New monster proposals

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Re: New monster proposals

Post by Neikun »

thomson wrote:Unkillable monsters - players usually tend to move forward in the dungeon getting rid of all monsters in the process. When a stronger opponent appears, players usually have a place to run that was "wiped out", so they have to deal with one problem at a time. This mechanics would change completely is some rare monsters would get incapacitated (the golem seems stunned for now; you chopped so many tentacles from that shoggoth that he falls down, lies without much movement and breathes heavily, etc.) for some time rather than completely dead. There are many cases where such mini-boss would be an interesting twist. For example I was thinking about haunted swamps that besides the usual swampy suspects have an old, underwater abomination that is sort of immortal and the only viable strategy is to stun him and run (Lovecraft, anyone?). This should not be abused, obviously. Too many monsters that respawn on their own would be annoying.

Possible extra feature: he would lie down in its incapacitated form. There could be a puzzle to stun a monster in specific place ("even 4 champions were not heavy enough to push down this pressure plate, but this huge daemon was.")
I think this could make for some fun puzzle mechanics. In a way I'm made to think about creatures with regeneration from D&D such as the troll. Where you can incapacitate it, but in order to actually kill it, you need to do a specific kind of damage.
Naked goromorg - We all know how cute goromorg's faces are :) I was always wondering how a naked goromorg looks like. It could be a monster with lots of tentacles. Actually, just tentacles with nothing else. He could have a special attack that wraps his tentacle around a weapon or even armor (helmet?) and pulls it away from champions' hands. The weapon wouldn't be gone, just land on the same grid as the monster, so it would be inaccessible until the monster is slain or move.
Can't say I'm a fan of being disarmed in a game. In order for me to find it fun and challenging rather than mostly annoying, it would have to be in a game where a character likely has a spare weapon that can take 2.5 seconds to equip in place of the one they just lost. If LoG2 is as survival based as the first one, I don't think disarming is a good feature to add.
Ogre's charge - We've all been hit by a charging ogre. Many died that way. The punch is so powerful that can kill someone. It could also rupture backpack and some items could fall out. There could be a tearing sound, so player won't be surprised that his inventory is gone. Just need to get back and pick up your stuff. Not that easy with a charging ogres around, though.
I really don't this idea. I think it's a level of tediousness that I would very much rather do with out.
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Re: New monster proposals

Post by JohnWordsworth »

I think some of these 'player debuff' ideas could work if they were handled in a very obvious fashion. For instance, I don't think that an ogre charge should just happen to make you lose items, but I would suggest the following 2 mechanics as examples of ways that you could include these effects without them being annoying (or at least, it would be a bit annoying, but would feel fair to the player - so you would be annoyed at yourself for making the mistake - which I feel is perfectly fine and that feeling is what makes a situation tense).

For instance...

1. Attacking a certain type of creature with a certain weapon could have a chance of disarm: For instance, if you were fighting a duelist with a single handed weapon - there could be a 10% chance of being disarmed. However, if you attack with a double handed weapon, it would be too hard for a duelist to disarm you. Therefore, you can change gear to get around the problem.

2. Attacking while the enemy is in a certain time in their animation could make you vulnerable/invulnerable to disarm: For instance, the duellist that has just attacked you isn't 'ready' yet to disarm. So if you attack in that window, you are safe. On the flip side, it could just be a small window when you're ultra vulnerable - if you attack at the same time as they are, then there is a 20% chance both attacks miss but you are disarmed.

3. Certain creatures clearly have an ability and it takes time to charge: A tentacled monster could attack you, and after each attack hits a tentacle 'sticks' to the screen unless you move (and then take a bit of damage for ripping the tentacle out). However, when there are 4 tentacles attached to you, the creature has grabbed you and will take an item from your backpack. ie. you have a chance to escape but at a minor cost.
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Re: New monster proposals

Post by boyflea »

my 2gp:
Disarm is not great, but you could force a condition where the user auto-attacks / stuns hands briefly. Was thinking that whenever a player drops down a pit, there should be a chance of stun based upon evasion-skills: I like to add some panic to players in these situations.

