Currann wrote:
That is probably it, but wouldnt calling the spell to cast "fireball" instead of "unstoppable_fireball" not do anything different? Either way, i tried the code, and my editor gives my a Warning saying "Warning! unkown buit-in-spell: unstoppable_fireball
I had a bit of a look at this last night but didn't get chance to post anything. Most things I tried either didn't work or crashed the game... So it looks like you can't do things quite how you want.
specifically calls a built-in spell called fireball (this uses but does not refer specifically to the object definition for fireball.
so putting
will never work because unstoppable_fireball is not a built-in spell.
Also, while you can re-define the fireball object and perhaps tweak a few parameters, it's clear that the built-in portion of fireball is looking for some specific settings that it doesn't find if you try to replace it with, say, ice_shards.
So it looks to me like there isn't a shortcut to what you want to do and I'm convinced that your best bet is to define a new spell called unstoppable_fireball and actually script the spell within the onCast hook.
Code: Select all
onCast = function(caster,x,y,facing,skill)
-- script your spell here
-- e.g. spawn("unstoppable_fireball",x,y,facing)
unfortunately this may mean re-inventing the wheel.