Note: spawn(object, level, x, y, facing, [id])
Thanks to Lmaoboat's LED dungeon display code.
(Sorry for my english)
Hi!! Once I've read all about the original LoG sound (earthquake) and its aplicattion, I post this:
I've been looking for AN HOUR!! a solution to avoid the "loop" in the earthquake sound that repeats.
But nothing...
I've used hidden pressure plates that starts timers (initially stopped) to break the loop, different scripts making all kind of posibilities that I know (including break code properly) without solve that problem...
I'm sure we are missing something...
P.D: infinite earthquake sound as prize for an hour of useless work...
I forgot to mention that, in addition to this, I was trying to solve the problem looking for a DECRECENT fade (to avoid the abruptly end), but it seems to be that there's no known solution to that issue...
except using a new sound file!
Would it be hard to use a sound program to take the original earthquake sound file (that you're using) and apply a fade-out effect to it, save it as earthquake_end, then when you start the earthquake activate a counter which, when it concludes, runs that fading out sound and breaks the original loop? You'd have to set your timer right so the fade out starts just as a loop would normally occur to save a sound skip, but at least it would fade out. . . right?