Please assist me in getting the console to work :)

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Please assist me in getting the console to work :)

Post by Johnam »

Allo, just beat the game and I wanna have fun with the console. I used to be good at this kind of thing (operative words here sadly is "used to".

Spent many an hour trying to get it to work, originally I thought it would be as simple as just adding the lines:

console = true
consoleKey = 192

To Grimrock.cfg in order to get the Tilde key (`), or (Shift)+(~) to work, but upon further reading it seemed to state that infusing a file mentioned in the forums. So I view the file as text, save it as a .py file. Further on they talk about a console.lua (which I might add I cannot find in the folder) so I believe the grimrock_console script mentioned produces the console.lua file.

So I open python 2.7.6 inside of the grimrock directory, it gives me a cmd prompt format of:


So yay, now I can just enter some commands and get this done, but.... I look online on the python forum and in the forums herein and I cannot seem to find any information as to the inputs required to do this function. I try the os.chdir, or since I placed the python exe into LoG forum I imagine I can use use an "extract" filename command but the program just looks at me with a cows interest and returns nothing helpful. I obviously have no idea how to use it or perhaps it's pertaining to a different version than the python i'm using.

So I get frustrated after trying other things like adding "developer = true" to grimrock.cfg in order to see if that makes any difference, but nadda.

At this point I read all the information I can find in these forums (linked threads, etc.) and I can't find the answer I'm looking for. So i decide to look elsewhere for the coveted console.lua file, I find it and it seems to be a 3KB file that seems to be full of some words and a lot of gibberish (python language understands it I'm sure) someone has it and I put er' in my LoG folder and hope that finally I can access console via tilde.

But sadly, nadda. I seriously humbly request that someone with ample patience to do a step by step breakdown for me for I am lost.
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Re: Please assist me in getting the console to work :)

Post by Dr.Disaster »

I'm not sure if this is intelli-spam; someone playing around with scripts and python should be able to use the search function. This question was asked here just 2 months ago and it was not hard to locate on page 5 of the modding section: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5683&hilit=console

Bottomline: there is no need to call any script to get the console to work. If those "console"-lines are in grimrock.cfg as you describe and you still can't get the console to work your LoG version is outdated. Use the available patches to get it up to speed.
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Re: Please assist me in getting the console to work :)

Post by Asteroth »

Considering when it showed up, I'm pretty sure it's spam. A couple of the people in the great spam flood were actually smart. (Though very few)
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Re: Please assist me in getting the console to work :)

Post by Komag »

hard to tell - the first three posts from long ago seem okay, if slightly odd. That's a LONG time to have a sleeper agent, who then suddenly posts a very long and detailed post. It smells legit to me so far.
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Re: Please assist me in getting the console to work :)

Post by Asteroth »

Darn, I'm becoming a nutjob. My obsessive paranoia about spam is affecting my reasoning and, online, social skills.

I wonder if I have an actual phobia of spam.
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Re: Please assist me in getting the console to work :)

Post by Frenchie »

For others that might read this post it still might be useful. It took me some time as well to get the console to work on my Mac. Not all keys worked and I also had no clue where the console would pop up. I also don't know why my console area varies in rows and how to reduce the number of rows.

I reckon you try with keys you know that work: the quick load/save function keys and redirection those to other keys. You can use an Ascii table to find the codes. I made my console key F6 (117), quick load L (76) and quick save O (79). Better turn debug on as well in the cfg file as it shows your location in the bottom-left corner.

Be sure to have a dark background when you activate the console. On the Mac when I turn it on there's a white dollar sign with an underscore in the top-left corner: $ _

Now comes the most difficult part to get the proper syntax. If you address the top-left champion it should start with party:getChampion(1): and you address the whole party only party: is required. There are plenty of scripting references (scripting cheat sheet for example) to be found.
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Re: Please assist me in getting the console to work :)

Post by GrimrockFan »

OK, I tend to play Grimrock in bouts and have never beaten it (yet). I was searching for some help and saw info on the console command. I remember using the Console in Quake a LOOOONG time ago. I would love to get it working in Grimrock (1), but so far I have failed to do so. On the PC, the directions seem fairly simple, however, I am now a Mac user and it's on a Mac that I play Grimrock. I run Mac OS now and I have the latest version of Grimrock installed. I have installed Python as well, but when I run the pre-configured script I found in another post (, it balks at the f = open('grimrock.dat', "rb") command. On the Mac, there is no grimrock.dat file. In fact, all of the grimrock stuff is enclosed in the "Legend of" file in my Applications. Please help if you can provide Mac OS instructions. Thanks!
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Re: Please assist me in getting the console to work :)

Post by Dr.Disaster »

GrimrockFan wrote:OK, I tend to play Grimrock in bouts and have never beaten it (yet). I was searching for some help and saw info on the console command. I remember using the Console in Quake a LOOOONG time ago. I would love to get it working in Grimrock (1), but so far I have failed to do so. On the PC, the directions seem fairly simple, however, I am now a Mac user and it's on a Mac that I play Grimrock. I run Mac OS now and I have the latest version of Grimrock installed. I have installed Python as well, but when I run the pre-configured script I found in another post (, it balks at the f = open('grimrock.dat', "rb") command. On the Mac, there is no grimrock.dat file. In fact, all of the grimrock stuff is enclosed in the "Legend of" file in my Applications. Please help if you can provide Mac OS instructions. Thanks!
Directions for PC and Mac are identical, only the location of "grimrock.cfg" is different and it's not inside the game. On Mac the config file is in folder "[username]/library/application support/almost human/legend of grimrock". Find and modify it as needed. Follow and read.
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Re: Please assist me in getting the console to work :)

Post by GrimrockFan »

Thanks Dr. Disaster. With your guidance and some persistence I got a little further. Now in Terminal, I can get to that directory (it's hidden via the Finder GUI). But in that folder, I do not have a Grimrock.DAT file. Should I copy the original install file to that location? Below is a list of the contents of that folder:

Johns-MacBook-Pro:legend of grimrock John$ ls
Dungeons savegame01.sav savegame06.sav
Portraits savegame02.sav savegame07.sav
autosave.sav savegame03.sav savegame08.sav
grimrock.cfg savegame04.sav savegame09.sav savegame05.sav

Sorry to be a pain! If you can guide this mac newb a little more, that would be awesome! Thanks!
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Re: Please assist me in getting the console to work :)

Post by minmay »

You don't need to edit grimrock.dat to get the user console. is for enabling the non-sandboxed developer console, it was written before the user console was added to the game in later versions. As long as you have a current version of Grimrock, adding 'console = true' and 'consoleKey = 220' to grimrock.cfg. is enough. You can then press \ in the game to open or close the console.
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