Surprised no-one has said rust-monster, always a fave on DM.
Slimes coming out of things, under doors etc is cool. Things that 'break' the grid system, so spawn across several squares like the giant snake.
Monsters that activate only when you sleep and remain on-map only shortly after you awaken.
And ghosts. Anything that can basically sneak up on you in a locked room while you sleep :)

but above all, I'd love to see humans, insects, lizardmen and minotaurs: monsters with neutral alignment that will patrol randomly, fight monsters and attack you if provoked.
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Re: New monster proposals

Post by Asteroth »

boyflea wrote:my 2gp:
Disarm is not great, but you could force a condition where the user auto-attacks / stuns hands briefly. Was thinking that whenever a player drops down a pit, there should be a chance of stun based upon evasion-skills: I like to add some panic to players in these situations.

Surprised no-one has said rust-monster, always a fave on DM.
Slimes coming out of things, under doors etc is cool. Things that 'break' the grid system, so spawn across several squares like the giant snake.
Monsters that activate only when you sleep and remain on-map only shortly after you awaken.
And ghosts. Anything that can basically sneak up on you in a locked room while you sleep :)

but above all, I'd love to see humans, insects, lizardmen and minotaurs: monsters with neutral alignment that will patrol randomly, fight monsters and attack you if provoked.
Wait, I thought everybody despised rust monsters with an undying fury? Was I wrong?!
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Re: New monster proposals

Post by Neikun »

boyflea wrote:my 2gp:
Disarm is not great, but you could force a condition where the user auto-attacks ...
This makes me think of a Counter Attack special ability. That could be cool.
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Re: New monster proposals

Post by Isaac »

boyflea wrote:my 2gp:
Surprised no-one has said rust-monster, always a fave on DM.
They have to make a Rust Monster for level 9 in the "Eye of the Beholder" mods.
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Re: New monster proposals

Post by Frenchie »

Doppelgangers: they look like a human wandering lost in the dungeon until you turn your back or come too close. Then their real nature comes to the surface with creepy long teethed face...

Water elemental: it follows you like a puddle of water growing bigger and tries to drown you. You need to freeze and smash it before it touches you. Else you fall asleep and wake with half health and all water drained.

Chameleon predator like being is almost invisible climbs the walls and attacks your backs.

Group hunting raptors: you see a key in its mouth and follow it only to find yourself lured into a trap and surrounded by multiple young raptors as mummy brought lunch.

Komodo dragon that grows back a head after you cut it off. You need to do that 2x to kill it. Bashing with a mace only makes it angrier.

Slimy Snails: they leave a slimy trail you slide over (move extra squares quickly and hit into a wall or down a pit)

Mule: carries extra baggage but lures in hungry predators. If you don't feed it it runs away with your items and you might retrieve it from its corpse later.

Whisps that you only see in total darkness leading you to safety

Shadows: a dark cloud that turns off torches and surrounds you with total darkness. Can only be defeated by very bright lights or it will drain your health and energy

A multiple square big snake: it's slow and you need to cut it in half. Leaves a great deal of food. If you face it head on it poisons you all in seconds. You might recover the bones of a dead hero inside you can revive.

Beetle Bugs: they approach from floor, walls and ceiling all at ones. Needs lots of fire to kill them.

Parasite: it attaches to one of your champions and it can't be removed. Your reaction time is halved and you need more rest. When it's fed it'll drop off

Larvae: you already have the big worms, but these little ones become cute butterflies. But how cute is a giant hungry butterfly?
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Re: New monster proposals

Post by CremionisD »

+1 for ghosts etc. This type of monster was completely absent from the first LOG. These would also kind of require either dispel magic or weapons especially made for killing ghosts..

What about an earth elemental. It could live in the walls of the dungeon, and kind-of reach and/or grow out from the walls (and/or floor/ceiling) to attack. This type of enemy would likely be very hard to kill...
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Re: New monster proposals

Post by Neikun »

I think even without specific weapons to kill them, ghosts would be a cool monster just for being able to pass through objects.
You could have them with high miss chance due to being incorporeal , with some weapons that bypass that miss chance.
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Re: New monster proposals

Post by Isaac »

Well... I have at least one in the ORRR2 mod; planned for two (might still). Immune to [non magical] physical weapons and pack quite a punch with cold spells.
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