Legend of Grimrock 2 - Suggestions

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Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 - Suggestions

Post by Leviatan »

One thing I would love to see in LoG is a desert themed dungeon, dunno why but I have a thing for dark sandstone corridors. :)

Very narrow and claustrophobic passages, like those inside pyramids, filled with mummies (you must have mummies in this kind of dungeons!) and other monsters. Some Grimrock monsters could also make comeback, maybe horrid cactus-herders covered in thorns and upgrade normal spiders to camel spiders! If you don't know what camel spiders are don't have arachnophobia, search YouTube. If you ever encounter one, kill it with fire, then kill the fire with water, then boil the water, just to be sure.

One thing that bothered me in Grimrock is the amount of torches everywhere, perhaps reduce the torch number and add tools to make fire so you could light up extinguished torches. Darkness could also be used more, like monsters, symbols or writings that are invisible in light but glow in dark. Imagine that you walk in a hallway when suddenly something hits you, you can't see anything but when you drop your torch you are suddenly surrounded by several ghosts.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 - Suggestions

Post by Sheogorath »

Leviatan wrote:One thing I would love to see in LoG is a desert themed dungeon, dunno why but I have a thing for dark sandstone corridors. :)

Very narrow and claustrophobic passages, like those inside pyramids, filled with mummies (you must have mummies in this kind of dungeons!) and other monsters. Some Grimrock monsters could also make comeback, maybe horrid cactus-herders covered in thorns and upgrade normal spiders to camel spiders! If you don't know what camel spiders are don't have arachnophobia, search YouTube. If you ever encounter one, kill it with fire, then kill the fire with water, then boil the water, just to be sure.

One thing that bothered me in Grimrock is the amount of torches everywhere, perhaps reduce the torch number and add tools to make fire so you could light up extinguished torches. Darkness could also be used more, like monsters, symbols or writings that are invisible in light but glow in dark. Imagine that you walk in a hallway when suddenly something hits you, you can't see anything but when you drop your torch you are suddenly surrounded by several ghosts.
Really cool suggestions, all of them! On a different note:

As for an "all attack button" not working because of different cooldowns, the obvious solution would be an attack with all ready weaponry. One button for "main hand" and one button for "off hand" is a good idea, but not necessary imo.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 - Suggestions

Post by Leviatan »

Some more ideas and miscallenous stuff. ;)

Dual wielding attacks would be cool, rogues would feel more rogue'ish if they could swing with double daggers. Maybe a system that turns characters every attack into dual wield attack if two weapons are equipped (doesn't matter which weapon you click).

Attack speed could be avarage of the two weapons, speed 9 mace and speed 11 sword would give character attack speed 10.
Damage could be 70% of each weapon's damage, damage 14 mace and damage 12 sword would deal ~18 damage.
I haven't thought too much about numbers and balancing, I'm not a game designer, I just think stuff.

As cool as outdoor areas would be in LoG, Im pretty sure they are not possible with current game engine. Nevertheless I have some ideas that might give a feeling that there is a real world outside those walls. Windows! Windows in walls with warm shaft of lights illuminating the hallway, they wouldn't even have to be "real" transparent windows, make them stained or mosaic. There are those mosaic wall ornaments in the temple parts of Grimrock, they could easily be turned into light sources. Glowing windows could also replace some of the torches. I think it would make descending into those dark abysses even more depressing when you have to leave those bright above ground passages behind and suffer the darkness.

Next idea is also about aesthetics and might not work too well in deeper levels. Instead of outdoor areas, maybe there could be courtyards, small areas with higher than normal walls and no ceiling but skybox instead. It would not affect gameplay by any way but imagine the feeling when you are fighting for your life in dark dungeon and finaly find a door, when you open it, instead of another corridor you see small room with high walls and no ceiling, bathing in bluish light, you turn your camera up and you see sky full of stars. :shock:
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 - Suggestions

Post by Pumpelche »

M.M wrote:Well, my suggestions (wishfull thinking taht is :D ) for LoG 2 is to make it more in spirit of Realms of Arcania - Star Trail. ...
Amazing. I have been playing the "Source", the "Black Eye" Pen&Paper Roleplaying game for 16 years, bringing up a LVL 33 Mage and a LVL 26 Fighter in this time. Cheerful times.

ps: The Star Trail Axe (in the German Original called "Sternenschweif") can even be found in the Adventure "Orkenhort" (Orks Shelter). Wow. Rememberances.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 - Suggestions

Post by Zazze »

No, please not! Arkania or "Das Schwarze Auge" is more than omnipresent in the German RPG-Scene. LoG wouldn´t need this megadetailed setting :)
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 - Suggestions

Post by Pumpelche »

True. Base it to the world of Mondagor - www.mondagor.ch, the first P&P RPG with a 100% Learning-by-Doing Dice-System ;)
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