Uninstalled It

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Re: Uninstalled It

Post by Billick »

I don't think you can underestimate how much having a fast computer affects how tough the timed puzzles are. My computer sits somewhere between the minimum and recommended specs for the game. Having the game run on the highest settings, it ran okay, but some of the timed puzzles were literally impossible. Switching to the lowest settings made the same puzzles seem pretty easy. I suspect some of the folks blaming their reflexes might not have such a hard time if they had a faster computer.

Sorry that the OP didn't enjoy the game. Comparing it to Mario is a bit odd though.

Oh, and Avernum:Escape From the Pit looks great. I'm definitely picking that up when it goes on sale. Bad luck for those guys that their game got released at the same time as LoG I think.
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Re: Uninstalled It

Post by Arctor »

Dandy wrote:You know it just dawned on me that when I use to play these games years back, there were no elderly gamers.
Then you, like me, can likely vividly recall a time before there were any video games at all. A world where there was no such thing. And then one day, they appeared.

I once had to call around for places to play these new entertainments, and then force my parents to drive me there! I have vivid memories of an unfortunately-named pizza parlor called "Organ Stop Pizza." You might wonder... pizza which arrests the functions of bodily organs? No. They filled a niche no one else bothered to: a big open dining hall with large tables and bench seating, and a very large pipe organ at one end, where the organist took requests. But anyway, I digress. This place had their eye on the future, because they had one of the original Space War machines. The one where you had to input parameters with the keypad prior to game start (e.g., gravity/no gravity, black holes, ship damage, hyperspace, etc). Despite the horrific noise of the pipe organ, we spent hours standing at that machine.

As for the topic at hand, I am perceiving - of late - this bizarre sense of entitlement coming from gamers (and I do not aim this comment at you). My advice for those having trouble with LOG's timing/dexterity puzzles: Get over it. You suck. It happens. You can't be GOOD at every game that's ever released. Either work at it, and get better, or if your computer is the problem - get a new computer. These are basic lessons, and they are easy to live by.

This will likely anger some players, but personally, when I find I can't do well at a game, I don't make demands that the developers "fix" their game, despite how passionate I am about the title itself. I just move on. Of course, it's interesting to note where I learned this lesson: the arcade. Many games were beyond my ability to play or even master. Did I then embark on a letter-writing campaign to Taito so they'd change the speed of the advancing aliens in Space Invaders? No. I took my inability as a challenge, and I either rose to meet it, or sought out a different game to play. Did I send an angry note to Eugene Jarvis because Defender was so freakin' hard? No. The experience that was so instructive at the arcade was watching other players. I may have been horrible at Defender, and felt truly "angst-y" about it because it was so cool and I truly wanted to play it, but then some other player would start playing and an hour later he's still there on the same quarter blowing every high score out of the water. That's when you know you either have to put the time in to get better - to actually work at it - or you move on.

I think it's great that so many gamers jumped on LOG and supported Almost Human, but seriously? If you didn't play and finish Dungeon Master, and you can't handle what's going on in LOG, you're just going to have to move on. It's okay. Sometimes this is going to happen. I'm sure a game will come along that will meet your RPG needs, but just do the adult thing: accept that LOG isn't for you and hold your digital tongue.

Is this really such a difficult puzzle to solve?
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Re: Uninstalled It

Post by Dandy »

Arctor wrote:
Dandy wrote:You know it just dawned on me that when I use to play these games years back, there were no elderly gamers.
Then you, like me, can likely vividly recall a time before there were any video games at all. A world where there was no such thing. And then one day, they appeared.
Yes I can recall. Nothing, and then strange machines started to appear in the pub that you could play ping pong on and shoot little green crabs. I remember seeing my first ZX-81 in W.H Smiths, and wondering what the hell it was.
Now I wonder how did we manage in those days without computers? ;)
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Re: Uninstalled It

Post by Mychaelh »

Arctor wrote:...Is this really such a difficult puzzle to solve?

Donkey Kong...Yeah. :)
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Re: Uninstalled It

Post by wolfkampf »

Arctor wrote: As for the topic at hand, I am perceiving - of late - this bizarre sense of entitlement coming from gamers (and I do not aim this comment at you). My advice for those having trouble with LOG's timing/dexterity puzzles: Get over it. You suck. It happens. You can't be GOOD at every game that's ever released. Either work at it, and get better, or if your computer is the problem - get a new computer. These are basic lessons, and they are easy to live by.
In an global economy that's in the toilet you suggest people should upgrade their computers? You also ignore people that simply do not have quick reflexes (older gamers, handicap players or people that enjoy RPGs over "twitch" games because their reflexes aren't great despite whatever age group they belong to).

Fanboy responses that simply ignore criticism do not translate to profits. From a business perspective, it is best to think toward how the game can appeal to the widest audience as possible without sacrificing the integrity of the product.

For the record, I think a means to adjust timed puzzle speed would be great.
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Re: Uninstalled It

Post by Spathi »

I have Rog Maximus Gene-Z, 2600k, 6870 OC
SteelSeries 6G V1 low latency PS2 keyboard
I am a twitch gamer who can beat most people online in latency reaction games, even at my age.

and could still not step off the last pit after saving b4 the start. Door still works if you click switch and drop, but I was trying to step off. I was pre-filling the buffering with the keys, and minimized the No. of turns. What confuses me is people claim there is two seconds. If there is two seconds spare it must be a combination of hardware and low resolution that is needed or something like that. After about the third run through I was think "why are they making me do this like a damn monkey boy".

I think this is all they mean.

Other than that, to work out some puzzles without cheating and reading a walk through, you would need to reload dozens of times as you map out the parts in your head, which is also cheating for some people. The other option is to take the punishment and walk back, which is also cheating sometimes as the monsters re-spawn in some places (which is a nice bug if you want XP). (or if it is a death room, where you have to fluke through in the correct directions attacking the monsters in the correct order in the correct places, well, if you have not cheated up your XP then you have to save)

the white spell key dance... well I guessed straight away, but it was annoying as it kept going a bit beyond what I was expecting so I started to doubt.
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Re: Uninstalled It

Post by Thels »

If there would be an option to slow down those puzzles, the same option should also slow down movement and everything related to it, otherwise it could be used to cheat your way through certain puzzles.
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Re: Uninstalled It

Post by Mychaelh »

It should be made even much harder with no option to scale it down!
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Re: Uninstalled It

Post by affa »

Spathi wrote:
No he is not a Troll, the definition of a troll is someone who posts once and disappears, a troll does not reply after his first post.
that's an entirely incorrect definition of an internet troll.

i do not think the OP is trolling, but your definition is just wrong. There is no limit on the number of times a troll can post. It's the posts themselves... some trolls like to say intentionally argumentative (or woefully stupid) things to get people riled up, others are concern trolls that try to get people questioning themselves, etc. Number of posts has zero to do with it.
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Re: Uninstalled It

Post by BigCTM »

Wow...I had no idea when I posted this that it would generate so much discussion. I admit I exaggerated a bit with the Mario example but I was trying to make a point. I am starting Avernum tonight. It should be interesting. I do think Grimlock has potential but I wish it was turn based and did not have so many puzzles. Just an opinion...My favorite RPGs of all time are still the Wizardry series. I would KILL for a game like that with modern graphics.
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