Why won't I buy the game...

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Re: Why won't I buy the game...

Post by Gabucino »

PSY wrote:You've got to be kidding me. Populous was an outstanding game. I wouldn't even dream of playing it without mouse support. Besides, the handling was absolute accurate. Don't know which version of Populous you played...
Well just try building land faster than the opponent on levels above 80 (of the total 999), and you'll see what I meant.
PSY wrote:2. Awesome. Face each wall and hit 'M'. Couldn't think of a better way to find hidden stuff.... Dude. Seriously???
It's not that serious. I already wrote it's just a minor preference of mine.
PSY wrote:3. You're not really going to compare a FPS with a Dungeon Crawler?
In this regard, they are the same.
PSY wrote:I'm getting the impression you've developed some serious keyboardphilia. No offense :)
None taken! After all, I played Impossible Mission with the keyboard. On C=64. And it did not have official keyboard support. (yes, I also despise digital joysticks.)
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Re: Why won't I buy the game...

Post by Dhauntyr »

Wow. You are definitely a dedicated Thief player! I am at a loss for words. :D
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Re: Why won't I buy the game...

Post by petri »

Gabucino wrote:
Crash wrote:Unlike most other game developers, Almost Human does listen and consider feedback.
Arguments like this (just replace the developer's name) has been over used and proven false numerous times, unfortunately.
Well, we are honestly trying to listen to everybody and consider all feedback. Of course that does not mean that every suggestion will be implemented.
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Re: Why won't I buy the game...

Post by PSY »

Gabucino wrote:Well just try building land faster than the opponent on levels above 80 (of the total 999), and you'll see what I meant.
Hehe...ok. I get your point.
When it comes to ultra-fast land building, keyboard was the primary choice.
Gabucino wrote:It's not that serious. I already wrote it's just a minor preference of mine.
Gabucino wrote:In this regard, they are the same.
Then I want my machine gun :)
Gabucino wrote:None taken! After all, I played Impossible Mission with the keyboard. On C=64. And it did not have official keyboard support.
WHAT??? Serioulsy? Nice...
One of the hardest games those times. I loved the animations. Played it on my C=64 myself :) (With a Competition PRO 500 ;) ;) )

Finally someone who won't go ballistic about game preferences...
Where are you from, anyway?

Last edited by PSY on Sat May 05, 2012 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why won't I buy the game...

Post by PSY »

Gabucino wrote:
Crash wrote:Unlike most other game developers, Almost Human does listen and consider feedback.
Arguments like this (just replace the developer's name) has been over used and proven false numerous times, unfortunately.
Hear, hear.

BUT: Almost Human really DOES listen to everybody, something what most others don't.
They've already impemented (and are about to implement) user suggested stuff. They even considered implementing arrow sign movement because of ONE guy.
They even seem to be reading each post, which is quite extraordinary.
But as Petri already said, the guys have their own idea of the game, so they won't listen to everybody :)

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Re: Why won't I buy the game...

Post by Jaelus »

Gabucino wrote: 1. Mouse requirement. Why does LoG require a mouse? This genre does not mandate it. EotB was best played from the keyboard with two hands: one hand on the numeric keypad, navigating/dodging, the other on the WASZ+SPACE keys. Most players wouldn't know about these last ones, because they were only available if the player didn't have a mouse (or disabled it). Their function was to jump between the hands of the characters. Using both weapons of the fighter characters were only a mere 3 keypress, and a split second, no eye movement required at all. Playing LoG the player (or at least I) spend more time looking at weapon icons (while painstakingly jerking the mouse around to hit them) than the actual monster! Wanna see what the enemy is doing? Have fun positioning the mouse blindly. This alone is a dealbreaker.
You know I actually did play EOB without a mouse. I didn't have one of those newfangled gizmos back then, but I played it with a mouse on successive playthroughs and it was better. I'll give you though that they should give you the -option- of playing with complete keyboard binds if you want to. No harm in that. They should also support full mouse with no keyboard.
Gabucino wrote: 2. Also, EotB had the 'M' key mapped to manipulating doors, objects, and... yes, hidden switches. And it was still a worthy quest to 'M' all the walls of a dungeon, but not cripplingly so with a mouse. (imagine if Wolfenstein 3D required a mouse to open secret walls.)
That was to get around the limitation of not having a mouse and was not an original design intention of the game. The point of a secret door is that it's a secret. Allowing you to wall strafe while mashing M removes one of the more interesting facets of the game.
Gabucino wrote: 3. Casting. Seriously. Why. After 2 levels I recognized how utterly annoying+unusable the mages are in this game, if I wanted to even try to stay in control of the fighting. And why buy a fantasy game whose botched interface mandates trashing all spellcasters? Using runes made no sense. Why not require a Kinect and have the player do some handwaving? A game (especially in this genre!) shouldn't do needlessly stupid things like this. This is not Minesweeper... Just display a list (and have it navigable by keyboard).
Actually one of the great games of this genre, Stonekeep, handled spellcasting in almost the exact same way. The only difference was that you queued up the runes one time on the staff and it would continue to cast that spell until it changed the runes. If they implemented something like that it would require a chance of fumble though to balance it, as it would remove a significant amount of delay and chance of making an error.
Gabucino wrote: 4. If all the above falls on deaf ears: at least add an "All Attack" on-screen button which was a new feature in EotB3, precisely because players were needlessly annoyed of the badly designed mouse-controlled GUI that LoG has faithfully reproduced...
That wouldn't work in this game for many reasons. Since timing your attacks properly can be used to keep a monster stunned and is a major defensive move. Also different characters don't have the same attack cooldowns. After the first attack they would be completely out of sync and the button would effectively be a single attack.

Try playing the game. It's actually quite good.
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Re: Why won't I buy the game...

Post by ironmadeit »

Ok from another
thread i am 55 this game is hard for me, but return to eye of the beholder!!!! It is 2012 i loved the game but wake up!! Grimrock rules
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Re: Why won't I buy the game...

Post by waylander »

i think the OP grew up on a spectrum then was involved in a car crash in 1983 and has been in a coma until this week ,nothing else explains it.
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Re: Why won't I buy the game...

Post by SecretSantana »

LoG requires a mouse because it's much more comfortable to play with a mouse. Why not mix business with pleasure?
My mouse wrist disagrees vehemently.
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Re: Why won't I buy the game...

Post by cacodaemon »

Gabucino wrote:
Crash wrote:Unlike most other game developers, Almost Human does listen and consider feedback.
Arguments like this (just replace the developer's name) has been over used and proven false numerous times, unfortunately. But here I am, trying.

Anyway, thanks for the replies (alas, most of them is just white noise). My post was simply conveying a method to earn more well deserved cash by taking one day to code the keyboard support. As far as I can see there is obvious need for it.
Really? Do you really think that they would be earning cash by coding it in? Doubtful. The only obvious need for it is seen by you. Unless a large number of people were to ask for this (don't hold your breath) they wouldn't be earning anything other than a headache.