Mmm Bacon...

Code: Select all
bl_info = {
"name": "Legend of Grimrock Mesh Format (.mesh)",
"author": "",
"version": (1, 0, 1),
"blender": (2, 5, 7),
"api": 36339,
"location": "File > Import > Legend of Grimrock Mesh (.mesh)",
"description": "Import Legend of Grimrock Meshes (.mesh)",
"warning": "",
"wiki_url": "",
"tracker_url": "",
"category": "Import-Export"}
import os
import struct
import bpy
from mathutils import *
from bpy.props import *
from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper, ImportHelper
from bpy_extras.image_utils import load_image
class _mesh_material(object):
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self):
self.bl_mat = None
self.bl_image = None = "<Empty>"
self.index_offset = 0
self.num_primitives = 0
# reads file magic from file
def read_magic(file_object, endian = '<'):
data = struct.unpack(endian+'4s',[0]
return data;
# read signed integer from file
def read_int(file_object, endian = '<'):
data = struct.unpack(endian+'i',[0]
return data
def read_int2(file_object, endian = '<'):
data = struct.unpack(endian+'ii',
return data
def read_int3(file_object, endian = '<'):
data = struct.unpack(endian+'iii',
return data
def read_int4(file_object, endian = '<'):
data = struct.unpack(endian+'iiii',
return data
# read floating point number from file
def read_float(file_object, endian = '<'):
data = struct.unpack(endian+'f',[0]
return data
def read_float2(file_object, endian = '<'):
data = struct.unpack(endian+'ff',
return data
def read_float3(file_object, endian = '<'):
data = struct.unpack(endian+'fff',
return data
def read_float4(file_object, endian = '<'):
data = struct.unpack(endian+'ffff',
return data
def read_string(file_object, num, endian = '<'):
raw_string = struct.unpack(endian+str(num)+'s',[0]
data = raw_string.decode("utf-8", "ignore")
return data
# Build content base path
def build_assets_path(filename):
#filename = "C:/grimrock/assets/models/wall_sets/dungeon/floor_01.mesh"
pathname = os.path.dirname(filename)
index = pathname.rfind("assets")
if index < 0:
return pathname
return pathname[0:index]
# Parse the '/assets/materials/default.materials' file
def parse_material_file( path_assets, find_material ):
# diffuse, normal, specular
texture_names = ["", "", ""]
filename = os.path.join(path_assets, "assets/materials/default.materials")
if os.path.exists(filename) == False:
return texture_names
file = open(filename, 'r')
# Parse material (very primitive ...)
material_scope = False
material_found = False
for line in file.readlines():
tokens = line.split()
num = len(tokens)
if num <= 0:
token0 = tokens[0].strip()
if material_scope == True:
if token0 == "}":
if material_found == True:
material_scope = False
if num < 3:
token1 = tokens[1].strip()
token2 = tokens[2].strip()
if material_found == True:
if (token0 == "DiffuseMap" or token0 == "SpecularMap" or token0 == "NormalMap") and token1 == "=":
if token2.endswith(','):
token2 = token2[0:-1]
if token2.startswith('"') and token2.endswith('"'):
token2 = token2[1:-1]
if token0 == "DiffuseMap":
texture_names[0] = token2
elif token0 == "NormalMap":
texture_names[1] = token2
elif token0 == "SpecularMap":
texture_names[2] = token2
if token0 == "Name" and token1 == "=":
if token2.endswith(','):
token2 = token2[0:-1]
if token2.startswith('"') and token2.endswith('"'):
token2 = token2[1:-1]
if token2 == find_material:
material_found = True
if token0 == "material{":
material_scope = True
elif num > 1 and (token0 == "material" and tokens[1] == "{"):
material_scope = True
for i in range(len(texture_names)):
texture_name = texture_names[i]
if len(texture_name) <= 0:
# Check if source exists (.tga) or whatever was given in material file
source_name = os.path.join(path_assets, texture_name)
if os.path.exists(source_name):
texture_name[i] = source_name
# Check for .d3d9_texture instead
base_name, ext = os.path.splitext(source_name)
dxt_name = base_name + ".d3d9_texture"
if os.path.exists(dxt_name):
texture_names[i] = dxt_name
# Didn't find file, just remove it
texture_names[i] = ""
return texture_names
def load_mesh(filename, context):
# Dig out file base name and extension
name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))
path_assets = build_assets_path(filename)
print("Opening file: " + filename)
file = open(filename, 'rb')
magic = struct.unpack("<4s",[0]
print("Error parsing file header!")
