An unarmed combat master, good to know!
Okay, Pit Fighter Guards are actually an unarmed weapon! (Slot being either hand) - they are NOT the same item as the original.
In Labyrinth of Lies there are about 11 unarmed combat 'weapons' - Pit Fighter Guards (with pit_gauntlets model) being one of the early ones, defined as:
name = "pit_guards",
class = "Item",
uiName = "Pit Fighter Guards",
model = "assets/models/items/pit_gauntlets.fbx",
gfxIndex = 18,
skill = "unarmed_combat",
requiredLevel = 15,
attackPower = 15,
accuracy = 0,
evasion = 2,
strength = 1,
shield = true,
attackMethod = "meleeAttack",
attackSwipe = "horizontal",
attackSound = "swipe_heavy",
impactSound = "impact_blunt",
coolDownTime = 3.7,
weight = 2.2,
description = "The fabled pit fighters of Nex favoured arm attachments fitted with spikes and sharp metal ridges.",
name = "pit_gauntlets",
class = "Item",
uiName = "Aggrevator Fists",
model = "mod_assets/models/gauntlets_might.fbx",
gfxAtlas = "mod_assets/textures/akroma_icons5.tga",
gfxIndex = 95,
skill = "unarmed_combat",
requiredLevel = 40,
attackPower = 40,
accuracy = -15,
evasion = 10,
health = 60,
energy = 60,
coolDownTime = 3.7,
attackMethod = "meleeAttack",
attackSwipe = "horizontal", --{ {time=0, swipe="horizontal"}, {time=0.2, swipe="vertical"}, {time=0.4, swipe="horizontal"} },
attackSound = "swipe_special",
impactSound = "impact_blunt",
weight = 4.7,
gameEffect = "Unarmed Dominance & Aggressive Resonance: Attack Power +6 when unarmed and if wearer possesses the 'Aggressive' trait, strength, evasion, health and energy are increased further.",
shield = true,
description = "A powerfully crafted gauntlet designed for maximum damage at the expense of accuracy, evasion and general common sense. Favoured by front line soldiers as a back up option.",
onEquipItem = function(champion, slot)
return specialWeaponScripts.recklessfistsEquip(champion, slot)
onUnequipItem = function(champion, slot)
return specialWeaponScripts.recklessfistsUnequip(champion, slot)
Does this solve the problem? I am pretty sure the Pit Fighter Guards I have checked in game