Shocking video about planet earth

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Shocking video about planet earth

Post by skurg »

Did you watched this or did heard anything about it's content? I watched this movie two days ago and I am still shocked. I warn you If you feel good in a world where you live and do not want to change this, do not watch this video.
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Re: Shocking video about planet earth

Post by glyn_ie »

Mate, don't buy into such nonsense.

First of all, the law of energy conservation is not a joke. It's not something you can just ignore. Perpetual motion machines don't work for a very good reason. The law is tried and tested extensively and you can find endless amounts of evidence produced by the scientific community proving its validity. It's worth integrating into your understanding of the universe.
Secondly, energy is and never has been an issue anyway. For instance, on a sunny day, the sun gives out 1,000 watts of energy per square meter across the surface of the earth. That's enough energy every second to power the entire world for a year (over 31 million times more energy than we need worldwide). Then there's geothermal, which is a another massively untapped power source. We live in a world with abundant amounts of energy. The problem is, and always has been the cost of producing the equipment such as solar panels. These problems are economical, not scientific. It's all business, not science. And you know this...the fact that every home in the developed world has unlimited supplies of electricity (regardless of cost) is testimony to it.
Thirdly, there are plenty of interesting things to learn about in the world of mathematics...what's in this video is not one of them.

The video you've linked uses what's called 'pseudoscience'. The translation of which means "bull****".
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Re: Shocking video about planet earth

Post by TΛPETRVE »

That yet another one of those starry-eyed Zeitgeist-thingie pipe dreams?
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Re: Shocking video about planet earth

Post by skurg »

I completely disagree with you. Many things covered in the movie I checked on the internet. There are tons of different sources, docs and movies also created by others. You wrote about solar power. In my country, I could install solar panels ofcorse, but I can not entirely dispense with the services of energy companies besides, it prymitne energy source compared to what they say in the film. Do you know who is Nikola Tesla and what he invented? If not then go and do your lessons. Why do you refer to the piece of scientific part of the movie? Please tell what do you think about FEMA, GMO and patents, corporatocracy, UFO, pharmaceutical and fuel cartels, mansons, new world order, FED on so on. Do you really think this is a big bunch of nonsenses?
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Re: Shocking video about planet earth

Post by Fnord »

skurg wrote:I completely disagree with you. Many things covered in the movie I checked on the internet. There are tons of different sources, docs and movies also created by others. You wrote about solar power. In my country, I could install solar panels ofcorse, but I can not entirely dispense with the services of energy companies besides, it prymitne energy source compared to what they say in the film.
Problem is that the energy sources that they seem to talk about breaks the very fundamental laws of physics. And one of the people they talk to mention "etching into the atoms". Well sorry, but that is bogus. As a chemist, and I can tell you this: That guy is not to be trusted.
Do you know who is Nikola Tesla and what he invented? If not then go and do your lessons.
Yes, I do. Well, possibly not every single thing, Tesla was a very productive (and intelligent) person. It is very easy to take some of his (or any other great scientists) findings and talk about them out of context. There was a lot of controversy just a short while ago where a physicist in the UK made a comment on the energy states of an electron, and how no electrons could share the same energy state (energy state being a bit of a clumsy and incorrect term here, but he was trying to express himself in layman's terms. Quantum mechanics is not exactly easy to explain in a proper way to someone who is unfamiliar with its fundamentals). This was picked up on by some new age groups as evidence of how everyone and everything is connected, and how our spirits are all connected, they talked about telepathy and a few other rather unscientific things. They quoted him out of context, to prove their point.
Please tell what do you think about FEMA, GMO and patents, corporatocracy, UFO, pharmaceutical and fuel cartels, mansons, new world order, FED on so on. Do you really think this is a big bunch of nonsenses?
GMO is hardly something new. Humans have done rudimentary GMO ever since we started to grow our own crops, picking and choosing specific preferable genes that we want future crops to have. A wild carrot is purple, most carrots that you buy in stores are orange. Why? Quite simple, really, we considered orange carrots to be preferable to purple carrots, and used selective breeding to get orange carrots. This is a form of genetic engineering, and still the most widely used form of genetic engineering. Nowadays we do have the technology to splice genes into our crops though, to speed up the process or do better selectivity. I've read a lot of people who claim that there GMO crops are not checked before they are released out on the market, that there are no government regulations (or at least less government regulations) on GMO crops. These people lie. If you ever see someone make such a statement in a video, you know that they don't care about fact checking. In most countries around the world (US included), GMO crops are heavily regulated and checked, more so than non-GMO (as in non lab-GMO) crops.

