First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by telgor »

nianu wrote:i'm already trying to think of a back story for my characters. like what they did to be arrested and why they were picked as the strongest to be thrown in the gaping maw :)
Haha awesome. Can't wait to hear what crimes your party members committed :)
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by Bane »

Blahblah wrote:1x Fighter, 1x Rouge, 2x Mages.

The Fighter will be a minotaur, as for the others, I have to wait and see what race traits there are.
Will probably go with this party build too, specialising the two mages in different types of magic.

As for race I'll wait and see if any have low light vision, and go purely with that race. Because of my memories playing Wizards & Warriors and always switching to the Whiskah race character for better vision.
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by hopeless »

I was thinking 2 human fighters, a Lizardman Rogue and an insectoid Mage but ideally an all human party would work better but only because of the Skilled Trait granting +3 skill points.

Thinking of Str 14, Dex 13, Vit 13 and Will 10 for the fighter and perhaps have a minotaur but give him Agile Trait so his stats would be Str 19, Dex 11, Vit 17 and Will 7 the only problem is the 1 skill point which with the skilled trait increases that to 4 so perhaps Athletics and Armour at 2 so Minotaur str goes up to 20.

If kept human can then have unarmed combat, Maces and Swords at 1pt initially since they don't start off armed but some of those video's show an axe near the start for some reason might be me mistaking the cudgel though but until the 11th this remains theoretical.

If I go for the all human then;

Fighter: Str 14, Dxe 13, Vit 13, Will 10 with Agile and Skilled traits for one the other was thinking Healthy or Athletic to increase Dex to 15 and either Str or Vit by +2 with skills as noted above of Athletics +2, Armours +2 and Maces, Swords and unarmed at +1 with othr fighter swapping Maces for Axes to be a little different in any case this would increase Str to 15.

Rogue: Str 12, Dex 15 (17 of Lizardman), Vit 13 (12*), Will 10 with Agile and Skilled trait so Dex goes up to 17 (19*) and skill points of 6 or 7 being used with Dodge +2 and Throwing Weapons +4 with the human version having Assassination +1 for now might stick with the Lizardman though would be a shame not to use the other races available.

Mage: Str 10 (8 for Insectoid), Dex 12 (13*), Vit 13 (11*), Will 15 (19*) with Aura and Skilled traits since Aura grants +15 energy if i read it right (never know until I can play the game) with 6 skill poinst for the Insectoid and 7 for the human so the human option for skills i was figuring Fire +2 for the spell, either Earth or Ice at +3 for their spell and Spellcraft of +2 for the +1 Willpower with the Insectoid maybe put the spare 1pt in either Earth or ice (assuming 3pt was put in the other) or keep the 1pt in Spellcraft.
So the human Will would go up to 16 am wondering if it would be better to go insectoid for the same reason as the Lizardman since their reducton in food consumption sounds a definite bonus unlike the Minotaur but should i go for one of each under the premise that the fighters take the front rank with minotaur being the literal "meat shield" with his human fighter as a shield for the lizardman rogue and insectoid mage with the rogue being restricted to throwing weapons whilst the mage initially serves as the torch bearer...

Choices, choices, choices... still looking forward to this games release!
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by alazyburito »

For I think I will have one of the following as my first group:

Kain/Verghus: My main character, probably Human
Mage (He will be in the back line, although I do kind of want to a battle mage if possible)
Backstory: Kain/Verghus has always been an adept with magic in all varieties, although never using it unless an emergency. Even though he could hold down a job and a place to live he has always wandered about from town to town and living off of his quick wits and sneaky personality. As they days went on it seems his past "adventures" have finally caught up to him, he never did any harm to anyone but by the time he started to visit towns more than twice he was a well known thief and a great magician. As time went on and the rumors about him spread far and wide someone decided to set him up, using adept magic spells the mysterious evil-doer destroyed an entire town! Leaving many survivors but still killing off those who had family. The Mysterious Man yelled at the top of his lungs on top of a pile of bodies, I Kain/Verghus will soon destroy all, NO LONGER will I be a petty thief BUT A RULER OF COUNTRIES AHAHAHAAHAAHA!!!! The remaining towns people shocked by how Kain/Verghus became so evil suddenly ran away to report it to the closest authorities and not long after Kain/Verghus was a wanted criminal with a high bounty. Kain/Verghus ran from the authorities for many months until he was finally captured with 3 other criminals. Now being sent to Mount Grimrock, Kain/Verghus is determined to make it out of Grimrock and clear his name!

