First project for my new normal mapping adventures: Fixing the pillars of the Clean Dungeon wallset.
The only problem is, you can walk through the door.Komag wrote:I like the trapdoor opening upward, nice
Code: Select all
name = "waterelemental",
class = "Monster",
model = "mod_assets/models/wetelemental.fbx",
meshName = "uggardian_mesh",
animations = {
idle = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_idle.fbx",
moveForward = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_walk.fbx",
strafeLeft = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_strafe_left.fbx",
strafeRight = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_strafe_right.fbx",
turnLeft = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_turn_left.fbx",
turnRight = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_turn_right.fbx",
attack = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_attack.fbx",
getHitFrontLeft = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_get_hit_front_left.fbx",
getHitFrontRight = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_get_hit_front_right.fbx",
getHitBack = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_get_hit_back.fbx",
getHitLeft = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_get_hit_left.fbx",
getHitRight = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_get_hit_right.fbx",
fall = "assets/animations/monsters/uggardian/uggardian_get_hit.fbx",
moveSound = "uggardian_walk",
attackSound = "uggardian_attack",
hitSound = "uggardian_hit",
dieSound = "uggardian_die",
hitEffect = "hit_flame",
capsuleHeight = 0.6,
capsuleRadius = 0.3,
collisionRadius = 0.8,
health = 235,
sight = 5,
attackPower = 30,
coolDown = { 1.5, 4 },
protection = 5,
immunities = { "cold" },
evasion = 10,
rangedAttack = "frostbolt",
movementCoolDown = 1,
flying = true,
noRecoilInterval = { 0.35, 0.5 },
exp = 500,
lightName = "light1",
lightColor = vec(0.25, 0.25, 0.5),
lightBrightness = 15,
lightRange = 3.5,
attackPowerIncrement = 5,
healthIncrement = 100,
protectionIncrement = 3,
brain = "Uggardian",
name = "cthru",
diffuseMap = "mod_assets/textures/sx_water_dif.tga",
specularMap = "mod_assets/textures/sx_water_spec.tga",
normalMap = "mod_assets/textures/sx_water_normal.tga",
doubleSided = true,
lighting = true,
alphaTest = true,
blendMode = "Translucent",
textureAddressMode = "Wrap",
glossiness = 30,
depthBias = 0,
as with everything that I do, people should always feel free to use it, change or alter it in anyway they see fit, they don't have to credit me unless they want toNeikun wrote:Oh and Skugg, if you're reading this, I'm thinking of using your water texture and altering your particle system from flooded dungeons to make the Water Uggardian (name pending)
Are you okay with that?