Long time lua coder but new to Grimrock. I thought I'd share some of my snippets as I make and modify them.
Random Monster Generator version 0.9
Last Update
Jan 1st, 2013 @ 11:40 a.m. PST
Version History
Added monster minimum and maximum level limits
Added the UpOrDown() function
Enhanced the facing subroutine to include random spawn facings
Added a subroutine that ensures monsters do not face walls when spawning
Fixed a bug that caused monsters to have invalid spawn locations
Added a subroutine that prevents infinite looping, looping,...
Added a subroutine that checks for minimum distance from the party
Renamed some variables
Added the AdjacentCellIsWall() function
Fixed some logic erros in cell versus table index for tiles
Added the GetUUID() funciton
Added the GetAlternator() function
Fixed the some minor bugs
Fixed several bugs in the generator code
Made the basic generator code to create random monsters
Added monster minimum and maximum level limits
Added the UpOrDown() function
Enhanced the facing subroutine to include random spawn facings
Added a subroutine that ensures monsters do not face walls when spawning
Fixed a bug that caused monsters to have invalid spawn locations
Added a subroutine that prevents infinite looping, looping,...
Added a subroutine that checks for minimum distance from the party
Renamed some variables
Added the AdjacentCellIsWall() function
Fixed some logic erros in cell versus table index for tiles
Added the GetUUID() funciton
Added the GetAlternator() function
Fixed the some minor bugs
Fixed several bugs in the generator code
Made the basic generator code to create random monsters
- Allows modder to set base number of monster to spawn per level (adjusted slightly for randomness)
- Determines monster level based on mean party level (adjusted slightly for randomness)
- Allows restriction in monster type spawns based on level (can be adjusted in main table)
- Provides for quick addition of custom monsters
- Adjusts to any dungeon layout
- Prevents players from memorizing monster spawn locations and types
- Adds to the replayability of your dungeon
- Allows quick adjustments via main table
Code: Select all
By Centauri Soldier
<<<Current Version>>>
<<<Version History>>>
Added monster minimum and maximum level limits
Added the UpOrDown() function
Enhanced the facing subroutine to include random spawn facings
Added a subroutine that ensures monsters do not face walls when spawning
Fixed a bug that caused monsters to have invalid spawn locations
Added a subroutine that prevents infinite looping, looping,...
Added a subroutine that checks for minimum distance from the party
Renamed some variables
Added the AdjacentCellIsWall() function
Fixed some logic erros in cell versus table index for tiles
Added the GetUUID() funciton
Added the GetAlternator() function
Fixed the some minor bugs
Fixed several bugs in the generator code
Made the basic generator code to create random monsters
Licensed under Attribution 3.0 Unported
Use, edit and distribute as you like.
Please give credit if you do (the
first two lines of this license comment).
License Details
Create a script entity
called 'Monsters' and place
this code in it.
Call Monsters.Init() and
Monsters.SpawnLevel(nLevel) using the
current level as the argument.
I like to use a use once-only invisible
pressure plate for this. I place it
under the starting position for level 1
and on the stairs down for lower levels.
tMonsters = {
--[[create a numeric index in this table for each level in your dungeon
whose value is a number indicating the base number of monsters that will spawn in that level]]
BaseCount = {
[1] = math.random(6,10),
[2] = math.random(6,12),
[3] = math.random(7,12),
[4] = math.random(7,14),
[5] = math.random(8,14),
[6] = math.random(8,16),
[7] = math.random(9,16),
[8] = math.random(9,18),
[9] = math.random(10,18),
[10] = math.random(10,20),
[11] = math.random(11,20),
[12] = math.random(11,22),
[13] = math.random(12,22),
[14] = math.random(12,24),
[15] = math.random(13,24),
[16] = math.random(13,26),
[17] = math.random(14,26),
[18] = math.random(14,28),
[19] = math.random(15,28),
[20] = math.random(15,30),
[21] = math.random(16,30),
[22] = math.random(16,32),
[23] = math.random(17,32),
[24] = math.random(17,34),
[25] = math.random(18,34),
--used for calculating the number of monsters to add/subract during the spawn phase
BaseCountVar = math.random(4, 27) / 10,
--used to determine the variance in monster level
BaseLevelVar = math.random(5, 15) / 10,
--whether or not to allow level class spawns above the current level
--ClassVarianceAllow = true,
--the max level class variance to allow
--ClassVarianceValue = 2,
--[[this table list the mosnters that may spawn on given level (includes the previous lists).
