What are the exact export settings for a texture atlas?

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Re: What are the exact export settings for a texture atlas?

Post by Fhizban »

Okay, now I am really desperate. Please - can a Photoshop user take a look at the PSD file I attached to this post?

1. Did all the same as with my wizardry icons - the wiz icons work perfectly, the new ones do not
2. Im using Photoshop on a Mac and then copy the files to my PC where rimrock is running
3. mac does not support DDS converting so I am using a (crappy as it seems) tool to do this
4. added alpha channel with an exact outline of the icons, using 512x512 texture size, convert to DXT5 (RGBA)
5. sometimes even the old icons wont show up in the editor, when i restart they do
6. all samples downloaded from this site show up, all original icons show up

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ti2xumowztvqm ... es.psd.zip
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Re: What are the exact export settings for a texture atlas?

Post by Xanathar »

I just exported an atlas for my room in the contest.

Here it is a screenshot of photoshop CS5.1 exporting the DDS with the nvidia tools:


Notice that:
  • In my case the texture was 512x128
  • The psd is transparent
  • Take note of the settings I used -- even if now, reviewing them, I would disable the mipmap creation (but the ones in the screenshot are the ones I used so they are known to work)
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Re: What are the exact export settings for a texture atlas?

Post by Xanathar »

I've tried your PSD

With the above conversion, it's working.

Here is a DDS download for the atlas:

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Re: What are the exact export settings for a texture atlas?

Post by Isaac »

These settings were mentioned in the the 5th post and are described in the Template. The UI icon atlas cannot be compressed, or it will not display properly.
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Re: What are the exact export settings for a texture atlas?

Post by Fhizban »

@xanathar Hmm, i begin to feel like a total idiot.

downloaded your converted dds and dropped it into my projects texture folder. still nothing, the icons are all black. I also created a new mod and added the dds to it, made a sample items.lua with notepad containing a dummy item that has gfxIndex = 0 (should be the icon to the top left). this is the code of the test icon:

Code: Select all

		name = "fiz_itm_wpn_stf_wand",
		class ="Item",
		uiName = "Wand",
		model = "assets/models/items/whitewood_wand.fbx",
		description = "",
		skill = "spellcraft",
		gfxAtlas = "mod_assets/textures/fiz_item_icons_staves.tga",
		gfxIndex = 0,
		energy = 2,
		willpower = 1,
		attackMethod = "castRuneSpell",
		impactSound = "impact_blunt",
		weight = 3.0,
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Re: What are the exact export settings for a texture atlas?

Post by JohnWordsworth »

I've got no idea if this is the case or not, but a random suggestion from left field - arrays in lua are '1-indexed' not '0-indexed', so if gfxIndex is a standard lua index (and isn't just passed to C/C++ as an index) then you would need a value >= 1.
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Re: What are the exact export settings for a texture atlas?

Post by Xanathar »

downloaded your converted dds and dropped it into my projects texture folder. still nothing, the icons are all black. I also created a new mod and added the dds to it, made a sample items.lua with notepad containing a dummy item that has gfxIndex = 0 (should be the icon to the top left). this is the code of the test icon:
I tried using your script piece and it worked. So, there must be something else going on, like a typo in the texture name or maybe you have the object redefined somewhere else in your file in another way.

My test mod with your icon and wand: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ktd7l67c2zync5n/TestMod1.zip
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Re: What are the exact export settings for a texture atlas?

Post by Fhizban »

@Xanathar Thank you so much, i will try the mod once i get home.
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Re: What are the exact export settings for a texture atlas?

Post by cougardod »

I created one last night pretty easily. Will get you my files when I get home tonight.
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Re: What are the exact export settings for a texture atlas?

Post by cougardod »

Here is a copy of my files for a working texture atlas. I only have one item in it at the moment, it was the satchel from my other post. It functions in game, but as stated in my other post, it's a model from Skyrim so use at your own risk. It's the only one I have currently, so I have no other examples to share.


As for how i exported my texture atlas, i just used a DXT5 RGBA 8bpp export option for .dds. Hope this helps.
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