I can't seem to use the fullscreen during the preview in the Dungeon Editor. According to the documentation, I must press the F key while the preview is active, though it doesn't seem to do anything for me, it's very annoying to see that very tiny window so I really need help with this issue
EDIT: Nevermind I solved it, I must press CTRL + F not just F. I must say though, the documentation is incorrect, so please guys fix it to avoid further confusion, you can clearly read the incorrect info here:
Can't use fullscreen in Dungeon Editor
Re: Can't use fullscreen in Dungeon Editor
Thanks for the heads up! I updated the documentation.
Steven Seagal of gaming industry
Re: Can't use fullscreen in Dungeon Editor
It used to be just F, and I've personally set it back to that as I learned it that way and like the convenience, even if it means sometimes accidentally typing F in a script or something
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