Sir Crocodile
Fighter Minotaur
Backstory: A Knight and once a bandit Sir Crocodile had a hard life. When Crocodile was young he had not yet earned his name. He was a part of a small time gang in the village he grew up in, his parents dead and long forgotten made it so young Crocodile grew up to be a petty thief and a bully. Time goes by scolded day in and day out, Crocodile hating the people in the village more and more. In his Teenage years now taking money by force very often the towns people are fed up with gang and were prepared to disband it by killing the leader, as the towns people closed in a group of bandits streamed in out of no where setting fires and pillaging everything they could the gang was mostly killed but Crocodile and the Leader survived. All part of the Leaders plan kill off most of the gang and have 1-2 surviving members join the bandit group, Crocodile skilled in both Hand to Hand combat and Maces was accepted in to the bandit group known as The Telefari one of the bigger bandit groups out there. Crocodile pillaged many villages with bandit group and became known as Sir Crocodile due to his gentlemen like nature and then suddenly tearing people's limbs off like a Crocodile biting into its prey. Days, months, years, and decades flew by he witnessed something he should have as a kid before pillaging the next village, as the father of this child scolded him to the point of crying then showed him love and affection and simply told "I only scold you because I love you son" Crocodile then realized what he did all those years ago he got his own village destroyed and it kill everyone that loved him. Crocodile rushed to the Authorities with lightning speed and stopped The Telefari from pillaging ever again, he also turned himself in but not before personally killing his old Leader and The Telefari's leader. The King forgave him of his past because he helped bring down the bandit group after being dubbed a Knight of Honor the King heard word that the man he had just dubbed Honorary Knighthood was actually the Second in command Sir Crocodile the King furious with this new knowledge sent his guards out to capture Sir Crocodile. Crocodile arrives in an odd little hidden hole with 3 other criminals until they are captured. Crocodile aware of what he has done in the past is accepting his punishment but couldn't resist still being free until finally captured, heading to Mount Grimrock with the other 3 Prisoners Sir Crocodile awaits either Divine Punishment or Divine Retribution from the hell beyond the hole. (The part where the King didnt know about how Crocodile was Second in command was because Crocodile used all his remaining connections to keep it a secret for as long as possible)

Rogue Lizardmen
Backstory: Born a Noble, Orthesus' life was planned out from the moment he was spawned. His parents made him study and learn the Etiquette of a noble, and then marry into another Noble family that Orthesus had no care for. While his parent were away Orthesus practiced swordsmanship and Archery with his friends. Coming into his early teens Orthesus started practicing with real Swords, Daggers, and Bows. Using his saved up pocket money he went out and found a teacher to show him how to use these weapons to a higher degree of skill, while still trying to elude his parents. Coming up to his marriage days Orthesus has now surpassed his teacher in his personal choice of weaponry, and a bride has been chosen for Orthesus a stuck up and spoiled woman littered with expensive jewelry and only accepting this marriage for she was promised more wealth and jewelry in exchange. On his wedding day Orthesus had just the plan on how to get out of this and live free of this Noble status, he had placed a few traps around the chapel and planned on embarrassing his new "wife". The Ceremony starts and the Chapel Priest starts his prayers and suddenly *BOOM* a loud cracks throughout the chapel the bottom half of the woman's dress comes off and reveals her, the other Nobles shocked by this when the leg of all the benches in the chapel break Nobles start screaming and falling Chaos is everywhere the bride has already ran out in tears and demanding more jewelry from her father. Orthesus laughs to himself loudly during the chaos shedding the tight Tuxedo and into his fighting gear, pulling out both a sword and a bow starting to shoot flaming arrows at the Nobles houses burning them to the ground. Now on a Journey of his own Orthesus starts up a party and goes adventuring not always leading his group but when he is needed he can. Years go by Ortesus now 25 years old, about to start up another adventure and recruit a new group he walks down an alley way and hears his last Adventuring party about to go in and say "Hi", "Ugh that thick skinned Lizardman took all the pay for that last adventure" "I know I am sick of him why don't we set him up" "HAHA yeah I got some connection with the Authorities I know exactly what do" Orthesus tries to listen more but he cannot here the hushed voices. Paranoid of what he heard a few nights ago, Orthesus is being extremely cautious but still goes on his next Adventure with the new party, everything goes as planned but as they are coming back for the reward Orthesus is ambushed the new party runs away with the goods to rake in a bigger profit cursing them as they run off, "You Orthesus, have been accused of the crime of pillaging and killing innocents, come with us" a tall deep voiced guard says, Orthesus replies "What! I haven't done anything wrong!" the town guard sighs "Regardless come with us. Questioning". Orthesus using his nimble body escapes the guards and decides to hide out for a few days, Orthesus starts to think of a way to clear his name when he suddenly got a great idea "You know what if I am criminal I mine as well act like one, ohoho this is gonna be fun!" Orthesus says to himself and then starts his life of crime. Years pass by once again and Orthesus now a master thief now on the verge of getting captured hides with 3 other criminals, all of them hide out for barely a few months and are eventually captured. Headed to Mount Grimrock Orthesus is reminded of his adventuring days and is surprisingly eager to go down the black hole of which no one has returned.

