Walkthrough Cluebook style. [SPOILER]

This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Re: Walkthrough Cluebook style. [SPOILER]

Post by speros »

Consider a general description of each level’s scope before super detailed revelation. For example in level – 1 : The point is to start from position “1” and find your way to the stairs at position “54” and by doing so, to gain access to the next level. Something like this is required for every subsequent level.

So what's blocking your progress? Let's give the newcomer only the necessary clues:
There are - 6 - blocking points. Don't count the doors where you just pull the chain - or press the button - or flip the lever.

1. (4) Door. You need to pick the torch to make the door open.
2. (12) Door. You need to put an object at (11) pressure plate.
3. (15) Door. You need to use the key from (13)
4. (19) Door. You need to use the key from (18)
[ To obtain key at (18) you have to press button on the wall at (17) ]
5. (25) Door. Use key from (29)
[ To obtain key at (29) you have to stand at (28) and throw object towards pressure
plate at (29) so the pit between (28) and (29) closes ]
6. (31) Door. You need to put 2 blue gems at the statue's eyes at the same square.
Gem 1 = Behind gate at (42) which opens using lever at (43)
Gem 2 = At (36). To obtain the gem you have to :
A) Flip lever at (32) so the pit between (33) and (20) closes.
B) Step on pressure plate at (34) or put something on it so the gate opens.
C) To get back from (36) you have to put something on pressure plate at (35) and
then press the button on the wall at (36) to open the gate.

I mean these are the only clues you need to progress through the next level. Something like "Section B" of the cluebook will then include the super - detailed maps you made as a reference for totally complete each level. What do you think about a cluebook organized this way ?
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Re: Walkthrough Cluebook style. [SPOILER]

Post by brthoma »

Merethif wrote:I believe Sulphurous Potion is -10 to Evasion, not +10.
Apart from that, good job.
Thanks. Fixed it now.

Also update Level 6 and 7.
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Re: Walkthrough Cluebook style. [SPOILER]

Post by brthoma »

@speros. Actually that is a good idea. I will look more into it when I'm finished with all levels.
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Re: Walkthrough Cluebook style. [SPOILER]

Post by Numberouane »

This is a great job you are doing.

When do you think it is complete?


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Re: Walkthrough Cluebook style. [SPOILER]

Post by Uchuu »

Best guide I've seen so far. Keep up the good work and I hope to you continue to work on it until its the complete dungeon.

Only suggestion I have would be to change out some of the labels (numbers) for symbols so a standardized legend could be incorporated underneath each map. Something like a colour code or S=Spider, GS=Giant Sludge, trap door with an S in it is safe to fall through, etc...
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Re: Walkthrough Cluebook style. [SPOILER]

Post by SirDmitry »

Missed Sling on level 2.
From square marked 69 you need one step to the west and one step to the north.
Its hard to notice on the floor.
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Re: Walkthrough Cluebook style. [SPOILER]

Post by speros »

can't agree more ! I noticed the sling during 3rd run...but then again...
there are better throwing weapons except if we had 6 members-party
like Eye of the beholder with clerics who can only use blunt projectiles.
Also stones weighs -1- kilo each ! that's not good in the long run.
Actually sling bullets were like almonds and if you think they were small
there are thousands of dead Persians that can assure you that the size of
them was of no importance. Watch this nice video - Sling bullets really
had their own names -->

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Re: Walkthrough Cluebook style. [SPOILER]

Post by Merethif »

speros wrote:can't agree more ! I noticed the sling during 3rd run...but then again...
there are better throwing weapons except if we had 6 members-party
like Eye of the beholder with clerics who can only use blunt projectiles.
Just a small correction. Sling is missile weapon, not throwing weapon. Rogues who have chosen the path of Missile Weapons can use it before you find crossbow or bow (actually seems like sling is meant for depth 3: Pillars of Light only, because by the time party reach depth 4: Archives, bow and crossbow are available).
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Re: Walkthrough Cluebook style. [SPOILER]

Post by brthoma »

@Numberouane: Good question. I cannot tell right now.

@Uchuu: Thank you. Good idea. Might be a bit easier to understand doing that. I will look into it when I'm finished with the whole thing.

@SirDmitry: Thank you for notifying me about it. I will fix it.

Right now I'm at a little bit of a stall. My laptop is for repair and then my desktop stopped working. The PSU was bad. Hopefully I will be back on my feet soon.
It's also nice weather here right now, so my wife has alot of work for me outside. Her green fingers gives mine blisters. :P
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Re: Walkthrough Cluebook style. [SPOILER]

Post by speros »

An appendix about party creation would be helpful . Can give new ideas to replay the game.
Also an appendix with info for the player who does not wanto to "fight"the game but instead to explore it and perhaps map it. I was thinking something like this :

1. DIFFICULTY: Select easy mode. There is no benefit if you select normal/hard.

2. PARTY : A) You can finish the game without Mage. - B) Members with ranged weapons have to always check the area after battle to collect their projectiles. Also keep in mind that some projectiles may go down to pits. - C) The most simple party to manage is probably 2 fighters in front and 2 rogues with Reach Attack at the Assassination skill in bottom row. So everybody hits with melee weapons kills monsters and goes on. No need to search for your arrows. No need to rest to refill energy.

3. FOOD : Most convenient food is grim cap, just 0,3 kg. If you go for fast gameplay you don't need a lot of food. You can also fill the green food lines constantly by eating whatever you find on your way. A sack of 6 food items in every member's inventory will be enough in case you run out of food.

4. POTIONS : Don't bother a lot about potions. You can actually finish the game without drinking any. Just rest if you're poisoned or diseased.

5. SPELLS : As we said before you can finish the game without a Mage.

6. SECRETS : There are 71 secrets in the game. You don't have to find them all.

7. IRON DOORS : There is an iron door in every level between 1 - 10. You don't have to open them all.

8. TREASURES : There are 7 treasures in the game. You don't have to collect them. Actually they are just decorative.

9. TOORUM NOTES : Except being helpful and informative and also unlocking the Toorum mode you can finish the game without collecting any of them.

10. COMPASS : Not very useful since we have an automap and by just pressing TAB we can see where we are heading.

11. MONSTERS: Keep in mind that they don't open doors and they don't follow you up / down stairs.

12. HEALING : No healer in the game. So you A) Drink potion - B) Rest - C) Touch blue crystal

13. DYING : Even if one party member is alive run to blue crystal and touch it.

14. WEAPONS : The weapons with charges are not rechargeable

15. TORCHES : To avoid carry many torches ( a sack of 6 will be enough ) just drop your torch often and get a fresh one from the walls. Torches on the walls will never end up their flame.

16. Keep a variety of objects in case you need any for puzzles or for using on pressure plates.

17. Save at the start of every level.

18. Don't be afraid to drop yourself into pits. In fact try every pit in the game to see what lies underneath it.

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