Kickstarter - Arakion

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Kickstarter - Arakion

Post by dgbonomo »

Hi Grimrockers,

I just discovered Yet Another Cool kickstarter project (as if my wallet wasn't bleeding enough already): Arakion. It definitely draws a lot of inspiration from Grimrock, but has completely different subsystems. Based on the available information, there will be a unique skill system, a customizable town to call home, and your choices throughout the game will affect future abilities. Items are all crafted in a system where abilities and stats on previous gear will carry over to some extend to the new items. From answers to the questions I've asked, I can so far add that you can toggle between real-time combat and turn-based combat, there will be at least three game difficulties, and based on my input, there may be settings to adjust game speed.

I thought this was worth mentioning to Grimrock fans, and I hope it doesn't constitute spamming (I'm genuinely trying to do the right thing, at least).

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Re: Kickstarter - Arakion

Post by Komag »

That project looks really good, definitely inspired by Grimrock!

I really hope he is able to make his funding goal; I'll probably pledge the $50 level to get my name on a "Founder's Stone" in the game, very cool!
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Re: Kickstarter - Arakion

Post by Lavidimus »

Hey guys,

Thanks a lot for posting this on the forum. Arakion definitely has some inspiration from Grimrock, and if you guys happen to have any questions I'm more than willing to answer any of them. Also for anyone that does, thanks for taking the time to look through the Kickstarter and consider pledging to the game.
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Re: Kickstarter - Arakion

Post by Komag »

This must be an exciting time for you Chris!

maybe you could make another video, just a short little teaser thing, with just a tiny bit more stuff we haven't seen yet, and release it in two weeks or so, to give the campaign a little boost before the October 6 deadline. I personally am interested in more indoor "dungeony" vids or shots (although your outdoor areas do look amazing and impressive!)
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Re: Kickstarter - Arakion

Post by antti »

Cool stuff! I placed a pledge.
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Re: Kickstarter - Arakion

Post by Lavidimus »

@Komag: Hey thanks for the idea! I'll see if I can't get some dungeon videos recorded for you for sure. The first few updates have been planned out, might have to wiggle it in the middle of them.

@antii: Thanks! I really appreciate the support!

Thanks again for taking a look through the project it means a lot to me.
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Re: Kickstarter - Arakion

Post by Darklord »

Great looking game! I'll be discussing with wife how much I am allowed to pledge! ;)

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Re: Kickstarter - Arakion

Post by Lavidimus »

Thanks DarkLord! I really appreciate the great comments and support! Be sure if you have any questions to toss em my way and I"ll answer them as soon as I see them
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Re: Kickstarter - Arakion

Post by Darklord »

I'm curious about the card game stretch goal, its an unusual goal, in that wouldn't it be a completely separate game? Normally most goals improve the main game rather than split the resources, and a good card game takes a LOT of work. Just wondering your thoughts behind that? :)

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Re: Kickstarter - Arakion

Post by Komag »

he addresses that a little bit in the second update. I personally don't care much about an in-game card game, but who knows, maybe it will turn out pretty cool, adding a unique bit of immersion into the world, and I'll be very glad it's there!
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