Wonderful nostalgia

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Wonderful nostalgia

Post by Innerguard »

Hello there!

Just came to register to offer my thanks for making what looks like such an amazing game, it reminds me of the lovely days of 1991, playing Knightmare and Eye of the Beholder on my old Amiga 600. A really good slap in the face to all these publishers that say 'games like this aren't wanted in the present market'. Hah! I hope sales of LoG show them the folly of their ways.

Anyway, once more, thank you for the upcoming release of something which will suck up SO much of my spare time.

Also, a little question : how is party member dealt with? Can you replace dead party members with other prisoners? If resurrection is in, how does it work? (apologies if this has been covered, I did a little search but couldn't find anything.

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Re: Wonderful nostalgia

Post by Filipsan »

Innerguard wrote:Can you replace dead party members with other prisoners?
99% No
Innerguard wrote:If resurrection is in, how does it work?
There are healing stones.
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Re: Wonderful nostalgia

Post by steff74 »

Innerguard wrote:... replace dead party members with other prisoners? ...
:?: :arrow: :twisted:
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Re: Wonderful nostalgia

Post by EtrianO »

I find the term "nostalgia" actually quite destructive and often used as an insult by detractors (as in " Y`all is crazy, y u bother playing this old garbage for?"). "Nostalgia" is something when you fire up a game for 5 minutes, get all misty-eyed and then Quit as soon as first life is lost or controls annoy you. Well, for me at least.

Truly great titles don`t need nostalgia - gameplay shines through.

Regardless, I find the idea of recruiting other prisoners quite amusing :) You could end up with a totally new party from the one you started with....
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