e.g. a level 3 spawn phase may spawns monsters from table 3 as well as all monsters from tables 2 and 1
you may arrange these how you please (even adding monsters etc.) or simply leave them as they are]]
LevelClass = {
[1] = {"skeleton_warrior","herder","snail"},
[2] = {"herder_small","skeleton_patrol","skeleton_archer"},
[3] = {"crowern","herder_big","skeleton_archer_patrol"},
[4] = {"spider","scavenger","herder_swarm"},
[5] = {"tentacles","green_slime","warden"},
[6] = {"ogre","crab","uggardian"},
[7] = {"cube","ice_lizard","scavenger_swarm"},
[8] = {"goromorg","shrakk_torr","wyvern"},
LevelLimits = {
--this is the minimum allowed level for a spawning monster
Min = 1,
--this is the maximum allowed level for a spawning monster
Max = 25,
--prevents infinite loops in the spawn loop (this number is basically the spawn attemps allowed per monster <shared value>)
MaxSpawnAttemptsFactor = 10,
--the minimum tiles (x and y) between the party and the each spawning monster
MinPartyDistance = 2,
--NOT YET USED...will prevent monsters from spawning in tight groups (does not affect group entities)
MinMonsterDistance = 0,
--used to ensure that multiple spawn sessions per level do not occur [DO NOT EDIT THIS ENTRY]
Spawned = {},
Monsters.AdjacentCellIsWall(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)
Used to determine if a cell adjacent to
the input cell is a wall. This is, of course,
relative to the input facing.
function AdjacentCellIsWall(nLevel, nFacing, nX, nY)
if nFacing == 0 then
nY = nY - 1;
elseif nFacing == 1 then
nX = nX + 1;
elseif nFacing == 2 then
nY = nY + 1;
elseif nFacing == 3 then
nX = nX - 1;
if nX > -1 and nX < 32 and nY > -1 and nY < 32 then
return isWall(nLevel, nX, nY)
return true
Creates a Universal Unique
Identifier that may contain
a prefix.
function GenerateUUID(sPrefix)
local tChars = {"x","3","y","1","b","2","p","e","8","f","v","t","g","9","h","7","u","4","i","z","a","j","0","c","k","l","5","m","n","w","o","q","r","s","d","6"};
local tSequence = {1,4,4,4,12};
local sUUID = "";
local nMaxPrefixLength = 6; --range from 0 to 8
local sDelimiter = "-";
if type(sPrefix) == "string" then
local nLength = string.len(sPrefix);
if nLength > nMaxPrefixLength then
sPrefix = string.sub(sPrefix, 1, nMaxPrefixLength);
if string.gsub(sPrefix, " ", "") ~= "" then
sUUID = sPrefix..sDelimiter;
if nLength < nMaxPrefixLength then
tSequence[1] = tSequence[1] + (nMaxPrefixLength - nLength);
tSequence[1] = 8;
--fix the - at the end...
for nIndex, nSequence in pairs(tSequence) do
for x = 1, nSequence do
sUUID = sUUID..tChars[math.random(1, 36)];
sUUID = sUUID.."-";
return sUUID
Gets a random number:
either 1 or -1.
function GetAlternator()
return (-1) ^ math.random(1,2)
Gets a random monster which
is allowed to spawn in the
specified level.
