[GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

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Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

Post by Balthasar »

How about linking actions on the model to actions on the animation?

For example, I was recently moving the button model around to make buttons in new locations. To do this, several steps were involved.

Select button node, translate it.
Select button_frame node, translate it.
Go to animation tab.
Select the animation's button part, translate it.
Select the animation's button_frame part, translate it.
Save model.
Save animation.

It would be awesome if there was an option to have them all 'held together', so the user would just have to 'translate whole thing' and then 'save whole thing'. Ideally, something like:

Translate whole thing.
Save whole thing. (Both .animation and .model)
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Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests

Post by Neikun »

I noticed a bug in the animation tab.
The value for Rotate Position does nothing
The value for Rotate Rotation is the value for Rotate Rotation, and Rotate Position.

Animations still don't show up as files in folders when saving.
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