# Figure out if it's a valid mesh file
if magic != b'MESH':
print("Not a valid mesh model!")
mesh_unknown = read_int(file)
num_vertices = read_int(file)
# This will store all vertices and index info
vertex_set = []
indices = []
materials = []
for i in range(15):
# Assumption that this is what it actually means ...
data_type = read_int(file)
num_comp = read_int(file)
byte_width = read_int(file)
print( "Vertex Attrib %d" % i )
print( "\tData Type: %d" % data_type )
print( "\tNum Components: %d" % num_comp )
print( "\tByte Width: %d" % byte_width )
# Skip empty
if data_type == 0 and num_comp == 0 and byte_width == 0:
# Report unknown data types (?)
type_size = 0
if data_type == 2:
type_size = 4 # int32 ?
elif data_type == 3:
type_size = 4 # float
print("Valid mesh, but not supported vertex data: data_type = %d" % data_type)
# byte_width should be type_size*num_comp
if byte_width != (num_comp*type_size):
print("Valid mesh, but not supported vertex data: data_size = %d" % data_size)
vertex_data = []
for j in range(num_vertices):
data = []
if num_comp == 2:
if data_type == 2:
data = read_int2(file)
elif data_type == 3:
data = read_float2(file)
elif num_comp == 3:
if data_type == 2:
data = read_int3(file)
elif data_type == 3:
data = read_float3(file)
elif num_comp == 4:
if data_type == 2:
data = read_int4(file)
elif data_type == 3:
data = read_float4(file)
num_indices = read_int(file)
for i in range(num_indices):
index = read_int(file)
num_materials = read_int(file)
for i in range(num_materials):
name_length = read_int(file)
material_name = read_string(file, name_length)
print("Material Name: " + material_name)
material_unknown = read_int(file)
#if pre_material != 2:
# print("Valid mesh, but not supported material data: pre_material = " + str(pre_material))
# file.close()
# return
index_offset = read_int(file)
num_primitives = read_int(file)
material = _mesh_material() = material_name
material.index_offset = index_offset
material.num_primitives = num_primitives
# Origin x,y,z (?)
origin = read_float3(file)
# ?
# Bounds min x,y,z (?)
bounds_min = read_float3( file )
# Bounds max x,y,z (?)
bounds_max = read_float3( file )
# Build the blender object
build_objects(name, vertex_set, indices, materials, path_assets)
def add_material_texture( bl_material, type, filename ):
# Create texture
bl_texture =, type="IMAGE")
# Try to load image
image = load_image(filename)
if image:
bl_texture.image = image
# Create texture slot and link to 'uvset1'
mtex = bl_material.texture_slots.add()
mtex.texture = bl_texture
mtex.texture_coords = "UV"
if type=="specular":
mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False;
mtex.use_map_color_spec = True;
if type=="normal":
# Bump method: default; space: texture space
mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False;
mtex.use_map_normal = True;
return image
def create_material( path_assets, material ):
# Parse material file for the actual texture images
texture_names = parse_material_file(path_assets,
# Create blender material
bl_material =
# Create textures and texture slots on material
image_diffuse = add_material_texture(bl_material, "diffuse", texture_names[0])
image_normal = add_material_texture(bl_material, "normal", texture_names[1])
image_specular = add_material_texture(bl_material, "specular", texture_names[2])
# Assign material
material.bl_mat = bl_material
# Assign preview display image for material
material.bl_image = image_diffuse
def build_objects(name, vertex_set, indices, materials, path_assets):
print("Building Blender data")
vertices = vertex_set[0]
normals = vertex_set[1]
tangents = vertex_set[2]
bitangents = vertex_set[3]
texcoords = vertex_set[4]
num_vertices = len(vertices)
num_indices = len(indices)
num_primitives = int(num_indices / 3)
num_materials = len(materials)
print("Num vertices: " + str(num_vertices))
print("Num indices: " + str(num_indices))
print("Num primitives: " + str(num_primitives))
print("Num materials: " + str(num_materials))