function GetRandom(nMaxLevelClass)
--floor the input value to unsure it's an integer
nMaxLevelClass = math.floor(nMaxLevelClass);
--the level class table index that will be used when all calculations are done
local nLevelClass = 1;
--determine which level class will be used and check for number validity
if nMaxLevelClass > 1 then
local nLevelClasses = #tMonsters.LevelClass;
--[[total summation of this level's value plus previous levels' values
e.g. the total value if using level three would be 3 + 2 + 1 = 6]]
local nTotal = 0;
--the chance that a monster will spawn from a level class table
local tLevelClassChance = {};
--make sure the input value is not higher then the max number of level class tables
if nMaxLevelClass > nLevelClasses then
nMaxLevelClass = nLevelClasses;
--get the total values of each level up to this one
for nCurrentLevel = 1, nMaxLevelClass do
nTotal = nTotal + nCurrentLevel;
--store the last percentage calculated
local nLastNumber = 0;
--get the spawn percentage for each level class
for nCurrentLevel = 1, nMaxLevelClass do
local nMyPercentage = math.floor((nCurrentLevel / nTotal) * 100);
tLevelClassChance[nCurrentLevel] = {
Min = nLastNumber,
Max = nMyPercentage,
nLastNumber = nMyPercentage + 1;
--roll the dice!
local nPercentage = math.random(1, 100);
--find the level class to use based on the percentage rolled
for nIndex, tRange in pairs(tLevelClassChance) do
if nPercentage >= tRange.Min and nPercentage <= tRange.Max then
nLevelClass = nIndex;
--get the a random monster from the chosen monster class table
local nMonsterIndex = math.random(1, #tMonsters.LevelClass[nLevelClass]);
--return the chosen monster
return tMonsters.LevelClass[nLevelClass][nMonsterIndex]
Populates the specified level
with random monsters...AHHHHHH!
function SpawnLevel(nLevel)
--the number of spawn attempts made (prevents an infinite loop)
local nSpawnAttempts = 0;
--the number of allowed spawn attempts (altered below)
local nAllowedSpawnAttempts = 0;
--get the party entity
local hParty = findEntity("party");
--used to find all of the available spawn tiles in the level
local tSpawnableTiles = {};
--the mean (or average) party level
local nMeanPartyLevel = 0;
--the mean (or average) party level
local nMeanPartyHP = 0;
--the AI table used to randomly set each monster's AI state
local tAI = {"default","guard"};
--see main table for a description of the 'nMinPartyDist' variable
local nMinPartyDist = tMonsters.MinPartyDistance;
--see main table for a description of the 'nMinMonsterDist' variable
local nMinMonsterDist = tMonsters.MinMonsterDistance;
--[[a certain number<***> stored in the 'nAddative' variable will modify the level's
base number of spawned monsters . The number below stored in the 'nAlternator'
variable will determine whether that 'nAddative' modifier will add to the base
number or subtract from it.]]