I take it that you mean masons, as in free masons. Well, I have contacts, you know that I can't share...
Alright, I know the daughter of a free mason, and the impression that I get from that crowd is that it is basically a gentleman's club for the rich and influential. The main reason to be a free mason is the influential contacts that you get that way, and yes that is a way for rich and powerful people to get to know other rich and powerful people, but it hardly has to be for nefarious deeds, like so many conspiracy theorists want you to believe.
There is no actual proof that NWO/Illuminati actually still exists. The eye in the pyramid is not proof. That is actually a free mason symbol, and it can also be used as a symbol for god.

And why are most of these conspiracy videos so americanocentric. They seem to project the system utilized in the US on the rest of the world as well. Why is FEMA & FED often used in the context of global conspiracies?
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Re: Shocking video about planet earth

Post by skurg »

If I remember correctly Austria conducted a study of harmfulness of GMO. They conducted a study on rats, which showed that rats was fed with GMO become sterile in the second and third generation which perfectly fits the thesis of depopulation.
And why are most of these conspiracy videos so americanocentric.
Why the U.S. is the most powerful empire? Why the greatest inventions are created in the U.S. such as ms windows, apple, google, yahoo, cars, computers - Intel AMD, NASA, and so on ... Why they causes wars around the world, without any responsibility?
Why is FEMA & FED often used in the context of global conspiracies?
What other context would be used?

Sorry, I have to ask you specific question: do you believe that collapse of the WTC towers was due to the impact of planes? If you believe that, sorry but it makes no sense to talk about such things.
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Re: Shocking video about planet earth

Post by lFlapjackl »

And why are most of these conspiracy videos so americanocentric.
Why they causes wars around the world, without any responsibility?
Why is FEMA & FED often used in the context of global conspiracies?
Sorry, I have to ask you specific question: do you believe that collapse of the WTC towers was due to the impact of planes? If you believe that, sorry but it makes no sense to talk about such things.
You need to leave now, before you upset someone greatly with your stupidity. Think before you make an intelligent response, because saying the wtc collapse wasn't caused by the planes, well.. You should just kill yourself right now. I lost someone close to me in those towers, what you are saying is ignorant, every word you say is just borderline retarted. And don't get me started on America creating war without responsibility? Dude, get an education, stop being a dumbass and get a life.
Last edited by lFlapjackl on Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shocking video about planet earth

Post by luthur1964 »

Why doesn't someone add a little dose of religion into this conspiracy-ridden hornet's nest. Or better yet, have Sol shut it down.
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Re: Shocking video about planet earth

Post by Fnord »

skurg wrote:If I remember correctly Austria conducted a study of harmfulness of GMO. They conducted a study on rats, which showed that rats was fed with GMO become sterile in the second and third generation which perfectly fits the thesis of depopulation.
False. Or kinda. I just did a bit of research on the subject, and sites with an agenda were quite keen talking about this (but they were very inconsistent. Was the study done on rats? Pigs? Hamsters? They could not agree). Actually finding the source turned out to be a lot trickier, because sites like that don't really concern themselves with present a source.
Finally I actually found the scientific report that I think they might have based their "facts" on. Turned out that it was tests on a specific type of GMO soy that had never actually reached the market.
Why the U.S. is the most powerful empire? Why the greatest inventions are created in the U.S. such as ms windows, apple, google, yahoo, cars, computers - Intel AMD, NASA, and so on ... Why they causes wars around the world, without any responsibility?
Are you confusing inventions with companies? The US is an important economic force, no doubt about it, but you are giving it more credit than it deserves (or you are giving other countries less credit than they deserve, depending on how you want to look at it)
What other context would be used?
One that is actually appropriate? FEMA is not an important force in European politics...
Sorry, I have to ask you specific question: do you believe that collapse of the WTC towers was due to the impact of planes? If you believe that, sorry but it makes no sense to talk about such things.
I would recommend that you read up a bit more on the subject of structural integrity and engineering.
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Re: Shocking video about planet earth

Post by Sol_HSA »

Yeah, I think this is off topic enough for this site to close now.
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