Feedback on my backstory please! (I got one character left to make but I cant really decide because I want to see how well Battle Mage works)
Last edited by alazyburito on Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by Jack Dandy »

A minotaur named "Crocodile"? :?

Oh well! Still, cool story!
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by alazyburito »

Jack Dandy wrote:A minotaur named "Crocodile"? :?

Oh well! Still, cool story!
Yeah his backstory will explain dont worry!
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by littlejediowen »

I'm gonna have a full party of lizardmen, all of them
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by hopeless »

Naiad, human female fighter: Daughter of a Town Guard who was working his way up the ranks whilst raising his daughter alone after his wife left them for someone wealthier, before the patrol he was sent with was ambushed and their nobleborn leader fled in panic leaving the rest to the mercy of their attackers.
Believed dead the town rather than honour their sacrifice had their orphaned kids sold into slavery but Naiad who was twelve years old at this time had taken to disguising herself as a boy so she could learn to follow in her father's footsteps remained undiscovered and was sold to a mercenary band where she was fortunate enough to keep her secret and was trained as a soldier.
The band however fell on bad times and was doublecrossed by an employer who sent them into an ambush where they were almost wiped out by the King's army with the survivors imprisoned on trumped up charges.
When it came time to select the prisoners to go to Mount Grimrock the prisoners' fearing the worst rebelled and the prisoner originally selected to be sent was slain whilst Naiad having fought with little more than her bare hands and feet for most of the riot before taking up the arms of a fallen prison guard was chained up and sent in the place of the slain prisoner.
The obvious perils of Mount Grimrock looming ahead Naiad promised herself she would find a way to survive and looking upon her fellow prisoners' hoped she could rely upon them understanding that their only chance was to fight as one and not backstab each other as their guards expected.

Talos: minotaur male fighter: A former warrior of some repute his disdain for the collection of the skulls of his fallen foes resulted in his band betraying him to the King's Guard passing off their infamy onto his shoulders. He had been the first collected when the king ordered the collection of the newest band of prospective sacrifices to the abomination known as Mount Grimrock and the fear he hid within grows but not beyond his control so far...
Looking around he noted the Lizard Rogue hiding behind the human warrior, aye a warrior indeed he had witnessed the child fight with impressive fury during their trip to that accursed place when the Guards tried to silence the lizard only for two of them to be sent overboard by the enraged child and ever since then their guard had kept their distance, which almost made him smile at the thought they considered a mere child as fearsome as a fully grown minotaur!
The Insectoid kept to themself, but as the airship approached the dock he couldn't help wondering if this was the end.
"There is always hope, thats the one thing they can never take away from us!" the child muttered catching him unawares but from the brief glance he sent towards the child he couldn't tell if the child was trying to overcome his fear or trying to waylay theirs... either way judgement day approached...