local nAlternator = GetAlternator();
--this is the base number of monsters that will spawn in this level
local nMonsters = tMonsters.BaseCount[nLevel];
--make sure the spawn record is kept updated
if not tMonsters.Spawned[nLevel] then
tMonsters.Spawned[nLevel] = {};
--get the mean party level
for nChampionID = 1, 4 do
local uChampion = hParty:getChampion(nChampionID);
nMeanPartyLevel = nMeanPartyLevel + uChampion:getLevel();
--finish the mean party level calculation
nMeanPartyLevel = (nMeanPartyLevel / 4);
--determine the addative value that will modify the base number of monsters in this level
local nAddative = nMeanPartyLevel * tMonsters.BaseCountVar--<***> the 'certain number' as mentioned above
--[[add or subtract (depending on the alternator) the 'nAddative' number to/from the base number of monsters
to get the final value of mosters to use for this level]]
local nMonsters = nMonsters + (nAlternator * math.ceil(nAddative));
--adjust the max allowed spawn attempts to reflect the number of monsters in this level
nAllowedSpawnAttempts = nMonsters * tMonsters.MaxSpawnAttemptsFactor;
--go through each tile in the level and determine if it is a wall or not
for nPseudoX = 1, 32 do
tSpawnableTiles[nPseudoX] = {};
for nPseudoY = 1, 32 do
tSpawnableTiles[nPseudoX][nPseudoY] = isWall(nLevel, nPseudoX - 1, nPseudoY - 1);
--we'll keep this loop going until all the monsters have been spawned
--let the algoritm know we're making a spawn attempt (prevents an infinite loop)
nSpawnAttempts = nSpawnAttempts + 1;
--get a random x value
local nPseudoX = math.random(1, 32);
local nX = nPseudoX - 1;
--get a random y value
local nPseudoY = math.random(1, 32);
local nY = nPseudoY - 1;
--the monster's facing on spawn (randomized below)
local nFacing = 0;
-- if the tile is not a wall
if tSpawnableTiles[nPseudoX][nPseudoY] == false then
local bSpawnHere = true;
--make sure the tile is empty
for tEntity in entitiesAt(nLevel, nX, nY) do
bSpawnHere = false;
if bSpawnHere then
--disallow future spawning at this tile
tSpawnableTiles[nPseudoX][nPseudoY] = true;
--make sure the monster is not facing a wall
local tFacings = {[1]=-1,[2]=-1,[3]=-1,[4]=-1,};
local tFacingsUsed = {0,1,2,3};
--randomize the facings so monsters do not tend toward north by default
for x = 1, 4 do
local nIndex = math.random(1, #tFacingsUsed);
tFacings[x] = tFacingsUsed[nIndex];
table.remove(tFacingsUsed, nIndex);
--get the monster's facing
for nFacingIndex, nFacingValue in pairs(tFacings) do
if not AdjacentCellIsWall(nLevel, nFacingValue, nX, nY) then
nFacing = nFacingValue;
--check to make sure the tile is at least the minimum x distance from the party
if math.abs(hParty.x - nX) > nMinPartyDist then
--check to make sure the tile is at least the minimum y distance from the party
if math.abs(hParty.y - nY) > nMinPartyDist then
--get the random monster to spawn
local sMonsterClass = Monsters.GetRandom(nLevel);
--this prevents duplicate IDs
sMonsterID = "monster_"..sMonsterClass.."_"..tostring(nLevel).."_"..tostring(nX).."_"..tostring(nY)..Monsters.GenerateUUID(tostring(math.random(1, 100))..sMonsterClass);
--add this monster to the list of monsters spawned in this level
tMonsters.Spawned[nLevel][#tMonsters.Spawned[nLevel] + 1] = sMonsterID;
--spawn the beast!
spawn(sMonsterClass, nLevel, nX, nY, nFacing, sMonsterID);
--get the monsters ID
hMonster = findEntity(tostring(sMonsterID));
--set the monster's AI state (as discussed above)
hMonster:setAIState(tAI[math.random(1, #tAI)]);
--calculate the monster's level based in the mean party level as well as the dungeon level and adjusted for a little variety in difficulty
local nMonsterLevel = Monsters.UpOrDown(nMeanPartyLevel + (tMonsters.BaseLevelVar * math.random(1, nLevel)));
--make sure the monster's level does not exceed the allowed upper or lower limits
if nMonsterLevel < tMonsters.LevelLimits.Min then
nMonsterLevel = tMonsters.LevelLimits.Min;
elseif nMonsterLevel > tMonsters.LevelLimits.Max then
nMonsterLevel = tMonsters.LevelLimits.Max;
--set the monster's level
--inform the algorithm that one of the monsters has spawned
nMonsters = nMonsters - 1;
until (nMonsters == 0 or nSpawnAttempts >= nAllowedSpawnAttempts)
A utility function that returns
an integer value to the
(randomly chosen) nearest high
or low value.
function UpOrDown(nValue)
if math.random() < 0.5 then
return math.floor(nValue)
return math.ceil(nValue)
Enjoy !