Grimrock is actually very adventurers-friendly

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Grimrock is actually very adventurers-friendly

Post by M.M »

A thought struck me in the moment when i have realised, that goromog are killable (see the other thread).
In spite of some people copmlaining, Log is actually a very friendly game. The most vicious tricks are not there.

- there is no immortal creature(s), that requires You to first find an item solve a puzzle ( some though gomorogs work like that).
- there is only one spinner trick, AND it is quite lenient, for it can be determinned without use of map/compass.
- there are no multi level puzzles ( i know with 1 mayby 2 small ecxeptions on lv 2 - not sure about one)
-no real need to climb back upstairs to refill food and water
- there is no water for that metter
- "hidden" switches are actually quite visible and always look same.
- there is no puzzle that requires you to move from one end of level to another.
- there is no way of progressing like - press an obscure switch in southeasternmost corner of level, so a door in northwestern corner shall open allowing to proceed
- spiers venom is not all that leathal. ( nor any other poisons for that metter.)
- you can't mess up in way you can no longer progress and need to reload.
- ressurection stoneson every level, no need to climb 4 floor up, every time you just barelly win a tough combat.

In one word - people who claim that LoG is too difficult are greatly exegarrating.
And once the editor is away, we will start seeing dungeons really worthy of holding the Undying One untill the cogs of time shall stand still.
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Re: Grimrock is actually very adventurers-friendly

Post by gasgas »

That has nothing to do with difficulty, it means LoG isn't a frustrating game.

Edit: besides puzzles should have a logic, so that the dungeon isn't just something that is there to be explored by adventures but has a story and a background, for example: what king would have a secret underground tunnel to flee from sieges, whose opening mechanism lies on the highest floor of his castle? also what's the point of having a hidden switch opening a far away door? If it was hidden it wasn't meant to be found, so it can easily be placed close to the door it opens.
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Re: Grimrock is actually very adventurers-friendly

Post by Disasterrific »

M.M wrote:- you can't mess up in way you can no longer progress and need to reload.

Not true. I'll start a new thread.
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Re: Grimrock is actually very adventurers-friendly

Post by BlueSpace »

I agree and to add to the list:

- no invisible walls
- no absolute dark fields
- no magnetic fields, that mess up your compass
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Re: Grimrock is actually very adventurers-friendly

Post by M.M »

oh and one more:

- there are no ilussionary walls/door
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Re: Grimrock is actually very adventurers-friendly

Post by atngnd »

I actually thought it was a pity that there weren't any fake walls. Some would have been cool (I kept bumping into walls in the hope of finding one), but overdoing it is of course not desirable either.

Also, breakable (wooden) doors would have been cool too.

All in all though, the puzzles and the execution of the majority of the game was top notch. Certainly, I wish that the possible sequel has puzzles of the same caliber or maybe something a bit more tricky, but please nothing like CSB ;)
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Re: Grimrock is actually very adventurers-friendly

Post by Darklord »

atngnd wrote:I actually thought it was a pity that there weren't any fake walls. Some would have been cool (I kept bumping into walls in the hope of finding one), but overdoing it is of course not desirable either.

Also, breakable (wooden) doors would have been cool too.

All in all though, the puzzles and the execution of the majority of the game was top notch. Certainly, I wish that the possible sequel has puzzles of the same caliber or maybe something a bit more tricky, but please nothing like CSB ;)
We'll need both for fan made dungeons I think, hopefully it's something we'll be able to get into the editor eventually. (or via a mod)

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