Spell ideas

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Re: Spell ideas

Post by Drakkan »

Neikun wrote:
Drakkan wrote:is rune system like LOG1 be used again ? I personally hope there will be some improvements in magic system and not just making rune table larger (although even this could be fine)
I propose scroll-learning system, or make some spells more dependent on some stats (like you can cast fireball from certain level etc...) --- I really hated to start with new character, invest all points to fire magic and start fireballing monsters from level 3, it was almost like cheating...
In a way I agree and disagree with Drakkan
Maybe there's some sort of middle ground that can be achieved?
Perhaps if the game doesn't start off with the players having no belongings, a spell caster will start off with a spell book with only some spells in it (perhaps a random selection of low level and a couple high level to work towards.) And scrolls could be written into the spell book later.
spelbook sounds like a great idea for me in case you want spellcaster class like wizards in D&D (or sorceror, not sure which one it was). That way you can choose at the start of the game few spells which you want to write in (available from all low level spells) and as you gaining levels, you can always choose some spells to write in. No a bad approach definitely. I am quite curious with what LOG wil come with, as they know, that many players was complaining about this.
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Re: Spell ideas

Post by leewroy »

Some really nice ideas here. But I´m sure that the guys are already thinking about new and optimized spells for Grimrock 2 ;)
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Re: Spell ideas

Post by Neikun »

But at the same time I hope that the runes aren't gone. I really enjoyed the system, but the 3x3 square has limitations in number of spells cast-able.
I'm looking forward to any peaks at the LoG2 magic system.
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Re: Spell ideas

Post by thomson »

Extensible runes - Existing 3x3 runes setup is nice, but it could be improved. Once the character development progresses, he could learn additional runes (e.g. expanding runes field to 3x4). Those additional runes could be fixed or variable (different for dark mages, for clerics, druids etc). It would be a great quest/secret prize - read a hidden ancient book that will give you extra rune. Alternatively, it could be added once certain level is reached. If you studied fire magic, you'd get lava, ash and hell runes. If you spent your points on air, you'd get wind, cloud and thunderstorm runes etc.

Modifier runes - Another way to expand spell system would be to add modifiers. Here are couple examples to get the idea. 'Swiftness' modifier will speed up projectiles. 'Everlasting' will make the spell last longer. 'Forceful' will make it stronger. 'Forgetful' will make the monster confused if hit. I have two proposals how those modifiers could be used. First one is an additional set of runes that you can optionally tag to get stronger/faster/etc. version of the base spell. The other possibility is object property. If a spell is cast using a mage's wand of haste, the spells are automatically upgraded to their fast versions.

This could add extra depth to the magic. Obviously those modifiers would drain your stamina faster, so they should be used in moderation. It is interesting that not every combination would be reasonable, e.g. swift poison cloud would disperse faster.
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Re: Spell ideas

Post by sprawler »

Stone feet - making all enemies walk slower

Poison breath - poison aura damaging nearby player

Exorcism - destroy/hurt undead to level X

Fire mines - placing fire mines on floor

Bone wall - to seperate from monsters

Thorn armor - % damage reflecred

mirror - creates an illusion of party
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Re: Spell ideas

Post by eLPuSHeR »

Slow time - longer cooldowns for foes.
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Re: Spell ideas

Post by Asteroth »

Many of these could have a hard time fitting in if they keep an element system. I'm not sure specific spells are of much use to suggest. Then again it can't hurt. So:
I'd really love more status effects. There weren't near enough in number one, and poison was the only one monsters could suffer.
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Re: Spell ideas

Post by uggardian »

How about a thunder storm spell/rain dance? It would function pretty much the same as storm call shout in Skyrim, changing the weather to rain and making lightning strikes randomly hit enemies on the area. Also, the rain itself does damage to fire creatures like uggardian and prevent's them and you from using fire magic. Maybe torches in hand would get wet? And in colder areas the same spell could make it snow? :D
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Re: Spell ideas

Post by eLPuSHeR »

uggardian wrote:How about a thunder storm spell/rain dance? It would function pretty much the same as storm call shout in Skyrim, changing the weather to rain and making lightning strikes randomly hit enemies on the area. Also, the rain itself does damage to fire creatures like uggardian and prevent's them and you from using fire magic. Maybe torches in hand would get wet? And in colder areas the same spell could make it snow? :D
That spell would be usable outdoors only, right?
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Re: Spell ideas

Post by uggardian »

Of course... And maybe another spell that does the opposite. A snow storm prevents you from seeing a thing, but a mage could calm down the weather. I really hope that if there's a weather and day/night cycle in Grimrock 2 those could be manipulated via magic. Wouldn't it cool that one spell gathers thick fog that you could use to sneak past enemies unnoticed or run away without beeing followed. And let's not forget earthquakes and tornados :)
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