Meloti: Keeping glancing around she still couldn't believe she had been chosen to be thrown inside Mount Grimrock.
She had been a petty thief, true but never violent and hardly the sort they chose for this accursed place they must have made a mistake and she told them so but the guards laughed and those aboard the airship merely ignored her pleas.
Looking around she had wondered what the human child had done to be sent here... until he had thrown two of their guards overboard in a brief fracas, the minotaur was easy to explain their savage race was long feared by the others and the insectoid's people were known for their practitioning of the black arts but what did this have to do with her?
"There is always hope, thats the one thing they cannot take away from us!" the child spoke and she noticed the minotaur glance at the child and shivered at the unspoken question in his gaze even as she then wrapped the precious little rags the guards had allowed them around herself and hid behind the child hoping for a moment of solace as doom approached...

Timid: Couldn't help glancing around before looking back at his hands, the mana glittered around his palms and he tried to hide this from the watching guards who seemed more concerned about the others than him. He could tell the minotaur wasn't like his violent brethren and the child hid her gender well even if he wondered why the guards hadn't noticed the child had no adam's apple even though the fact her chest was flat as a board helped her with her disguise.
The Lizard also helped with her pleas that her presence here was a mistake although when the guards had tried to silence her two of their number were promptly sent overboard by the girl which was why they were more concerned with the two fighters the human female had already slain at least a dozen of the prison guards in the riot that had slain whoever had been supposed to be sent which was clear from the reaction of the Magister who had been clearly upset at the child being sent in place of the slain prisoner and still looked upset even after the child had killed two of his guards.
"There is always hope, thats the one thing they cannot take away from us!" the child said and he almost smiled at the child's bravery, it was clear she was trying to waylay their fears and obviouly realised they needed to fight as one if they were to stand any chance at all but Mount Grimrock's reputation was daunting for only one person had ever survived its perils and he had returned mortally wounded and insane from his experiences... well it wouldn't be boring at least he grimaced as the airship approached the dock at Mount Grimrock...

The Magister: The Minotaur surprisingly kept itself quiet for most of the trip it had shown extraordinary reserve quite unlike his reputation, the insectoid clearly cared nothing for its brethren and was probably the only one who would have volunteered for this trial.
The Lizard was annoying the guards with her continued protests that its presence was a mistake fortunately for her the few occasions the guards had tried to silence her two of them were promptly thrown overboard by the fourth prisoner who was clearly far more than he appeared.
The child couldn't possibly have reached adulthood yet the warden of the prison he had been led from had confirmed that the child had slain almost a dozen of his guards as well as wounding almost a score more in the riot they had been greeted by on their arrival.
Watching the child he couldn't help but wonder how the child had been imprisoned in the first place given the way he had behaved during the trip, he had no weapons, even the rags he wore gave no protection from the elements and yet the child showed no fear of what approached and the brief time he had caught the child's gaze he didn't see animalistic fury nor mindless fear in those eyes, he saw a proud and noble warrior staring back defying the fate that was swiftly approaching with a wisdom and knowledge that left him wondering if they were making a dreadful mistake sending him down there...

I figure this is good as any introduction had planned on two human fighters but figure if I didn't use the pre-generated party I may as well use all of the available races!

Nice touch with the first origin story hope mine fares half as well!
Last edited by hopeless on Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:48 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by telgor »

hopeless wrote:Naiad/ Niadem Tuarte, human female fighter: Daughter of a Town Guard who worked his way up to Captaincy before the patrol he was with was ambushed and the nobleborn leader fled leaving the rest to the mercy of the attackers. Believed dead those kids with no remainining family were to be sold into slavery but "Naiad" who at this point was twelve years old had taken to being disguised as a man so she could learn to follow in her father's footsteps and become a guard remained undiscovered was sold to a mercenary band where she was fortunate enough to keep her secret and trained to be a soldier.
The band however fell on bad times and was doublecrossed by an employer and sent into an ambush where they were almost wiped out by the King's army with the survivors imprisoned.
When it came time to select the prisoners to go to Mount Grimrock the prisoners' fearing the worst rebelled and the prisoner originally selected to be sent was slain whilst Naiad having fought with little more than her bare hands and feet for most of the riot before taking up the arms of a fallen prison guard was chained up and sent in the place of the slain prisoner.
The obvious perils of Mount Grimrock looming ahead Naidem promised herself she would find a way to survive and looking upon her fellow prisoners' hoped she could rely upon them understanding that their only chance was to fight as one and not backstab each other as their guards expected.

