First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by hopeless »

jfunk wrote:Typical prisoner chatter so far. We are all innocent, guards are all evil, yada yada yada. Just keep telling yourselves that scum! You don't wind up on the ship to Grimrock by bad luck alone...
Well there's always the "chosen one" then the "lazy one", then there's the one who keeps saying he's actually a prison guard and someone put something in his tea last night... and of course the one over there with the Luggage and the whimpering man in the wizard robes... hold on why do they have their clothes still and why does the one in the bright coloured clothing keep referring to a book and describing himself as a "Tourist", HOLY his Luggage just swallowed that Guard!

Is it a new addition to Mount Grimrock if he's coming along they can go in front!!!
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by Zorglub »

Front row: Sword and board fighter, Dual wielding melee rogue
Rear row: Damage dealer mage, Buff/heal mage

In those games, the best weapons you can find are almost always daggers and swords.

I like rogues, but really dislike having to run after ammo in those games, so the second row sniper strategy will have to wait for the second playthrough, and getting a dodgy rogue to survive front row is always a fun challenge.

Also, I like having a wizard totally dedicated to support spells (haste, or protection spells) and do some healing so he/she may support my front line and makes me less dependant on potions. If those spells actually exist in the game, that is. If not, I may have to revise my strategy.

I also tend to flavor a mostly human party, but I'll wait and evaluate. I guess the human receive extra skill points, so I'll try to figure out if the perks gained with leveling skills are better than the racial advantages of the other races.

Yeah, the character generator is really about strategy for me. I do enjoy roleplaying and lenghty backgrounds, but around a table with a gold old pen and paper rpg. On the computer, especially in crawlers, I tend to crunch numbers, skip backgrounds, and give my characters very bland names, like "Fighter" "Rogue" "Wizard" and "Healer". In fact, I rather enjoy not having backgrounds and not knowing who these people are. A lot of rpgs are centered about the character stories nowadays, what I miss about old fashioned crawlers is that those games were about the dungeon story, about the place and not about the people. Because I can totally ignore the characters, they don't get between me and the atmosphere of the place I am exploring. I always found the experience very immersive in a way it can't get when you are constantly reading about background stories, motives, interactions, and character development.
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by hopeless »

Yes it would be handy to have a dedicated healer but as I've yet to identify if that first air spell is the healing spell i'm focusing on having someone else dishing out damage whilst the meat shields at the front hold off whatever they're fighting and I hope that spear with reach will mean that rogue will be able to fight from the rear in melee once all their thrown and missile weapons have been used up.

Still would like to know how you fared with your double mage combo!
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by ozmiz »

Fighter - Rogue

Mage (Nuker), Mage (Alchemist/Cleric Type)
LoG Survivor!!
Surviving Party: Mino - Fighter, Liz - Rogue, Insect - Mage, Human - Rogue
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by nianu »

ozmiz wrote:Front:
Fighter - Rogue

Mage (Nuker), Mage (Alchemist/Cleric Type)
this is exactly what my team is haha :) good luck!
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by jfunk »

Still unsure whether I will be using two mages or two fighters. Tough call...will have to see how it plays out. I'm thinking that using a rogue up front may mean missing out on the best ranged weapons have to offer. On the other hand, having only one mage may mean not being able to use as many spells as I want effectively.

I'm sure I'll restart at least twice anyway to tweak my party. I almost always do.
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by HarpoonIPA »

2 Fighters

2 Mage's

Although I would love to try all Mage's at some point down the road on a new game start
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by Batoot »

I'm thinking:

Fighter, Fighter

Rogue, Mage

.. and all will be insectoids! I think that'll certainly be a challenge from the get-go. Maybe I'll include some lizardmen, aswell, but it will probably be a gimmicky party either way.
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by Darklord »

Looks like some nice options there guys, I love the back stories to! :D

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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by eharper256 »

Ah, yeah, I should post my party roster on this thread too, shouldn't I?
I was on a bit of "lets do something unexpected" frenzy.

Mostly since the robed guy is obviously meant to be a mage; so I thought, screw that, he's actually some kind of mysterious Fire-Emblem type Myrmidon. :P

It grew from there- ah, Insectoids are meant to be mages, are they? Right, that's no good, lets have some Praying Mantis kung-fu of the literal sense, shall we? Bow user, you say? Nah, I'll just head for an ASAP back-row knife user. And this "I'm a ranger! Look at my clothes!" girl, she can be the party mage. Yep, lets call that a day!

I had fun coming up with their crimes and reasons for being in Grimrock.

Also, references... lol.
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