm on Level 10 beyond the door that needs the Ancient Gold Key, and the first riddle stops me. "What simply use a swordsman?" As this is not correct English I do not quite understand what this means. It also stops me because there are so many possible answers, and I am NOT going to run all over the dungeon trying to find them.
Talking about slowdowns, I've noticed them as well in the caves on Level 9 when lots of flies appear at once, which they do after almost every other step. Suggestion: Switch most of them out for those yellow Beholder-like monsters that are also flying around. Not so many monsters about, difficulty should remain the same.
If I might make one other suggestion: Get rid of the boulder traps, or at least give us players a warning that they're there. The traps on Level 9 make sense, but the ones on Level 2 and Level 3 do not, as there is no warning that they're there. Players just go "What's that noise?" and them SPLAT! Game Over. That is not fun.
As for bugs: The Fine Vorpal Blade does not break boxes or walls, and on Level 7 some monsters just disappeared in front of me, in the room with the "Machine 0", "Machine 1" signs. The monsters would disappear as they come out of the little rooms in the center.
Other than that, this mod is looking good.
thanks for your reply!
I had to make some modifications about that. Good point with the boulder. Well, in correct english can I wrote "beware of rolling stones" or "beware of rocks"?
Did you play the game in full details? I have already removed monsters in the level 9, and thought that is enough.
well what simply use a swordsman? try to put a long sword, I have placed all items required for this 4 riddles, in the level 8 or 9. You can even try other swords (low level sword)
I let you guess for the other alcoves
the ancient gold key is in the north east of the level 9, but you can only access it, by passing a door called "rubis" opened with a red gem.
And this gem can be found in the level 10, you have to go completely south of the level 9, use a pit and then you go.
did you find 2 blue gems in the lvl 10?
it is normal that monsters disappear, I have put invisible teleporters that only monsters can use them. It works only one time.
I have no news yet from Rmariano, he proposed to traduce into correct english all texts in the mod. Perhaps can you do it for me?
the vorpal blade or fine vorpal blade does not brake boxes because they do only poison damage.
I have just try by removing the damageType.