Talos: minotaur male fighter: A former warrior of some repute his disdain for the collection of the skulls of his fallen foes resulted in his band betraying him to the King's Guard passing off their infamy onto his shoulders. He had been the first collected when the king ordered the collection of the newest band of prospective sacrifices to the abomination known as Mount Grimrock and the fear he hid within grows but not beyond his control so far...
Looking around he noted the Lizard Rogue hiding behind the human warrior, aye a warrior indeed he had witnessed the child fight with impressive fury when they waited for the latest prisoner to be collected. It was obvious whoever they had been sent to collect had fallen during the riot and the child obviously earned the enmity of the cowards who staffed this prison for what other reason would they send a child into that hellhole?
The Insectoid kept to themself, but as the airship approached the dock he couldn't help wondering if this was the end.
"There is always hope, thats the one thing they can never take away from us!" the child muttered catching him unawares but from the brief glance he sent towards the child he couldn't tell if the child was trying to overcome his fear or trying to waylay theirs... either way judgement day approached...

Meloti: Keeping glancing around she still couldn't believe she had been chosen to be thrown inside Mount Grimrock.
She had been a petty thief, true but never violent and hardly the sort they chose for this accursed place they must have made a mistake and she told them so but the guards laughed and those aboard the airship merely ignored her pleas.
Looking around she wondered what the human child had done to be sent here, the minotaur was easy to explain their savage race was long feared by the others and the insectoid's people were known for their practitioning of the black arts but what did this have to do with her?
"There is always hope, thats the one thing they cannot take away from us!" the child spoke and she noticed the minotaur glance at the child and shivered at the unspoken question in his gaze even as she then wrapped the precious little rags the guards had allowed them around herself and hid behind the child hoping for a moment of solace as doom approached...

Timid: Couldn't help glancing around before looking back at his hands, the mana glittered around his palms and he tried to hide this from the watching guards who seemed more concerned about the others than him. He could tell the minotaur wasn't like his violent brethren and the child hid her gender well even if he wondered why the guards hadn't noticed the child had no adam's apple even though the fact her chest was flat as a board helped her with her disguise.
The Lizard also helped with her pleas that her presence here was a mistake it was however clear the guards was more concerned with the two fighters the human female had already slain at least a dozen of the prison guards in the riot that had slain whoever had been supposed to be sent which was clear from the reaction of the Magister who was clearly upset at the child being sent in place of the slain prisoner.
"There is always hope, thats the one thing they cannot take from us!" the child said and he almost smiled at the child's bravery, it was clear she was trying to waylay their fears and obviouly realised they needed to fight as one if they were to stand any chance at all but Mount Grimrock's reputation was daunting for only one person had ever survived its perils and he had returned mortally wounded and insane from his experiences... well it wouldn't be boring at least he grimaced as the airship approached the dock at Mount Grimrock...

The Magister: The Minotaur surprisingly kept itself quiet for most of the trip it had shown extraordinary reserve quite unlike his reputation, the insectoid clearly cared nothing for its brethren and was probably the only one who would have volunteered for this trial.
The Lizard was annoying the guards with her continued protests that its presence was a mistake fortunately for her the few occasions the guards had tried to silence her two of them were promptly thrown overboard by the fourth prisoner who was clearly far more than he appeared.
The child couldn't possibly have reached adulthood yet the warden of the prison he had been led from had confirmed that the child had slain almost a dozen of his guards as well as wounding almost a score more in the riot they had been greeted by on their arrival.
Watching the child he couldn't help but wonder how the child had been imprisoned in the first place given the way he had behaved during the trip, he had no weapons, even the rags he wore gave no protection from the elements and yet the child showed no fear of what approached and the brief time he had caught the child's gaze he didn't see animalistic fury nor mindless fear in those eyes, he saw a proud and noble warrior staring back defying the fate that was swiftly approaching with a wisdom and knowledge that left him wondering if they were making a dreadful mistake sending him down there...

I figure this is good as any introduction had planned on two human fighters but figure if I didn't use the pre-generated party I may as well use all of the available races!

Nice touch with the first origin story hope mine fares half as well!
Love it! Keep them coming folks!
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Re: First Play Through, CHOOSE YOUR PARTY!

Post by jfunk »

Typical prisoner chatter so far. We are all innocent, guards are all evil, yada yada yada. Just keep telling yourselves that scum! You don't wind up on the ship to Grimrock by bad luck alone...
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