# Before adding any meshes or armatures go into Object mode.
if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
# Create mesh
me =
# Add vertices
for i in range(num_vertices):
me.vertices[i].co[0] = vertices[i][0]
me.vertices[i].co[1] = vertices[i][2]
me.vertices[i].co[2] = vertices[i][1]
# Add faces
for fi in range(num_primitives):
idx = fi * 3
for i in range(3):
me.faces[fi].vertices_raw[2-i] = indices[idx+i]
# Add uv map
uvmap ="uvset1")
for fi in range(num_primitives):
uvf =[fi]
uvf.uv1 = texcoords[indices[(fi*3)+2]]
uvf.uv2 = texcoords[indices[(fi*3)+1]]
uvf.uv3 = texcoords[indices[(fi*3)+0]]
uvf.uv1.y = 1 - uvf.uv1.y
uvf.uv2.y = 1 - uvf.uv2.y
uvf.uv3.y = 1 - uvf.uv3.y
# Create object and link with scene
ob =, me)
# Add/create all our materials
for material in materials:
create_material(path_assets, material)
# Assign materials to mesh
for mi in range(num_materials):
material = materials[mi]
face_offset = int(material.index_offset / 3)
for fi in range(material.num_primitives):
me.faces[face_offset+fi].material_index = mi
uvf =[face_offset+fi]
uvf.image = material.bl_image
# Update mesh and scene
class IMPORT_OT_mesh(bpy.types.Operator, ImportHelper):
# Import Mesh Operator.
bl_idname = "import_scene.mesh"
bl_label = "Import Mesh"
bl_description = "Import a Legend of Grimrock mesh"
bl_options = { 'REGISTER', 'UNDO' }
filepath = StringProperty(name="File Path", description="Filepath used for importing the mesh file.", maxlen=1024, default="")
def execute(self, context):
load_mesh(self.filepath, context)
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm = context.window_manager
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def menu_func(self, context):
self.layout.operator(IMPORT_OT_mesh.bl_idname, text="Legend of Grimrock Mesh (.mesh)")
def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":
When I do this, I do not see the import option for it in the File>>Import menu.bitcpy wrote:To install the add-on in Blender just copy the Python script and place it in your add-ons folder.
C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.62\scripts\addons\
This works, but when I press Alt+P to run the script, I get the following error.CaveTroll wrote:You can try this: start blender, open the internal text editor (instead of the 3d view, for example), open the script file ("text" menu, "open text block") and run it ("run script" button). It it worked, it will put the "Legend of Grimrock mesh (.mesh)" item in the "Import" submenu. If it did not, it should at least print a more or less helpful message (which you can post here if needed).
Seems not, but if it were, then it was in the file; I did not alter anything in it yet.CaveTroll wrote:Can you make sure you've got no spaces between "bl_info" and the beginning of the first line of the script?
I see what it is. Firefox ignores the indention in the code block of your post; not so in IE.CaveTroll wrote:Ok, I see on your screenshot your indentation is totally messed up (was it before or after you deindented the code?). Remember, indentation is how python knows where blocks start and end, so it is absolutely critical!
I recommend you copy/download the script again from bitcpy's pastebin (or my previous post), and ensure you have 4 spaces per indentation level throughout the file. Then try again!
It seems some of the models do not have 2 or 3 as the value of their "data_type" field. In which case, importing them generates the message "Valid mesh, but not supported vertex data: data_type = [something]" on the standard output ("[something]" is generally 0). This message cannot be seen without a "standard output" (which is typically the case when using Windows), and the script indeed seems not to generate anything in those cases. I was hoping bitcpy would investigate and correct this problem (it affects for mostly item models).Isaac wrote:I now have no errors, but running the script seems to have no effect on anything. No new object.