Spiders? D:

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Lemony Lime
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Spiders? D:

Post by Lemony Lime »

How common are spiders in this game? Will it be possible for a mod to be created to remove them? I really want the game, but I cannot play it if there are spiders. =/ (I'm not the only one that feels this way either... one of the very first mods made for Skyrim was to remove spiders from the game, and it was one of the most downloaded.)
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Re: Spiders? D:

Post by Verts »

Oh come now surely you can brave the challenge of your fears of the beasts in this dungeon and slay them it would be like sweet retribution!
Lemony Lime
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Re: Spiders? D:

Post by Lemony Lime »

Sadly not.

I'd much rather fight zombies, lions, and various other monsters than have too look at a spider for a second (This applies both to real life as well.) Whether it's to kill them or not. (Besides, the death animations are usually the worst part.)
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Re: Spiders? D:

Post by dbgager »

Its a virtual spider. they are not even pictures of real spiders. The are a bunch of pixels. You realize the way to get rid of your fears is to face them...don't you.
Lemony Lime
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Re: Spiders? D:

Post by Lemony Lime »

I face them all the time tbh. Haven't gotten any less afraid yet.
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Re: Spiders? D:

Post by Mychaelh »

Not really something one should make fun about, but after reading the wikipedia article, I imagine Almost Human could sell LoG as a therapy concept:
...In Western societies as many as 55% of females and 18% of males are estimated to experience arachnophobia.
Arachnophobia is the most common of all the phobias, and a way of treating the disorder would be cognitive-behavioral therapy, or medications. Some medications someone with this phobia might take would include anti-anxiety medications or anti-depressants. Also, a therapist might choose to have the subject partake in what is called "Exposure Therapy" where the person is exposed to virtual spiders and then eventually live spiders little by little until they have overcome the phobia.
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Re: Spiders? D:

Post by PSY »

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek :twisted:
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Re: Spiders? D:

Post by Verts »

i was slightly playing around but i understand i know there releasing a dev kit for maps not so sure about modding a creature type or anything.
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Re: Spiders? D:

Post by Hissssa »

Well the game is finished so it is too late for them to make changes right this minute but I suspect it might be something they will do down the line as they specifically changed part of the interface for one user's request. I would suspect there would be quite a few spider haters out there so it is a possibility.

This is in no way a shameless bump!

I happen to like spiders and I just fed my bathroom "pet" spider this evening.
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Re: Spiders? D:

Post by HeavyMetalMonk »

Hmm, this I sympathize with. Fears aren't something so easily conquered.

Luckily my only fear is vomitting. Something I haven't done for a good ten years. My brain logically says "lol it's not even a big deal". But tell that to my shaky, sweaty hands when my stupid roommate gets a stomach virus four times in three months. :lol:

An option to remove spiders is something I've heard mentioned by a handful of people regarding Grimrock. Try to think of them as more crab than spider.
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